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  • GSM123
    GSM123 reacted to SSJ3 Gothic's post in the thread Dragon Ball Daima with Like Like.
    I think it’s worse if it is canon because they made it absolute weak sauce.
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Hector's Saiyan Saga PLs.
    I think he’s asking if Piccolo could fire a FP blast in that condition. It’s definitely more nuanced than that. I’ve seen a guy do a...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Dragon Ball Daima.
    I don't like forms making clothes out of thin air, but I was really hoping for a Sun Wukong form. Do we know whether it was Toriyama or...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 reacted to Future Warrior's post in the thread Dragon Ball Daima with Like Like.
    I don’t watch this series but they just made it look like a furry SSJG.
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Are Saiyans really bad?.
    I don't think Bardock was fully retconned until the Granolah Arc. In both Minus and the OVA he cares about his fellow Saiyans but shows...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread DB Super vs GT power levels.
    In some translations Yi says he'll destroy the universe instead of just the galaxy. The problem is that Dragon Ball is really...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Hector's Saiyan Saga PLs.
    Definitely. Not enough to change anything though.
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Saiyan Saga Vegeta Levels.
    On a Dragon Ball forum? This is a rarely debated topic so I thought maybe you wouldn’t be so burned out with it :idk .
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Raditz Varying Levels.
    Raditz is desperate. He freaks out, tries running away, has to brace himself for thr block and is left shaking. If we never knew his PL...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Hector's Saiyan Saga PLs.
    I agree with your self destruction level. I have… Masenko > Kikoho > Self destruction > Piccolo > Kakusandan. Each blast that hits...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Saiyan Saga Vegeta Levels.
    Same. He must be a bit weaker, but the power ball is the real nerf. I just think 10% is just too little to be noteworthy, generally...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Are Saiyans really bad?.
    In the Granolah Saga Bardock went out of his way to save Granolah and his mom after slaughtering their whole race. He didn’t just avoid...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Hector's Saiyan Saga PLs.
    That’s what we’re trying to figure out in the other thread lol. I see 3 options here: - Vegeta is piss weak, as you have it; - Gohan got...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Saiyan Saga Vegeta Levels.
    He says it will cost power but doesn’t specify. I think the fact he even brought it up makes it more significant than a 10% loss...
  • GSM123
    GSM123 replied to the thread Hector's Saiyan Saga PLs.
    Oozaru Vegeta > KHH+KKx4 Goku. His power was the only thing in the fight that got Gohan and Kuririn’s attention.

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