Recent content by VampireWicked

  1. VampireWicked

    Aren't You Guys Tired Of Discussing The Same Topics Endlessly For Nearly 40 Years?

    Aren't You Guys Tired Of Discussing The Same Topics Endlessly For Nearly 40 Years? YES! Not as much as I'm sick that many of the same people giving the same stupid response only showing they have a limited view & understanding of the material.
  2. VampireWicked


    Part 5 Since there's a media limit I had to continue here. Parts 1 to 4 are linked below...
  3. VampireWicked

    What Would You Name The Transformations?

    IF this was the start of everything & you were there with him & Akira Toriyama was creating the DragonBall Universe & personally asked you to name each & every Transformation.....WHAT WOULD BE THE NAMES YOU GIVE EACH OF THEM!?
  4. VampireWicked

    Alternate Names For Forms

    I know only the official ones.
  5. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    Goku would be able if not already by now Mastered SuperSaiyan3 the more he experiences it. Same with SuperSaiyan Grades 2 & 3, with Kaioken, once they get to a point where they tolerate high levels of Ki then the efficiency for management increases. That's why Gohan in ResurrectionF passed out...
  6. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    FINALLY, YES You did phrase it poorly. What you should've said....There is no simultaneous drop rate relationship between Energy & Power. This I agree with 100% as Energy can drop however the user can still with effort & control can maintain the same level of power. Your badly stated claim...
  7. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    Whatever dude you continue to move the goal posts so I don't wanna hear it from you, if you aced it then you should know there's a 1 on 1 relationship between Energy & Power. I couldn't careless what you're interested in. I'm saying your claim lacks reasoning & is nothing more than a general...
  8. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    Wrong, it's physics. Piccolo is creating energy through change movement..I E kinetic energy or mechanical energy. That energy generates speed, force, friction, damage.....I E Power. The more energy he uses the faster/greater the force/power lessens. Piccolo vs Raditz, Piccolo is maintaining...
  9. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    I understand you, I think your claim is extremely lacking in reasoning, logic, & an education in physics & is nothing more than a wild blanket statement anyone can make based on assumption used trying to win an argument while saying absolutely nothing. Your claim, You are not accounting for the...
  10. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    Yes You did. It,s not a strawman, I just don't think you fully understand what you're talking about period. This this does not say anything "The point is that power doesn't have to drop at the same rate as energy does." That's like saying person A does not get tired at the same time person B...
  11. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    Okay so there is a close relationship between Power & energy. Here I'll explain what I'm saying. The definition of that close relationship. Energy vs power Energy and power are closely related but are not the same physical quantity. Energy is the ability to cause change; power is the rate...
  12. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    I need you to quote where I said this before we continue. That's your strawman. You don't think I understand, Then in detail explain it to me. But first Answer my question so I can see what page we're on. Can an exhausted Goku can fire 2000 Super Kamehameha back to back & maintain the same...
  13. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    No it all matters, you can't claim there's a rate of drop with no explanation by how much & why. 1. You're telling me Goku fully rested can fire 2000 Super Kamehameha non-stop with no drop in the damage level from the very 1st Super Kamehameha to the very last Super Kamehameha he fires. 2...
  14. VampireWicked

    Ki vs Power

    That's not what I'm asking at all, nor is your answer saying anything. This this "All I'm saying is that a user's power doesn't always drop when their stamina drops nor does it even drop at the same rate. Unleashing a Kamehameha isn't going to cause Goku's power to suddenly drop. " this says...

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