#1 - Could go either way. #17 and #18 have far better stamina, but the Namekians have far better teamwork and strategies. I'd say #17 and #18 win due to superior stamina and the defensive properties of #17's energy field, though #18 may lose in the process of beating them.
#2 - Anime-wise, hard to tell with how inconsistent :toei is with #17's power. It could be anything from him being stomped along with #18 due to sometimes being shown less capable than Base Goku to oneshotting both when appearing on SSB tier. I'd side more towards the latter, given his manga power.
Manga-wise, PSSB tier #17 oneshots both of them. #18 might even win alone when considering Manga Saonel and Pirina aren't anything impressive at all, being shown on par with someone Piccolo could easily stomp.