Gohan is surprised at the meter filling so fast, not at Goku being SSJ2. He isn’t sure that Vegeta is SSJ2 though.
Goku’s surprise is weird though. Sounds like SSJ Vegeta was only showing his pre majin level, since Goku didn’t know he got boosted.
It ain’t called “Future Trunks Saga” for nothing, lol. Don’t forget he learned the Mafuba too…
I always thought he learned Vegeta’s techniques back in the Cell Saga though. Trunks doesn’t have many techniques of his own.
Fatigued King Piccolo. Also amp comes from concentrating Ki, the power doesn’t come out of nowhere. Check Raditz’s line when Goku and Piccolo charge their attacks.
Oozaru Fist is definitely amped, just not 10x. I’d say 1.4x Goku’s FP so it’s between KHH and Super KHH.
You shouldn’t apply the...
I think you can bump Vegeta up a bit based on his injuries. The man can barely move, surely it’s taking him extra effort compared to Gohan.
If Gohan is 2500, Vegeta is a clean 3000. I like to think this is what a straight Enraged Gohan vs Nappa fight would’ve looked like.