GreatSaiyaman123 said:Kaioshin > Piccolo > Freeza > Base Saiyans ftw
I mean, Piccolo flat out says he's fodder to Kaioshin. Guidebooks only confirm it.
Goku shits a brick when Kaioshin says he can one shot Freeza. Statements claiming that a Base Saiyan can only become so strong before hitting a wall and needing SSJ to go stronger would further confirm the notion that SSJ is required to beat Freeza and above.
GreatSaiyaman123 said:Well, he turned out weaker than The Saiyans. Piccolo remains incredibly irrelevant in the power chain for his claim to be doubted, and Kaioshin's later feats may confirm he's pretty strong. There are both Daizenshuu entries as well.
Fearless In Quarantine said:
The manga actually implied that the Base Saiyans are stronger than Kaioshin. Kaioshin thought about teaming up against Babidi's warriors but later was surprised that the Saiyans can handle the opponent one on one without sweat which implied that Kaioshin can't handle Babidi's minions by himself but the Base Saiyans can do it no problem.GreatSaiyaman123 said:Weaker than Super Saiyans, he only directly admits such upon seeing SSJ2 Goku's burst and remembering SSJ2 Gohan's Budokai power. But not weaker than Base Saiyans, as Goku is bewildered by Kaioshin being capable of one shoting Freeza.
GreatSaiyaman123 said:He did paralyze suppressed SSJ2 Gohan at the Budokai with some effort and managed to keep on his feet against Majin Boo. If we overestimate Piccolo, he fared as good against his Cell Jr as Kaioshin did against Majin Boo. Piccolo would've been destroyed instantly in Kaioshin's place.
Pyro said:Kaioshin >>> Piccolo >>> Base Saiyans
Clean and simple, like a freshly showered and shaved pussy. Something you boys haven't experienced in this lifetime, but maybe the next one.
Fantastische Hure said:Trunks blasted Cell out of the city and Cell said he improved considerably.
Fearless In Quarantine said:Piccolo > Base Saiyans > Kaioshin