Recent content by Warmmedown

  1. Warmmedown

    How was Rogrog too early? What is One Piece?

    Gol del Rogério What needs to be happening for the One Piece? Is it Luffy? Is it the moon being in a certain position relative to other celestial bodies? The moon, sun, earth and the space station laser need to line up. Does the sea need to be higher? What is One Piece? Does it undo the rising...
  2. Warmmedown

    When Enel returns does he come alone?

    Will he bring his ship? It's hard to imagine him involved with everything, considering his personality. I can't see him siding with anyone. Or maybe he gazed at the Earth for over two years and now wants to protect it and its inhabitants, which would be his motivation for defeating the WG.
  3. Warmmedown

    Does Helmeppo have very special needs?

    Why does he wear that thing over his eyes? Does he really think it looks cool? Can he see? Is he nerfing himself?
  4. Warmmedown

    Classical Forum Design Layout

    Tapatalk should be arrested by the ICC
  5. Warmmedown

    Buy One Get Two Free

    Council to disgruntled roadworkers: build three bollards on this pavement by tomorrow: Result:
  6. Warmmedown

    Akira Toriyama has passed away

    You've been ready for three a mysterious anime character who turns uo and saves the MC, settling his old grudge with the villain. You probably could've got me in that same thread, cuz I don't remember it.
  7. Warmmedown

    What if gokus power level was 9000?

    Vegeta would still transform though, and then fuck Goku up. So #1 and #3 are unlikely.
  8. Warmmedown

    Which anime/manga has the most ridiculous injury survival and recovery?

    One Piece? MHA? Chainsaw Man? DB/Z? Berserk? Something else?
  9. Warmmedown

    Can any character escape Impel Down alone, assuming they easily leave their cell? Do you think the Strawhats without Luffy could?

    Do you think anyone could, if Magellan, his beasts and wardens are trying to stop them? They get out of their cell and have to reach a boat on the outside.
  10. Warmmedown

    Shanks, Big Mom, Rayleigh, Luffy, Doflamingo, Kuma, Zoro, Mihawk, Kaido, Dragon, Garp, Aokiji, Akainu, Kizaru, Fujitora, Marco, Aramaki, Blackbeard

    Also Sanji, Vista, full-moon Carrot, full-moon Bepo, Law, Kidd, Katakuri, Sabo, Jozu, Usopp, Blackbeard sniper, Yassop, Roger guy with sunglasses, Sengoku, Ben Beckman, Lucky Roo, Bartlemeo, Jinbei, Whitebeard, Enel, Blueno, Oars with Broggy's shadow, WIPER, JOHNNY, YOSAKU, ICEBERG, LETTUCE DISH...
  11. Warmmedown

    You vs Monster Carrot Boss Rabbit

    He's coming for you. You've stepped in his cabbage patch and he's ready to unleash his fury. If you touch him you'll turn into a carrot. Don't worry about the evidence you leave behind. How are you trying to defeat him? I'd vacuum his face. But he wears sunglasses, so his eyes are protected...
  12. Warmmedown

    You vs Farmer

    Book it Dana
  13. Warmmedown

    You vs Farmer

    Honestly maybe. Fuck it let's go. Tf is he gonna do? Homer Simpson strategy?
  14. Warmmedown

    You vs Farmer

    I wouldn't bet on it. Maybe, but he has both farmer strength and farmer cardio.
  15. Warmmedown

    If these characters had a pokemon team of 3 pokemon

    Yugioh main character Yugioh wannabe MC (Kaiba) Gohan Sasuke (Naruto) Fortuneteller Baba Joker (Batman) Master Roshi

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
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