Bulma was never essential to the story of Dragon Ball.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
What's the foil here, anyway?

Gokuu is an innocent boy with superpowers. The plot devotes all its focus to Gokuu's battles in which he uses his superpowers to kick ass. He fights strong enemies, he trains to surpass them (although this aspect of the story is never explored in depth. It's not so much that he trains to surpass anyone, but he has a ton of plot armor and makes plenty of bullshit asspulls), he transforms, and he saves the day in the end although often with help from his fellow warriors.
Bulma is a slutty girl with no superpowers, but supposed "super intelligence". The plot devotes no focus to her intelligence, only ever using it for brief, off-screen plot devices that only serve to set the stage for the fighting (the important stuff) to occur. When Bulma's on-screen, she's just getting sexualized, sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, left behind, or bitching for the sake of perverted fan-service or misogynist gags.

Is the foil that they're both shitty characters ... but Bulma manages to be the shittier of the two? Well, I wouldn't call that a great foil at all.


Fuck that bitch.
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Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
There's nothing "great" about a blatantly sexist, stereotypical, and misogynist depiction of a woman who is only ever utilized for perverted gags and bullshit plot devices that always get swept off-screen because the series doesn't care to ever flesh them out.

Not sure if you understand that you don't actually need female characters repeatedly being sexually harassed, assaulted, or sexualized for the sake of perverted gags and fan-service. Nor do you need actually bullshit convoluted off-screen plot devices like time machines or even radars being made.

There's no substance to Dragon Ball and the plot is all bullshit. It's full of inconsistencies, plotholes, asspulls, retcons, etc and all sorts of shit that doesn't make any sense, but that doesn't stop it from being a tremendous success. Why is that? Because people are entertained by all the flashy battles. The only thing that matters is the fighting. That's the only thing people give a fuck about seeing at the end of the day. They watch Dragon Ball because they want to see Gokuu, Gohan, Vegeeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Broly, Freeza, etc kick ass and do flashy shit. Bulma doesn't fight, so she's unimportant. The only people who care about the deeper lore and background info are just fucking nerds.

It's funny, because when the plot takes a break from the fighting to focus on other shit like lighter hearted road adventure plotlines and slice of life misadventures, people lose interest. That's why the Pilaf arc was unpopular, why Great Saiyaman was unpopular, why GT's early episodes were unpopular, and why most of Daima is dismissed as being boring as fuck by the fandom (it's only now when SS4 becomes canon and Gokuu is an adult again that interest is reignited. Of course, there was also some excitement when Vegeeta turned SS3, too). Even when Battle of Gods came out, the number one complaint was that there wasn't enough fighting.

Toriyama and Toei could have made a series starring Bulma with no fighting whatsoever, but they didn't, because they knew that shit would flop and nobody cares about Bulma (save for the degenerates who just want to see her ass and titties).

Allow me to reciprocate your energy.

No, you're just retarded. Even with all my very extensive knowledge of Dragon Ball, I recognize that it's all just dumb bullshit. You have to parrot @Warmmedown because you can't make your own arguments. Everything he said has already been debunked multiple times in this very thread. His stubborn ass just repeats the same dumb shit over and over again like a broken record because he can't handle being wrong, but why don't I debunk his braindead talking points again so you can see.

Someone else was going to do that anyway and doing one thing at the start of the story doesn't make you important for all of it.

Flashing her vagina at an old man as an underage girl while the reader sees her bare ass for the sake of perverted fan-service doesn't make her important. You actually typed out this bullshit with a straight face.

Gokuu was the one who beat Oolong. All Bulma did was interrupt him by flashing her titties at Oolong's disguised form because she's a dumb brat who goes head-over-heels for every handsome guy she sees.

Lol no. Gokuu spent most of his time flying on his cloud as a kid. Then, he learned to fly on his own and even teleport. Characters like Yumcha, Roh-shi, Oolong, Kurilin, etc already had their own vehicles and capsules without even coming into contact with Bulma.

Yumcha is fodder and she's not the reason Roh-shi trained him at all. He simply asked Roh-shi to train him after the Baba tournament.

Oh, but now you'll bring up how Kurilin sexually assaulted her by flashing her titties to give Roh-shi a nosebleed, which led to Yumcha beating the invisible dude, as if this is an important scene that highlights her "usefulness". Too bad it doesn't. It's just yet another perverted gag for the sake of degenerate fan-service.

Wrong again. Dr. Brief was the one who made Gokuu his spaceship.

Bulma's stupid ass blew up Nappa's ship, so they needed to use Kami's instead. She was never needed to come to Namekku at all; her original plan was for Popo to go to Namekku all by himself. She only went because Kucklin was afraid something would go wrong with the ship and she would be the only one able to fix it. Too bad nothing went wrong with the ship, so there was no point in her coming at all.

Bulma wasted time reprogramming Kami's spaceship to her own language; all they needed to know were a few Namekkian buzzwords to operate it. She wasted further time by installing a stereo, a bigger bed, and a shower, none of which are necessary for space travel as we see from Burdack, Raditz, Vegeeta, Nappa, Gokuu, damn near every pureblooded Saiyan, Kami, Freeza's men, etc.

Contrary to retarded fan belief, she didn't pilot the ship at all as it was on autopilot the whole time. Bulma then spends her entire time on Namekku hiding behind in a cave or the middle of nowhere. She has the nerve to bitch and complain about being left behind when everyone else is getting their asses beaten or killed.

Just another bullshit plot device that Toriyama put no thought into. Bulma's counterpart from an alternate future who never appears randomly built a time machine off-screen so she could send her son into the past. Trunks could come back in time through a wormhole in a squirrel's anus and it wouldn't matter.

There was never any reason for Toriyama to introduce time travel in the series. None of it made any sense and it's one of the main reasons why the Android/Cell arc is a trainwreck.

Allowing the villain to appear and nearly kill everyone doesn't make her useful. It just shows how she screws everything up.

Speaking of which, her making the time machine violated the laws of nature and gods. It fucked up the spacetime continuum and it eventually led to Zamasu killing everyone on Earth, as well as Zenoh erasing the multiverse. "But that was Zamasu's fault" She had no business making a time machine in the first place as the gods deemed it illegal and if you're going to give her credit for the whole series just because she met Gokuu in the first chapter, then by that logic, she deserves the blame for Zamasu's rampage.

She housed a mass murderer who committed genocide multiple times and even had a baby with him for the sake of a bullshit plot device, which was just for there to be a Super Saiyan from the future. For that reason, Toriyama randomly made Bulma have Vegeeta's baby even though they had almost zero interactions before in the story. Even then, Vegeeta and Bulma didn't interact much in the original manga.

Getting mind broken and killed by Freeza was the catalyst for Vegeeta softening up. With his pride crushed, he was a broken man, so he decided to fuck one of the sluts he was living with at Capsule Corp and forgot to pull out (he could have just knocked up Bulma's mom and nothing would change in the story). Even then, he didn't give a shit about Bulma or their bastard child, as we see when he doesn't bother saving them from Gero.

Vegeeta only became a good guy when he realized how much he cared about Future Trunks. Bulma doesn't get any points just for fucking a mass murderer and giving birth to the baby.

And as always, everything you say is a crock of shit. Cope.
None of this changes whether she was essential to the story. If anything the Zamasu stuff just makes her even more essential, by making her essential to Super.
Alright, you think she's an idiot or whatever. So what. Hitler was an idiot, but that doesn't has no bearing on whether he was essential to the plot of WW2.

Dr Brief made Goku's ship yeh, no shit sherlock, which is why I mentioned Pilaf needing to have an affair with Dr Briefs, because otherwise there's no personal link to Capsule Corp.
I forgot to mention Goku trained at 100G in that ship. If Bulma didn't blow up Nappa's pod (if that's even the real reason for them using Kami's ship. One little pod isn't enough space for them all to go), Dr Briefs wouldn't have made a big ship for Goku to train in, so Goku would have got to Namek and been flattened by the Ginyu Force.

Vegeta did not soften up from Freeza alone. He himself states him having a fam (including Bulma) as being part of his character change in the Buu Saga. If he didn't have Bulma's house to stay at and have Bulma treat him as an insider (compared to the rest of the Z crew), he'd go live somewhere in the wilderness like Piccolo, or like Vegeta does when he fucks off to the asteroid storm or into the rain. He would have no "in" to the human world to have any attachment to it.

Roshi agreed to train Yamcha because it meant Bulma would come to his island (at least in the anime). And Yamcha being weak doesn't change him being an important part of the story, by providing more fights in the 22nd and 23rdTB, being used to hype Tien and Kami, being an accompanying character and fleshing out the team and the world (he's used to show how a Z fighter could do in normal human activities like lifting weights or baseball), providing an important death to raise the stakes vs Nappa and to add more emotional significance to Goku's fight with Nappa.

Honestly you're just showing your own arrogance all over the forum at this point. You honestly sound like a kid.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
None of this changes whether she was essential to the story.

It does. You're just too unintelligent to understand why, so all you can do is cover your ears and yell "nuh uh".

The issue is that you're a nerd who can only look at the series in-universe, almost as if you're a character in Dragon Ball, and not out-of-universe, like you're a real person who actually realizes that this is just a fictional story decided on the arbitrary whims of a moneyhungry perverted author.

If anything the Zamasu stuff just makes her even more essential, by making her essential to Super.

She's not "essential" at all. The basis to Zamasu was just that Toriyama wanted to do another take on an "evil Gokuu" and it wasn't necessary to do more convoluted time travel BS for that. He could have just canonized Turless and it wouldn't have mattered.

DBS is just a midquel Toriyama made 20 years later because he wanted more money, too. It's not essential to the story at all, because DB originally ended in 1995.

Alright, you think she's an idiot or whatever. So what.

lol no, it's not just that she's an idiot. It's that she's a misogynist, stereotypical, and sexist depiction of a woman who is only ever used for perverted fan-service and gag scenes or lazy off-screen plot devices. That's why she's not important at all and that's why she's a dog shit character.

The plot's all bullshit. Only the fighting matters, because that's all people are tuning in for and that's all the series actually focuses on. This is what you're not grasping. Because it's beyond your intelligence, you don't have any retort and can only dismiss it by saying "uh okay you just think she's stupid so wat". A true low IQ comeback.

Hitler was an idiot, but that doesn't has no bearing on whether he was essential to the plot of WW2.

Hitler's actions directly affected WW2.

To say Bulma's actions are essential to all of DB just because of the first chapter when she met Gokuu is like trying to pin WW2 on the Jewish painter who pissed Hitler off when he was young or whatever.

Dr Brief made Goku's ship yeh, no shit sherlock, which is why I mentioned Pilaf needing to have an affair with Dr Briefs, because otherwise there's no personal link to Capsule Corp.

The Pilaf gang build their own stuff, so he doesn't need any link to Dr. Brief or Capsule Corp. If you actually read the manga, you'd know that Pilaf was a genius inventor himself.

I forgot to mention Goku trained at 100G in that ship. If Bulma didn't blow up Nappa's pod (if that's even the real reason for them using Kami's ship. One little pod isn't enough space for them all to go), Dr Briefs wouldn't have made a big ship for Goku to train in, so Goku would have got to Namek and been flattened by the Ginyu Force.

If Bulma didn't blow up Nappa's ship like a dumbass, then Dr. Brief would have just modified Nappa's ship to be bigger like he did with Gokuu's.

Once again you're trying to pretend Bulma's useful because of something she did that was only indirectly at best linked to something later down the line, which is more glue-sniffer logic.

Vegeta did not soften up from Freeza alone.

Freeza was the catalyst.

He essentially raped Vegeeta and only then was Vegeeta willing to live on Earth

He himself states him having a fam (including Bulma) as being part of his character change in the Buu Saga.

It was just Trunks who really changed him at the end of the day. Doesn't matter who his mother is.

If he didn't have Bulma's house to stay at and have Bulma treat him as an insider (compared to the rest of the Z crew), he'd go live somewhere in the wilderness like Piccolo, or like Vegeta does when he fucks off to the asteroid storm or into the rain. He would have no "in" to the human world to have any attachment to it.

Nah, he'd just go fuck some other slut on the street when he gets horny lol

What was his attachment to Bulma, anyway? He fucked her once and forgot to pull out. He didn't give a shit about her or their baby and was still an asshole.

He only stopped being an asshole when Future Trunks died. That tells you only Vegeeta's son was important to him becoming one of the "good guys", not his baby mama.

You pretending Bulma's important because she was the one who invited him over to Capsule Corp, which eventually led to him fucking her raw, is once again you trying to give her credit for shit she was only indirectly linked to at best. More glue sniffer logic.

And at the end of the day, Vegeeta went back to killing innocent people at the Budoh-kai. He caused Boo to come out, too. It's not that he ever truly became a good person; he was and still is a piece of shit. So, fuck his so-called "character development"; he deserves to be burning in Hell for all of eternity. Bulma gets no points for housing or fucking an unrepentant POS mass murderer.

Roshi agreed to train Yamcha because it meant Bulma would come to his island (at least in the anime).

That's not what happened in the manga. You ought to stop citing filler.

Even if this was in the manga, it wouldn't be important because it's just yet another perverted gag scene and nobody gives a shit about Yumcha.

And Yamcha being weak doesn't change him being an important part of the story

He's not an important part of the story LOL. Just another useless side character who doesn't do anything but get his ass kicked.

being used to hype Tien and Kami

If Yumcha didn't come to the 22nd or 23rd Budoh-kai, then other fodder characters would have lost to Tenshinhan and Kami in his place. Not important.

being an accompanying character and fleshing out the team and the world (he's used to show how a Z fighter could do in normal human activities like lifting weights or baseball)

More worthless Toei filler. Next.

providing an important death to raise the stakes vs Nappa and to add more emotional significance to Goku's fight with Nappa.

Yumcha didn't even die to Nappa. He died to a Saibaiman like a bitch.

If Yumcha doesn't show up, then three of Gokuu's other friends still die and nothing actually changes. Not important.

Honestly you're just showing your own arrogance all over the forum at this point. You honestly sound like a kid.

I wouldn't say you "sound" like a kid. 35+ year old male virgin is more like it.
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Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Scotty must be severely autistic if he thinks this is how you converse with other human beings. I honestly feel bad for the guy that he's too blind to see how contradictory, arrogant, and uncivilized he comes across as. This is your final warning on this forum, learn how to fucking behave or your account will get deleted. I've already given you about 10 too many chances, stop being a dumb fuck and figure your shit out. It's not that fucking hard.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
@SSJ2 I was under the impression that this is a lightly moderated message board. If I came across as being arrogant or uncivilized, then it's only because I had already been called terminally online and dumb in this very thread. Should I really treat others with respect when they don't treat me with it?

Even outside of this thread, I've been dealt with racism by others on this forum on multiple occasions. Like in my PMs:


Completely unprovoked and out of the blue, as you can see. I'm aware I got in trouble with PMs not too long ago, but I was dealt with abusive PMs by others first.

Racism almost seems rampant on this forum despite the fact you say it results in an "automatic ban" in the Forum Rules. I've been called the N-word and "porch monkey" multiple times and DragonEmperor even changed his username to "OfficerPorch" to further mock me. I get into one argument about Bulma and I'm the one who has to go?

Maybe I should keep my more controversial opinions to myself, because they'll almost certainly result in heated arguments and/or flame wars. But the point I've been trying to get across is simply the following:

The "plot" in Dragon Ball is arbitrary and nonsensical.
The fighting gets all the focus and most viewers are only watching for the fighting.
Therefore, only the fighting matters.
Bulma doesn't fight. Therefore, she's unimportant.

That's all I meant by this thread. I'm sorry if I ruffled any feathers, but it was not my intention.
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Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
If you think this isn't a lightly moderated board, I have no idea what to tell you. When this behaviour is a one off then I'm more than inclined to let it go. But you're going out of your way to antagonize people over and over again. Stop playing the fool about it.
I'm sorry if I ruffled any feathers, but it was not my intention.

You have to parrot @Warmmedown because you can't make your own arguments. Everything he said has already been debunked multiple times in this very thread. His stubborn ass just repeats the same dumb shit over and over again like a broken record because he can't handle being wrong, but why don't I debunk his braindead talking points again so you can see.
It does. You're just too unintelligent to understand why, so all you can do is cover your ears and yell "nuh uh".
I wouldn't say you "sound" like a kid. 35+ year old male virgin is more like it.

You can't even be serious right now. I generally don't give a fuck if someone else provokes you and you give it back to them, but Warmmedown made serious posts and you did nothing but insult, provoke, and try to make yourself sound intelligent. Unfortunately for you, your insane lack of awareness over your own actions makes you look anything but intelligent. Learn how to fucking conduct yourself, no normal adults speak to one another like this.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
You can't even be serious right now. I generally don't give a fuck if someone else provokes you and you give it back to them, but Warmmedown made serious posts and you did nothing but insult, provoke, and try to make yourself sound intelligent.

That's because he called me "terminally online" in post 4 before I got to insulting him.

When I said ruffling feathers wasn't my intention, I meant when I made this thread, not when I was responding to anyone who had insulted me first.
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Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
Alright, I've overstepped my boundary. I shouldn't be publicly arguing with the administrator. @SSJ2 Do as you see fit. I was planning to leave after Daima ended, anyway.

Let this be the final thing I say if I'm to be banned.



Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Nobody cares if you make a thread with a differing opinion. But time and time again you've behaved like a child when defending your opinion, either insulting them, or being straight up condescending when their opinion differs from yours. If you simply treated people with respect when disagreeing nobody would ever care. But you seem to lack the ability to do so.

I don't give a fuck if you argue with me lol, I'm not some dictator that bans people for disagreeing with me. Just start acting like a normal human being and none of this would ever happen. Enough with the antagonistic attitude in every thread you're in. This isn't 2012.


Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
The sad thing is if you do a forum search the
only person who used the n word fully in the past
12 months is Ol’Scott.


Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
Excellent police work proves you wrong unfort.
@PorchMaster already screenshot the post before you deleted it huehue


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Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
Oh, @PorchMaster is Kenshi. Not surprising, seeing as he's clearly racist against blacks.

@SSJ2 At least tell these bigots to change their usernames. The last time I said any racist shit was a year ago and I was only joking. Furthermore, I'm black myself. @OfficerPorch and @PorchMaster are Asians who are clearly racist against blacks.
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Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
The guy who baits people into threads just to insult their viewpoints now has to scream “racism” to the forum admin lmao.

He called out @Pakl for an unprovoked PM, but I and a few others on here can provide PM screenshots of Scotty insulting us out of nowhere.
I even reported one of them to Mystic.

Bro is completely unaware of how contradictory, arrogant, and uncivilized he comes across in literally every forum he’s in, this is not exclusive to Zeta.
Literally only 1 Neo mod is keeping Scotty from getting permanently banned from Neoseeker as a whole and even then he’s walking on a tightrope right now over there.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
The guy who baits people into threads just to insult their viewpoints now has to scream “racism” to the forum admin lmao.

You and Kenshi bait others by not only posting racist messages, but adopting blatantly racist usernames.

He called out @Pakl for an unprovoked PM, but I and a few others on here can provide PM screenshots of Scotty insulting us out of nowhere.

I mean, given the racist shit you post about me being a porch monkey, I can't say I feel bad about sending you those PMs.

Pakl did it to me way before I sent those PMs to anybody. Given that he's a relatively respected poster here, it seemed to me at the time that talking shit in PMs was normal on this board. I think talking shit privately is better than you posting racist shit publicly.

Bro is completely unaware of how contradictory, arrogant, and uncivilized he comes across in literally every forum he’s in, this is not exclusive to Zeta.

Says the guy named "OfficerPorch", short for "Porch Monkey".

Literally only 1 Neo mod is keeping Scotty from getting permanently banned from Neoseeker as a whole and even then he’s walking on a tightrope right now over there.

Oh, I take it you had something to do with me getting another two week ban on Neo just now? Now you're trying to get me banned here because you hate having black users on this board as your username suggests.

It's quite funny that you're apparently conspiring with @PorchMaster by assembling the "evidence" needed to get me banned. Two self-admitted racist posters with "Porch" in their joining forces to get a black user banned.

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