Ultimate Gohan vs 2 SSJ3 Gotenks

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I thinkthe gap between Gohan and 2 Gotenks would be greater than Vegeta and Zarbon/Dodoria. So Gohan stomps the kids.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Both Gotenkses overwhelm Gohan IMO. I don't think Gohan is far superior to the boys given how Trunks wasn't willing to call it a big gap. Granted he was trying to save face there, but both were clowning Boo pretty bad. I've the gap between Gohan and Gotenks the same as Gotenks and Boo.


Low Class Warrior
Feb 19, 2019
Yeah because Trunks is not an arrogant shit. Haha. Gotenks is a little stronger than Evil Boo. Gohan wins but it would not be easy

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Gohan's superiority over Boo wasn't massively greater than what Gotenks had, so he gets stomped by 2 Gotenks double teaming him, especially when one can lock him in place with the Galactic Donuts and even if it's not used offensively, the other will have a shot to deal great damage on him with a direct hit.


Low Class Warrior
Feb 19, 2019
It can be easily debated that Gotenks is not stronger than Evil Boo.

Chapter: 499 (DBZ 305), P12.2-4
Gohan: “…That was dirty, you bastard…You ingested the two of them into yourself…”
Boo: “It’s your fault. You were stronger than I, who should have been the absolute strongest…When I sensed your distant presence, I started up on this strategy…In case maybe, just maybe, there was anyone stronger than myself…Then I hit upon it: if I absorbed that ‘Super Gotenks’ squirt I was fighting at the time, then no matter what kind of guy appeared, my throne as the strongest would not be shaken…”

Doesn't that imply Gotenks never surpassed Evil Boo?


Dec 13, 2016
Loby said:
It can be easily debated that Gotenks is not stronger than Evil Boo.

Chapter: 499 (DBZ 305), P12.2-4
Gohan: “…That was dirty, you bastard…You ingested the two of them into yourself…”
Boo: “It’s your fault. You were stronger than I, who should have been the absolute strongest…When I sensed your distant presence, I started up on this strategy…In case maybe, just maybe, there was anyone stronger than myself…Then I hit upon it: if I absorbed that ‘Super Gotenks’ squirt I was fighting at the time, then no matter what kind of guy appeared, my throne as the strongest would not be shaken…”

Doesn't that imply Gotenks never surpassed Evil Boo?

I doubt it. The way Super Boo has been overwhelmed in their fight simply doesn't give this impression. Even assuming he held back, doing so to the point of nearly getting killed doesn't make any sense.


Low Class Warrior
Feb 19, 2019
Keedounan said:
Loby said:
It can be easily debated that Gotenks is not stronger than Evil Boo.

Chapter: 499 (DBZ 305), P12.2-4
Gohan: “…That was dirty, you bastard…You ingested the two of them into yourself…”
Boo: “It’s your fault. You were stronger than I, who should have been the absolute strongest…When I sensed your distant presence, I started up on this strategy…In case maybe, just maybe, there was anyone stronger than myself…Then I hit upon it: if I absorbed that ‘Super Gotenks’ squirt I was fighting at the time, then no matter what kind of guy appeared, my throne as the strongest would not be shaken…”

Doesn't that imply Gotenks never surpassed Evil Boo?

I doubt it. The way Super Boo has been overwhelmed in their fight simply doesn't give this impression. Even assuming he held back, doing so to the point of nearly getting killed doesn't make any sense.
Which is why I have Gotenks a little bit stronger. What does that quote of Boo mean then?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Keedounan already said everything I have to on it. Boo wouldn't let himself get beaten up to the point of defeat if he wasn't solidly inferior to Gotenks. The only way to make sense of the statement without directly contradicting what was shown is to take into account that Gotenks could only exist for 30 minutes as a superior to Boo, whereas Gohan was permanent.

Feats show Gotenks as easily superior to Boo. Not quite to the same extent as Gohan, but still by enough to solidly show his superiority.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
One could argue that Boo was distracted by Gohan's power from Kaioshin's planet which gave Gotenks a lot of advantage of their fight or Boo just wanted the kids to have them a confidence boost so the they would be confident enough to fuse again hence he allowed himself to be dominated. :idk

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fearless In Quarantine said:
One could argue that Boo was distracted by Gohan's power from Kaioshin's planet which gave Gotenks a lot of advantage of their fight or Boo just wanted the kids to have them a confidence boost so the they would be confident enough to fuse again hence he allowed himself to be dominated. :idk
Gohan didn't release his full power until after Gotenks reverted to base, so there's no way Boo would be concerned enough to drop his guard, or treat this distant power with more reverence than that of the guy who was currently kicking his ass.


Low Class Warrior
Feb 19, 2019
Captain Cadaver said:
Keedounan already said everything I have to on it. Boo wouldn't let himself get beaten up to the point of defeat if he wasn't solidly inferior to Gotenks. The only way to make sense of the statement without directly contradicting what was shown is to take into account that Gotenks could only exist for 30 minutes as a superior to Boo, whereas Gohan was permanent.

Feats show Gotenks as easily superior to Boo. Not quite to the same extent as Gohan, but still by enough to solidly show his superiority.

I can also interept it as Gohan was much stronger but Gotenks was a little stronger. Piccooo said Boo and Gotenks were close in power so they are rivals

SSJ3 Gotenks is like 1.1x stronger than Boo IMO.
Gohan is 1.5x stronger. Fits well.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Loby said:
I can also interept it as Gohan was much stronger but Gotenks was a little stronger. Piccooo said Boo and Gotenks were close in power so they are rivals
Which doesn't mean much when Gotenks' performance after the statment shows they're far from rivals. Wouldn't call the way he dominated Boo as just being "a little stronger."

SSJ3 Gotenks is like 1.1x stronger than Boo IMO.
18k Vegeta had a similar advantage on KKx2 Goku, yet that was far from being rivals.


Low Class Warrior
Feb 19, 2019
Captain Cadaver said:
Loby said:
I can also interept it as Gohan was much stronger but Gotenks was a little stronger. Piccooo said Boo and Gotenks were close in power so they are rivals
Which doesn't mean much when Gotenks' performance after the statment shows they're far from rivals. Wouldn't call the way he dominated Boo as just being "a little stronger."

SSJ3 Gotenks is like 1.1x stronger than Boo IMO.
18k Vegeta had a similar advantage on KKx2 Goku, yet that was far from being rivals.

Yet Boo did not seem to take much damage. After Gotenks defused, he quickly healed himself , unlike with Gohan. The Daizenshuu also states they are in par. Gotenks is a little stronger. Yeah no problem

Saiyan arc gaps are inconsistent. I thought 1.1x is called rivalling. Vegeta had a 1.1x gap over Zarbon too but he took him out pretty easily. The gaps in the Saiyan-Namek arc are not like afterwards.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Captain Cadaver said:
Gohan's superiority over Boo wasn't massively greater than what Gotenks had

It wasn’t? If Boo had regular durability he would have been one shotted by Gohan.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Loby said:
Yet Boo did not seem to take much damage.

Yeah, I wouldn't call that much damage at all...

After Gotenks defused, he quickly healed himself , unlike with Gohan.
Not only did Boo have a fair pause between those several pages and enough time to regenerate quickly with Gotenks stopping his attack after reverting to base, but the bruises Gohan laid down on him were nowhere near as significant as the lumps he ended up forming from Goten's' assault.

Loby said:
The Daizenshuu also states they are in par.
Daizenshuu statements can, at many times, be inaccurate or be based around a manga statement that is highly contradictive. For example, the Daizenshuu states Kibito is on par with Base Gohan, likely based on Goku's statement to not take Kibito likely due to not being some average joe, yet the Z-Sword scene shows Kibito is no match for the Base Saiyans (not to mention the large amount of evidence for Base Saiyans >> Shin).
This can be seen as a similar case. The Daizenshuu states they're on par based on Piccolo's statement, whereas Gotenks dominating Boo with a barrage of attacks soon afterwards after he stopped goofing around makes it apparent the lead he has is a solid one.

Saiyan arc gaps are inconsistent. I thought 1.1x is called rivalling. Vegeta had a 1.1x gap over Zarbon too but he took him out pretty easily. The gaps in the Saiyan-Namek arc are not like afterwards.
There are no gaps afterwards as scouter numbers were quickly abandoned after 2nd form Freeza showed up, so saying gaps became more consistent after the system for them was completely abandoned makes little sense.
The Saiyan and Namek Arc gaps are all we're given to go on, so it's more accurate to say battle power gaps in general are inconsistent, which is highly true.

If applying some level of logic to them, however, 1.1x is more of solid dominance than rivalling given it's prominence in situations such as 18k Vegeta VS KKx2 Goku, which is the only official case of it that comes to mind and therefore the best to use as an example. If using the official numbers, Vegeta's superiority over Zarbon was far less than even a 1.1x one.

Super Saiyan said:
It wasn’t? If Boo had regular durability he would have been one shotted by Gohan.
I don't see that as being entirely the case. Sure, Gohan stomping him without receiving any damage is more impressive than what Gotenks did, but at the same time, Gohan never dealt the same level of damage to Boo as Gotenks' barrage did, so I'd say Gohan stomping Boo doesn't completely outclass Gotenks to the point Gohan would effortlessly win 1 on 1. Only thing that'd imply the gap between them was huge I can see would be Gohan having the strength to break through Gotenks Boo's Galactic Donuts.


High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
They're close enough in power individually that two should win.