There's nothing "great" about a blatantly sexist, stereotypical, and misogynist depiction of a woman who is only ever utilized for perverted gags and bullshit plot devices that always get swept off-screen because the series doesn't care to ever flesh them out.
Not sure if you understand how stories work and how you have to have different characters to play off of.
Not sure if you understand that you don't actually need female characters repeatedly being sexually harassed, assaulted, or sexualized for the sake of perverted gags and fan-service. Nor do you need actually bullshit convoluted off-screen plot devices like time machines or even radars being made.
There's no substance to Dragon Ball and the plot is all bullshit. It's full of inconsistencies, plotholes, asspulls, retcons, etc and all sorts of shit that doesn't make any sense, but that doesn't stop it from being a tremendous success. Why is that? Because people are entertained by all the flashy battles. The only thing that matters is the fighting. That's the only thing people give a fuck about seeing at the end of the day. They watch Dragon Ball because they want to see Gokuu, Gohan, Vegeeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Broly, Freeza, etc kick ass and do flashy shit. Bulma doesn't fight, so she's unimportant. The only people who care about the deeper lore and background info are just fucking nerds.
It's funny, because when the plot takes a break from the fighting to focus on other shit like lighter hearted road adventure plotlines and slice of life misadventures, people lose interest. That's why the Pilaf arc was unpopular, why Great Saiyaman was unpopular, why GT's early episodes were unpopular, and why most of Daima is dismissed as being boring as fuck by the fandom (it's only now when SS4 becomes canon and Gokuu is an adult again that interest is reignited. Of course, there was also some excitement when Vegeeta turned SS3, too). Even when Battle of Gods came out, the number one complaint was that there wasn't enough fighting.
Toriyama and Toei could have made a series starring Bulma with no fighting whatsoever, but they didn't, because they knew that shit would flop and nobody cares about Bulma (save for the degenerates who just want to see her ass and titties).
Allow me to reciprocate your energy.
No, you're just retarded. Even with all my
very extensive knowledge of Dragon Ball, I recognize that it's all just dumb bullshit. You have to parrot
@Warmmedown because you can't make your own arguments. Everything he said has already been debunked multiple times in this very thread. His stubborn ass just repeats the same dumb shit over and over again like a broken record because he can't handle being wrong, but why don't I debunk his braindead talking points again so you can see.
Someone else was going to do that anyway and doing one thing at the start of the story doesn't make you important for all of it.
-getting the DB from Roshi by exploiting his perviness
Flashing her vagina at an old man as an underage girl while the reader sees her bare ass for the sake of perverted fan-service doesn't make her important. You actually typed out this bullshit with a straight face.
-Used to trick Oolong when they first meet him
Gokuu was the one who beat Oolong. All Bulma did was interrupt him by flashing her titties at Oolong's disguised form because she's a dumb brat who goes head-over-heels for every handsome guy she sees.
-giving Goku, Krillin and co access to vehicles to traverse land, sea and air
Lol no. Gokuu spent most of his time flying on his cloud as a kid. Then, he learned to fly on his own and even teleport. Characters like Yumcha, Roh-shi, Oolong, Kurilin, etc already had their own vehicles and capsules without even coming into contact with Bulma.
-getting Yamcha training from Roshi
Yumcha is fodder and she's not the reason Roh-shi trained him at all. He simply asked Roh-shi to train him after the Baba tournament.
Oh, but now you'll bring up how Kurilin sexually assaulted her by flashing her titties to give Roh-shi a nosebleed, which led to Yumcha beating the invisible dude, as if this is an important scene that highlights her "usefulness". Too bad it doesn't. It's just yet another perverted gag for the sake of degenerate fan-service.
-giving Goku access to the means to travel to Namek within a week
Wrong again. Dr. Brief was the one who made Gokuu his spaceship.
Bulma's stupid ass blew up Nappa's ship, so they needed to use Kami's instead. She was never needed to come to Namekku at all; her original plan was for Popo to go to Namekku all by himself. She only went because Kucklin was afraid something would go wrong with the ship and she would be the only one able to fix it. Too bad nothing went wrong with the ship, so there was no point in her coming at all.
Bulma wasted time reprogramming Kami's spaceship to her own language; all they needed to know were a few Namekkian buzzwords to operate it. She wasted further time by installing a stereo, a bigger bed, and a shower, none of which are necessary for space travel as we see from Burdack, Raditz, Vegeeta, Nappa, Gokuu, damn near every pureblooded Saiyan, Kami, Freeza's men, etc.
Contrary to retarded fan belief, she didn't pilot the ship at all as it was on autopilot the whole time. Bulma then spends her entire time on Namekku hiding behind in a cave or the middle of nowhere. She has the nerve to bitch and complain about being left behind when everyone else is getting their asses beaten or killed.
-allowing Future Trunks to come to the timeline
Just another bullshit plot device that Toriyama put no thought into. Bulma's counterpart from an alternate future who never appears randomly built a time machine off-screen so she could send her son into the past. Trunks could come back in time through a wormhole in a squirrel's anus and it wouldn't matter.
There was never any reason for Toriyama to introduce time travel in the series. None of it made any sense and it's one of the main reasons why the Android/Cell arc is a trainwreck.
-allowing Cell to come to the timeline
Allowing the villain to appear and nearly kill everyone doesn't make her useful. It just shows how she screws everything up.
Speaking of which, her making the time machine violated the laws of nature and gods. It fucked up the spacetime continuum and it eventually led to Zamasu killing everyone on Earth, as well as Zenoh erasing the multiverse. "But that was Zamasu's fault" She had no business making a time machine in the first place as the gods deemed it illegal and if you're going to give her credit for the whole series just because she met Gokuu in the first chapter, then by that logic, she deserves the blame for Zamasu's rampage.
-giving Vegeta a path to becoming integrated to Earth culture
-being a big part of Vegeta's motivation to sacrifice himself to protect the Earth/his kith and kin
She housed a mass murderer who committed genocide multiple times and even had a baby with him for the sake of a bullshit plot device, which was just for there to be a Super Saiyan from the future. For that reason, Toriyama randomly made Bulma have Vegeeta's baby even though they had almost zero interactions before in the story. Even then, Vegeeta and Bulma didn't interact much in the original manga.
Getting mind broken and killed by Freeza was the catalyst for Vegeeta softening up. With his pride crushed, he was a broken man, so he decided to fuck one of the sluts he was living with at Capsule Corp and forgot to pull out (he could have just knocked up Bulma's mom and nothing would change in the story). Even then, he didn't give a shit about Bulma or their bastard child, as we see when he doesn't bother saving them from Gero.
Vegeeta only became a good guy when he realized how much he cared about Future Trunks. Bulma doesn't get any points just for fucking a mass murderer and giving birth to the baby.
And as always, everything you say is a crock of shit. Cope.