Recent content by Pakl

  1. Pakl

    Jump Gold Selection 6: Dragon Ball Z Anime Special Vol. 2 (translated)

    Translated till page 77. Goodass book.
  2. Pakl

    Can Raditz punch back the KHH?

    Both weren't serious.
  3. Pakl

    Can Raditz punch back the KHH?

    Boo wasn't putting his full power though.
  4. Pakl

    Bulma was never essential to the story of Dragon Ball.

    Lmao! Dude, you are the one who was trolling me on Neo for the translations I was making. And here you are bugging me here on pms in this forum in three different dates Now fuck off and don't blame me for being an asshole here too.
  5. Pakl

    Bulma was never essential to the story of Dragon Ball.

    You are lying. You were provoking me more than once. I literally called you that because you are the one who used to talk about "niggas" so I just baited you in response.
  6. Pakl

    Imperfect Cell Post Expected Growth in Power

    What about Herms?
  7. Pakl

    Imperfect Cell Post Expected Growth in Power

    Edited the post above. You mean the Elder Kaioshin saying Base Gokuhan would be superior to Gotenks-Boo? 超サイヤ人になるなら合体したあとでなったほうがええまそんなことせんでもじゅ~~~~~~~ぶんじゃろ ポタラのパワーはそれほどすごい! Chō saiyahito ni narunara gattai shita ato de natta hō ga e e ma son'na koto sen demoji ~yu ~~~~~~~ bunjaro potara no pawā...
  8. Pakl

    Imperfect Cell Post Expected Growth in Power

    やってはいないほとんどダメージもうけていない Yatte wa inai hotondo damēji mōkete inai "He hasn't done it. Nearly no damage was done to him." The word "ほとんど" "Hotondo" means "almost" or "mostly", "nearly". Suspiciously, 16 doesn't use this word in the anime, probably because the Anime likes to hax everything...
  9. Pakl

    Tenshinhan > Krillin

    You miss the point. The reason why Krillin > Tenshinhan is even a thought is because he is stated to be the strongest Earthling. This book proves Tenshinhan isn't an Earthling as it compares him to even Goki as an alien. Also, this Krillin is covered as after his power up by the Eldest.
  10. Pakl

    Tenshinhan > Krillin

    This book was released just before Gohan and the others faced Freeza on Namek. It has interesting tidbits about the characters at that point. Here is a direct comparison between Tenshinhan who isn't an ordinary human and Krillin who is an ordinary human. Tenshinan isn't an Earthling and he isn't...
  11. Pakl

    SSJ Vegeta (Namek) vs 100% Frieza

    But BRO the Daizenshuu 7 lists Base Goku at 3,000,000 so it's a fact!!! Lol
  12. Pakl

    SSJ Vegeta (Pre Majin) vs SSJ Goten & Kid Trunks

    What happened to the "kids not far off from the adults" 2012 thought?
  13. Pakl

    How strong is Gogeta? (manga)

    Because fusion isn't linear. DB Super explains us how strong fusion Is. It takes the max power of the two and multiply it. Goten and Trunks are well below Gohan. Not multiple times weaker, but still considerably weaker. Base Gogeta > SSjin 2 Vegeta + SSjin 3 Goku X4 Base Gotenks > SSjin Trunks...
  14. Pakl

    How strong is Gogeta? (manga)

    Undoubtedly stronger than SSjin 3 Gotenks. I used to have him in par with Ultimate Gohan.
  15. Pakl

    Ask Pakl

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My friend has incessant suicidal thoughts and he wants them to stop.
Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this