They used the term Chikyuu-jin in the interview which means Earthling. Saiyans, androids aren't counted.
This's actually reaching, Gohan's part Earthling too. Goku refers of himself as human:
Goku: “No…I’m no longer a
human who’s particularly even supposed to be here…I shouldn’t be the one to do it. It’d be better for these young guys to solve things somehow or another…After all, some other outrageous guy might show up eventually, right? …It's a nasty gamble, but…Seeing those two super-gifted squirts, it made me want to take this gamble…”
Chapter: 503 (DBZ 309), P9.2
Context: as Goku heads to Vegeta with the Potara
Boo: “Now there’s another
human with great power! But naturally he’s no match for me, even if they merged"
Vegeta also went saying Earthlings to take responsability when making the Genkidama on a group, which includes Gohan and Piccolo, unless you'd think they won't contribute. Us arbitrarily deciding what he counts or not count has no bearing on story.
Because Kuririn was carrying the Senzus. Not to mention it's plain as day Ten would get oneshotted by the androids seeing as they were expected to be >> SSJ Future Trunks, so his irrelevancy remains regardless.
Yes, because he's the one less capable, the one who's medicaster, the one less apt on fighting. Not mentioning Yamcha even said to Gohan and Krillin of how strong those foes were, Yamcha and Krillin are rellegated with Gohan while Ten's with Goku and Piccolo, not much of thinking about it from rational fan lenses.
Ten said he was freezing his ass off too, lol. That's reaching. Not to mention by this logic, Suno > Goku as she has more cold tolerance.
Yes, but Krillin was beginng for money. You could also tell that between different species have their ways of tolerating temperature different than others.
If Piccolo have tolerance for cold temperatures and was complaining for how practical humans were, who are we to say how works or if it doesn't work for power levels?
Kuririn was the only one around at the time.
Yes, and he signaling precisely at him, shows how non-threating he was in relation of others. The pattern repeated with how Krillin asked everyone to run away when 17 & 18 were discussing with Gero, while Vegeta said he's the most prepared for the situation, non-ironically, Vegeta's strongest on the group.
Ten was so weak that 17 didnt even hit him and choked him out gently.
Ten went outlasting SSJ Trunks, of course he's not stronger than Trunks, but still strong enough to resist enough time so Piccolo and Vegeta could come on aid. Krillin doesn't have anything similar to that, sorry.
This without mentioning during the mini Cells fight, Ten have one knee lifted unlike Yamcha, Krillin or tired Goku. And Goku mentioning how strong mini Cells were in spite of their size.
Not to mention that Gohan's standing level of 981 >>> Chaozu in the Saiyan arc, yet Chaozu was the one brave enough to challenge Nappa while Gohan was scared shitless and missed a vital opportunity to attack him. Is Chaozu > Gohan?
Gohan is one scared kid who doesn't thought of him much other than his high potential, this is a repeated pattern from his persona since Saiyan ~ Cell saga.
Scan for this? Goku suggested he use the Rosat and Ten turned it down right away as he'd be more useless than tits on a bull. Not to mention Kuririn wasn't around when Goku was talking to Ten at the time iirc.
Yes, but we understand easier how Krillin would be useless too, more useless than them. Otherwise, we would have Krillin saying it or even being there among big dudes.
Sure we can. AT's interview statement >> a bunch of easily refuted speculation.
Akira Toriyama's word only works when he clarifies something stated on the series or acknowledge it, even then, literature-wise he's not one who have authority to decide over the material when he have scripted their rules and logics on said matter.