Fixing the Boo arc without changing too much


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
>Gohan's hairstyle is closer to what it was in the Cell arc. Like in these concept sketches Toriyama made of teenage Gohan:
And this fanart:


>Goten has his own hairstyle instead of Gokuu's.

>No Great Saiyaman. Gohan keeps fighting crime as a Super Saiyan and he moves really fast so no one can get a good look at his appearance. Veedel still tricks him into admitting his identity when he stops to talk to her (Saiyaman sucked. Gohan can still use a device to change his clothes when he transforms, but it's not necessary).

>Goten and Trunks are much weaker at the start of the arc. They can't even turn Super Saiyan (this way, Super Saiyan isn't devalued as much).

>Piccolo is the one who trains Goten (now it makes more sense how he can keep up with Trunks, who is trained by Vegeeta)

>No Youth Division at the Tenka'ichi Budoh-kai. Goten and Trunks still knock out Mighty Mask and disguise themselves as him so they can fight with the adults. They lose to No.18 more easily later.

>Gokuu, Gohan, and Vegeeta disguise themselves as Super Saiyans when they participate in the tournament and withhold their names to avoid media attention (all should have mastered Super Saiyan by this point, anyway).

>Gohan is equal to his Cell arc self. Gokuu and Vegeeta far surpass Gohan from the Cell arc.

>Kurilin doesn't come check out Bobbidi's spaceship; he stays at the Budoh-kai with Eighteen, who makes him forfeit from the battle royale, so she can enact her scheme of blackmailing Mr. Satan to give her the first place prize money on top of the runner up prize money. She doesn't want the media attention that would come from beating Mr. Satan (Kurilin had no reason to leave when he was useless).

>Shin explains Boo's history in full right away. Boo never absorbed South Kaioh-shin; Grand is the only World King God who got absorbed. Also, Shin didn't bring Boo's shell to Earth. He brought it with him to Kaioh-shin World, but Bobbidi used a spell to transport the shell to his own location without even going to Kaioh-shin World himself. Being the son (duplicate, actually) of Bibbidi, the one who created Boo, Bobbidi can sense the shell's location and bring it to wherever he is. He waited until his magic became strong enough to brainwash the likes of Darbra to move forward with this plan. He came to Earth after hearing that the person who killed Freeza, feared as the strongest in the universe, was on Earth (too convenient that Boo's shell was on Earth of all places in the universe).

>Darbra is stronger than Super Perfect Cell and on par with Gohan, who fights him as an SS2 (with electricity!).

>Darbra doesn't kill Kibito. He turns him to stone along with Piccolo. After Boo kills Darbra, they're both turned back to normal. The wounded Shin tells Kibito not to save him; he tells him to save Gohan, who is barely alive after being defeated by Boo. Kibito struggles to locate Gohan's dwindling Ki and is distracted by Vegeeta's fight with Boo; he's in awe of how strong Vegeeta is and how much stronger Boo is. When Boo does his Angry Explosion, Kibito teleports himself and Shin to Kaioh-shin World, where he heals Shin. They then return to Earth to pick up Gohan and bring him to Kaioh-shin World, so he can use the Z Sword (No point in Kibito dying right after we got introduced to him, especially when he got revived right after)

>Shin isn't impressed by Vegeeta killing Pui Pui (he was fodder, Shin being impressed by Vegeeta killing him after he had already seen SS2 Gohan was stupid).

>Vegeeta is fully under Bobbidi's control when he first gets bewitched by him. He only comes back to his senses later (Vegeeta willingly killing all of those people at the tournament just to force Gokuu into fighting him was inexcusably awful of him to do and undermines all of his character development on Earth. By putting him totally under Bobbidi's spell when he does it, he's no longer to blame).

>Gokuu doesn't use SS3 against Vegeeta because he's worried that he'll kill him or Vegeeta will kill himself to take Gokuu down with him. Vegeeta's been revived with Earth's Dragon Balls before, so he won't be able to be revived with them again. The Namekkians also wouldn't want to revive Vegeeta because of how he killed Namekkians years ago (it makes sense that Gokuu wouldn't want to chase the death of an ally who's been brainwashed. Far better reason for him holding back SS3).

>Bulma and co don't use the Dragon Balls to revive everyone Vegeeta killed (dumb of them to do this without considering the possibility that they might need the Dragon Balls later. Also, this gets rid of that stupid scene where they all assumed Gohan was dead even though they had just used the Dragon Balls to revive everyone who died. Gohan had never been revived before, so he would have come back to life from the wish if he was dead)

>Bulma doesn't leave the Dragon Radar at Capsule Corp like an idiot. Her parents go with everyone to hide on Kami's Lookout (this scene was stupid because not only was it stupidly convenient for Bulma to leave the radar at Capsule Corp, but Popo could have just retrieved it with his magic carpet)

>The reason Gokuu fights Boo as SS3 is to make Goten and Trunks see how strong he is. They initially refuse to listen to him because they think he's weak for being unconscious while Gohan and Vegeeta were defeated by Boo. Gokuu doesn't choose not to kill Boo as an SS3; he simply didn't have enough time left on Earth after fighting in SS3 for so long (Gokuu's logic for sparing Boo was dumb; relying on two stupid kids to clean a mess that you created while the rest of humankind gets killed is stupid)

>Goten and Trunks quickly learn the Fusion dance after Gokuu leaves (Vegeeta quickly learns it in Fusion Reborn and DBS, so there's no reason Goten and Trunks would take much longer to learn it).

>Redesign Gotenks so he looks more like a fusion of Goten and Trunks, not Vegeeta with purple highlights.

>Dende has the Room of Spirit and Time to have no time or person limit (it never made sense how Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, and Boo could all be in the room when it was established that only two people could go in at a time. So, reveal that he upgraded to have no limit on how many people can enter at a time. And if you do that, may as well have him upgrade it so it has no time limit)

>Goten and Trunks aren't forbidden from training in the Room of Spirit and Time. They train in there for 2 years (2 days outside) with Piccolo. Goten and Trunks both unlock SS1 and SS2. Gotenks unlocks SS1, SS2, and SS3 (always dumb how Gokuu wouldn't let them spend just a week in the Time Chamber, about half an hour in the outside world, when that wouldn't be using much of their allowed time there. Anyway, the Time Chamber gets destroyed and Dende rebuilds and upgrades it in DBS, so there's even less of a reason in Goten and Trunks not using it. Fact is, it was just a thinly veiled way to pad the story arc out).

>No Gray Boo. Upon seeing Mr. Satan get shot, Fat Boo transforms directly into Super Boo (Gray Boo only makes things confusing once Pure Boo appears).

>It's while Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo are in the Room of Spirit and Time that Boo becomes friends with Mr. Satan and transforms to Super Boo. Dende leads Boo into the Room of Spirit and Time.

>Super Boo doesn't kill Chichi before everyone else (always dumb how Goten didn't turn SS2 when he saw his mom get killed).

>Gotenks turns SS3 against Boo in the Room of Spirit and Time. He turns back to Base before he can finish Boo off. Piccolo destroys the entrance, attempting to trap Boo inside. Boo opens a worm hole and escapes.

>Super Boo doesn't want to kill Veedel, but he accidentally turns her into chocolate and eats her along with the others on the Lookout because he got too excited to eat after escaping the Room of Spirit and Time.

>Gotenks, Piccolo, and Dende eventually escape the Room of Spirit and Time as well. Before Gotenks and Boo can resume fighting, Gohan shows up with his potential unlocked by Elder Kaioh-shin and beats Boo to a pulp. Boo then absorbs Gotenks and Piccolo. Bootenks beats up Gohan. Dende brings Mr. Satan over to reason with Boo, but to no avail (it was way too convenient that Gohan and co just stumbled upon Mr. Satan as they were looking for Dende. And it was too convenient that Dende just happened to be thrown off the lookout when Boo turned everyone else to chocolate)

>Bootenks kills Tenshinhan when he kicks him (it was a dick move of Dende to just leave Tenshinhan there after Bootenks kicked him, especially considering Tenshinhan saved him from Bootenks's blast before. He heals him in the anime, but it's better for Tenshinhan to just die here as he does nothing afterwards)

>Mystic Gohan is undoubtedly stronger than SS3 Gokuu (Gohan's potential being unleashed should make him stronger than Gokuu given how much of a big deal his potential has been throughout the manga).

>Vegett doesn't split inside of Boo (him splitting because of "bad air" was stupid).

>Vegett finds Grand Kaioh-shin, not Fat Boo, inside of Super Boo's body. He frees him along with the Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo (it never made any sense for Fat Boo to be able to coexist with Pure Boo).

>No Buff Boo. When Vegett disconnects Grand Kaioh-shin from Super Boo's body, Super Boo transforms directly into Pure Boo (it never made any sense how Super Boo only turned into Buff for a few seconds before turning into Pure. Just remove Buff altogether).

>The reason Grand Kaioh-shin didn't free the Z Sword was because he didn't want to rely on a sword to fight enemies.

>Pure Boo is explicitly said to be the strongest Boo of all (contrived for the final enemy to not be the strongest enemy)

>After seeing how unhinged Pure Boo is, Vegett attempts to kill him with Final Kamehameha. Vegett splits before he can fire it because his power was too great for the fusion to stay intact.

>When Boo blows up Earth, Grand Kaioh-shin puts up a barrier to protect himself along with Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo. Upon seeing Pure Boo teleport, Grand Kaioh-shin learns how to perform the technique himself. He teleports to the planet that Kibitoshin, Elder Kaioh-shin, Dende, and the dog are on to drop off Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo before teleporting to the Kaioh-shin Realm. Kibitoshin heals Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo (it never made any sense why Gokuu and Vegeeta just left Fat Boo inside of Super Boo's body. For all they knew, Boo could have just reabsorbed him. Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo surviving Earth's destruction doesn't add to anything, but I don't see why Grand Kaioh-shin would just leave them there)

>Due to Vegett's power causing their fusion to split, Gokuu and Vegeeta are unable to fuse again with the Potala for the time being. They don't fuse with the dance because they would just end up splitting again due to their sheer fused power (Gokuu and Vegeeta turning down the Potala was just dumb artificial tension).

>SS3 Gokuu is greatly outmatched by Pure Boo, who toys with him. He is eventually knocked out of SS3 (Pure Boo being much stronger than Gokuu justifies Gokuu still wanting to fight Pure Boo's equal ten years later).

>Grand Kaioh-shin fights Pure Boo when Gokuu can no longer fight. Grand Kaioh-shin and Pure Boo are equal in strength, but Boo has the advantage due to his regeneration.

>When Kibitoshin is about to bring Gohan and Gotenks over to fight, Vegeeta tells them to go to Namekku and use the Dragon Balls to restore Earth and revive everyone who died in the last few days (except the really evil ones).

>Fusing causes the fusees to gain each other's memories. This is how Vegeeta learns about the Genkidama. He suggests gathering energy from everyone on Earth and Namekku to defeat Boo (never made sense how Vegeeta knew what the Genkidama was when he was never told about it).

>Gotenks donates his Ki to the Genkidama instead of Goten and Trunks donating separately (never made sense why they didn't fuse).

>Lunch is shown donating her Ki instead of Seventeen like Toriyama originally intended (Seventeen was completely out of place here and he and Eighteen shouldn't even be able to donate their energy to the Genkidama as they don't have any Ki).

>When Grand Kaioh-shin is defeated, Vegeeta fights Pure Boo as an SS2 (never made sense how Vegeeta could stall Boo in his base form without getting killed).

>Pure Boo isn't scared by the Genkidama and he willingly tries to block it with his own physical might because he likes the challenge (it was dumb how Pure Boo toyed with base Vegeeta while the Genkidama was charging when Boo was already shown to be afraid by it. It also was dumb how Pure Boo didn't just teleport out of the way to dodge the Genkidama. It's better if he purposefully chooses to go up against the Genkidama. Plus, this could give Pure Boo a parallel to Gokuu; they both like to challenge themselves instead of receiving help or taking the easy way out).

>Gokuu turns SS3 to kill Boo with the Genkidama after being healed by the Namekkian Dragon Balls (no reason for Gokuu to hold back to his weakest transformation when making his final attack).

>Vegeeta makes his speech about Gokuu being better than him after Boo is killed. It would be when they reunite with their family and friends on the Lookout right before the 10 year time skip.

>Grand Kaioh-shin stays on Kaioh-shin World with Kibitoshin and Elder Kaioh-shin.

>Everyone else's memories of Boo aren't erased (no point since Fat Boo would be gone. But everyone's memories of Vegeeta killing people at the tournament are erased, so he can live on Earth peacefully)

>Mr. Satan has retired from martial arts at the end of the manga (he can't rig the tournament without Boo and he's getting older, anyway)

>Bra is a fighter and a friendly rival to Pan a la Goten and Trunks.

>Gokuu still regularly keeps in contact with Bulma instead of only visiting her once five years prior.

>Marron doesn't grow a nose.

>Pan and Bra don't participate in the Tenka'ichi Budoh-kai because they're so young.

>Gokuu, Gohan, Goten, Vegeeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Grand World King God, and Oob participate in the Tenka'ichi Budoh-kai (no worthless throwaway characters like Moh Kekko, Kirahno, Knock, Captain Chicken, and the gay stereotype).

>Gokuu, Gohan, Goten, Vegeeta, and Trunks disguise themselves as Super Saiyans (yes, Gohan can still turn Super Saiyan, although it doesn't make him any stronger).

>Grand magically masks his face to look like Barry Quarn. He uses the pseudonym "Dai".

>Kurilin, Eighteen, Marron, Yumcha, Ox King, Oolong, Pu'er, and Dende don't attend the 28th Budoh-kai, either. Only Chichi, Veedel, and Bulma come as spectators; they get the best seats because Veedel is Satan's daughter (the fewer pointless background characters, the better. They can appear on the "THANK YOU GOODBYE" message on the final page, though. They can also appear in cutaways during Gokuu and Oob's match, watching it on TV or sensing it from afar)

>The planned matches in the 28th Budoh-kai are

1. Gokuu vs. Oob (Gokuu leaves with Oob)
2. Goten vs. Dai (none of the matches after Gokuu vs. Oob have to be shown in the
>No Great Saiyaman. Gohan keeps fighting crime as a Super Saiyan and he moves really fast so no one can get a good look at his appearance. Veedel still tricks him into admitting his identity when he stops to talk to her (Saiyaman sucked. Gohan can still use a device to change his clothes when he transforms, but it's not necessary).

>Goten and Trunks are much weaker at the start of the arc. They can't even turn Super Saiyan (this way, Super Saiyan isn't devalued as much).

>Piccolo is the one who trains Goten (now it makes more sense how he can keep up with Trunks, who is trained by Vegeeta)

>No Youth Division at the Tenka'ichi Budoh-kai. Goten and Trunks still knock out Mighty Mask and disguise themselves as him so they can fight with the adults. They lose to No.18 more easily.

>Gokuu, Gohan, and Vegeeta disguise themselves as Super Saiyans when they participate in the tournament and withhold their names to avoid media attention (all should have mastered Super Saiyan by this point, anyway).

>Gohan is equal to his Cell arc self. Gokuu and Vegeeta far surpass Gohan from the Cell arc.

>Kurilin doesn't come check out Bobbidi's spaceship; he stays at the Budoh-kai with Eighteen, who makes him forfeit from the battle royale, so she can enact her scheme of blackmailing Mr. Satan to give her the first place prize money on top of the runner up prize money. She doesn't want the media attention that would come from beating Mr. Satan (Kurilin had no reason to leave when he was useless).

>Shin explains Boo's history in full right away. Boo never absorbed South Kaioh-shin; Grand is the only World King God who got absorbed. Also, Shin didn't bring Boo's shell to Earth. He brought it with him to Kaioh-shin World, but Bobbidi used a spell to transport the shell to his own location without even going to Kaioh-shin World himself. Being the son (duplicate, actually) of Bibbidi, the one who created Boo, Bobbidi can sense the shell's location and bring it to wherever he is. He waited until his magic became strong enough to brainwash the likes of Darbra to move forward with this plan. He came to Earth after hearing that the person who killed Freeza, feared as the strongest in the universe, was on Earth (too convenient that Boo's shell was on Earth of all places in the universe).

>Darbra is stronger than Super Perfect Cell and on par with Gohan, who fights him as an SS2 (with electricity!).

>Darbra doesn't kill Kibito. He turns him to stone along with Piccolo. After Boo kills Darbra, they're both turned back to normal. The wounded Shin tells Kibito not to save him; he tells him to save Gohan, who is barely alive after being defeated by Boo. Kibito struggles to locate Gohan's dwindling Ki and is distracted by Vegeeta's fight with Boo; he's in awe of how strong Vegeeta is and how much stronger Boo is. When Boo does his Angry Explosion, Kibito teleports himself and Shin to Kaioh-shin World, where he heals Shin. They then return to Earth to pick up Gohan and bring him to Kaioh-shin World, so he can use the Z Sword (No point in Kibito dying right after we got introduced to him, especially when he got revived right after)

>Bulma and co don't use the Dragon Balls to revive everyone Vegeeta killed (dumb of them to do this without considering the possibility that they might need the Dragon Balls later. Also, this gets rid of that stupid scene where they all assumed Gohan was dead even though they had just used the Dragon Balls to revive everyone who died. Gohan had never been revived before, so he would have come back to life from the wish if he was dead)

>Bulma doesn't leave the Dragon Radar at Capsule Corp like an idiot. Her parents go with everyone to hide on Kami's Lookout (this scene was stupid because not only was it stupidly convenient for Bulma to leave the radar at Capsule Corp, but Popo could have just retrieved it with his magic carpet)

>The reason Gokuu fights Boo as SS3 is to make Goten and Trunks see how strong he is. They initially refuse to listen to him because they think he's weak for being unconscious while Gohan and Vegeeta were defeated by Boo. Gokuu doesn't choose not to kill Boo as an SS3; he simply didn't have enough time left on Earth after fighting in SS3 for so long (Gokuu's logic for sparing Boo was dumb; relying on two stupid kids to clean a mess that you created while the rest of humankind gets killed is stupid)

>Goten and Trunks quickly learn the Fusion dance after Gokuu leaves (Vegeeta quickly learns it in Fusion Reborn and DBS, so there's no reason Goten and Trunks would take much longer to learn it).

>Redesign Gotenks so he looks more like a fusion of Goten and Trunks, not Vegeeta with purple highlights.

>Dende has the Room of Spirit and Time to have no time or person limit (it never made sense how Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, and Boo could all be in the room when it was established that only two people could go in at a time. So, reveal that he upgraded to have no limit on how many people can enter at a time. And if you do that, may as well have him upgrade it so it has no time limit)

>Goten and Trunks aren't forbidden from training in the Room of Spirit and Time. They train in there for 2 years (2 days outside) with Piccolo. Goten and Trunks both unlock SS1 and SS2. Gotenks unlocks SS1, SS2, and SS3 (always dumb how Gokuu wouldn't let them spend just a week in the Time Chamber, about half an hour in the outside world, when that wouldn't be using much of their allowed time there. Anyway, the Time Chamber gets destroyed and Dende rebuilds and upgrades it in DBS, so there's even less of a reason in Goten and Trunks not using it. Fact is, it was just a thinly veiled way to pad the story arc out).

>No Gray Boo. Upon seeing Mr. Satan get shot, Fat Boo transforms directly into Super Boo (Gray Boo only makes things confusing once Pure Boo appears).

>It's while Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo are in the Room of Spirit and Time that Boo becomes friends with Mr. Satan and transforms to Super Boo. Dende leads Boo into the Room of Spirit and Time.

>Super Boo doesn't kill Chichi before everyone else (always dumb how Goten didn't turn SS2 when he saw his mom get killed).

>Gotenks turns SS3 against Boo in the Room of Spirit and Time. He turns back to Base before he can finish Boo off. Piccolo destroys the entrance, attempting to trap Boo inside. Boo opens a worm hole and escapes.

>Super Boo doesn't want to kill Veedel, but he accidentally turns her into chocolate and eats her along with the others on the Lookout because he got too excited to eat after escaping the Room of Spirit and Time.

>Gotenks, Piccolo, and Dende eventually escape the Room of Spirit and Time as well. Before Gotenks and Boo can resume fighting, Gohan shows up with his potential unlocked by Elder Kaioh-shin and beats Boo to a pulp. Boo then absorbs Gotenks and Piccolo. Bootenks beats up Gohan. Dende brings Mr. Satan over to reason with Boo, but to no avail (it was way too convenient that Gohan and co just stumbled upon Mr. Satan as they were looking for Dende. And it was too convenient that Dende just happened to be thrown off the lookout when Boo turned everyone else to chocolate)

>Bootenks kills Tenshinhan when he kicks him (it was a dick move of Dende to just leave Tenshinhan there after Bootenks kicked him, especially considering Tenshinhan saved him from Bootenks's blast before. He heals him in the anime, but it's better for Tenshinhan to just die here as he does nothing afterwards)

>Mystic Gohan is undoubtedly the strongest unfused character (Gohan's potential being unleashed should make him the strongest given how much of a big deal his potential has been throughout the manga).

>Vegett doesn't split inside of Boo (him splitting because of "bad air" was stupid).

>Vegett finds Grand Kaioh-shin, not Fat Boo, inside of Super Boo's body. He frees him along with the Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo (it never made any sense for Fat Boo to be able to coexist with Pure Boo).

>No Buff Boo. When Vegett disconnects Grand Kaioh-shin from Super Boo's body, Super Boo transforms directly into Pure Boo (it never made any sense how Super Boo only turned into Buff for a few seconds before turning into Pure. Just remove Buff altogether).

>The reason Grand Kaioh-shin didn't free the Z Sword was because he didn't want to rely on a sword to fight enemies.

>Pure Boo is explicitly said to be the strongest Boo of all (contrived for the final enemy to not be the strongest enemy)

>After seeing how unhinged Pure Boo is, Vegett attempts to kill him with Final Kamehameha. Vegett splits before he can fire it because his power was too great for the fusion to stay intact.

>When Boo blows up Earth, Grand Kaioh-shin puts up a barrier to protect himself along with Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo. Upon seeing Pure Boo teleport, Grand Kaioh-shin learns how to perform the technique himself. He teleports to the planet that Kibitoshin, Elder Kaioh-shin, Dende, and the dog are on to drop off Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo before teleporting to the Kaioh-shin Realm. Kibitoshin heals Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo (it never made any sense why Gokuu and Vegeeta just left Fat Boo inside of Super Boo's body. For all they knew, Boo could have just reabsorbed him. Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo surviving Earth's destruction doesn't add to anything, but I don't see why Grand Kaioh-shin would just leave them there)

>Due to Vegett's power causing their fusion to split, Gokuu and Vegeeta are unable to fuse again with the Potala for the time being. They don't fuse with the dance because they would just end up splitting again due to their sheer fused power (Gokuu and Vegeeta turning down the Potala was just dumb artificial tension).

>SS3 Gokuu is greatly outmatched by Pure Boo, who toys with him. He is eventually knocked out of SS3 (Pure Boo being much stronger than Gokuu justifies Gokuu still wanting to fight Pure Boo's equal ten years later).

>Grand Kaioh-shin fights Pure Boo when Gokuu can no longer fight. Grand Kaioh-shin and Pure Boo are equal in strength, but Boo has the advantage due to his regeneration.

>When Kibitoshin is about to bring Gohan and Gotenks over to fight, Vegeeta tells them to go to Namekku and use the Dragon Balls to restore Earth and revive everyone who died in the last few days (except the really evil ones).

>Fusing causes the fusees to gain each other's memories. This is how Vegeeta learns about the Genkidama. He suggests gathering energy from everyone on Earth and Namekku to defeat Boo (never made sense how Vegeeta knew what the Genkidama was when he was never told about it).

>Gotenks donates his Ki to the Genkidama instead of Goten and Trunks donating separately (never made sense why they didn't fuse).

>Lunch is shown donating her Ki instead of Seventeen like Toriyama originally intended (Seventeen was completely out of place here and he and Eighteen shouldn't even be able to donate their energy to the Genkidama as they don't have any Ki).

>When Grand Kaioh-shin is defeated, Vegeeta fights Pure Boo as an SS2 (never made sense how Vegeeta could stall Boo in his base form without getting killed).

>Pure Boo isn't scared by the Genkidama and he willingly tries to block it with his own physical might because he likes the challenge (it was dumb how Pure Boo toyed with base Vegeeta while the Genkidama was charging when Boo was already shown to be afraid by it. It also was dumb how Pure Boo didn't just teleport out of the way to dodge the Genkidama. It's better if he purposefully chooses to go up against the Genkidama. Plus, this could give Pure Boo a parallel to Gokuu; they both like to challenge themselves instead of receiving help or taking the easy way out).

>Gokuu turns SS3 to kill Boo with the Genkidama after being healed by the Namekkian Dragon Balls (no reason for Gokuu to hold back to his weakest transformation when making his final attack).

>Vegeeta makes his speech about Gokuu being better than him after Boo is killed. It would be when they reunite with their family and friends on the Lookout right before the 10 year time skip.

>Grand Kaioh-shin stays on Kaioh-shin World with Kibitoshin and Elder Kaioh-shin.

>Everyone else's memories of Boo aren't erased (no point since Fat Boo would be gone. But everyone's memories of Vegeeta killing people at the tournament are erased, so he can live on Earth peacefully)

>Mr. Satan has retired from martial arts at the end of the manga (he can't rig the tournament without Boo and he's getting older, anyway)

>Bra is a fighter and a friendly rival to Pan a la Goten and Trunks.

>Gokuu still regularly keeps in contact with Bulma instead of only visiting her once five years prior.

>Marron doesn't grow a nose.

>Pan and Bra don't participate in the Tenka'ichi Budoh-kai because they're so young.

>Gokuu, Goten, Vegeeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Grand World King God, Kibitoshin, and Oob participate in the Tenka'ichi Budoh-kai (no worthless throwaway characters like Moh Kekko, Kirahno, Knock, Captain Chicken, and the gay stereotype).

>Gokuu, Goten, Vegeeta, and Trunks disguise themselves as Super Saiyans when they participate.

>Gohan doesn't go to the Tenka'ichi Budoh-kai because he has an academic conference to attend (he still keeps up his training and is upset that he couldn't participate in the Tenka'ichi Budoh-kai. Honestly, I would have had Gohan participate, but he'd have to disguise himself as a Super Saiyan. Since he's Mystic, it wouldn't feel right showing him as a Super Saiyan, so I wouldn't have him participate)

>Grand magically masks his face to look like Barry Quarn. He uses the pseudonym "Dai".

>Kibitoshin goes by "Shin".

>Kurilin, Eighteen, Marron, Yumcha, Ox King, Oolong, Pu'er, and Dende don't attend the 28th Budoh-kai. Only Chichi, Veedel, and Bulma come as spectators; they get the best seats because Veedel is Satan's daughter (the fewer pointless background characters, the better. They can appear on the "THANK YOU GOODBYE" message on the final page, though. They can also appear in cutaways during Gokuu and Oob's match, watching it on TV or sensing it from afar)

>The planned matches in the 28th Budoh-kai are (none of the matches after Gokuu vs. Oob would be shown in the manga)

1. Gokuu vs. Oob (Gokuu leaves with Oob)
2. Goten vs. Grand Kaioh-shin but Goten would lose to Grand Kaioh-shin)
3. Trunks vs. Piccolo (Trunks loses to Piccolo)
4. Vegeeta vs. Kibitoshin (Kibitoshin loses to Vegeeta)

Next round would be (wouldn't be shown in the manga, this is just for fun)
1. Grand Kaioh-shin automatically advances to the finals due to both Gokuu and Oob leaving.
2. Piccolo vs. Vegeeta (Piccolo loses to Vegeeta)

Final match would be (again, this is just for fun lol)
1. Grand Kaioh-shin vs. Vegeeta (Vegeeta loses to Grand Kaioh-shin, who wins the tournament)

>Gokuu puts Oob on Kinto'un just like in the Kanzenban.

>Add Kibitoshin, Grand Kaioh-shin, and Elder Kaioh-shin to the "THANK YOU GOODBYE PAGE".
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Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Spelt wrong Goku, Namekian, Buu, Vegeta, Kaioshin (actually mouth-closed lolled at this misspelling, whatever that laugh is called), Launch, Pain au chocolate (who tf eats Pain au Rice aka Pain au Gohan?), Uub, SSJ3, genki-dama, time-skip, Mister Satan, 17.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
Updated fam

The Boo arc is such a trainwreck lol
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John Cena is almost 50
Fantastische Hure wrote on Mystic's profile.
That was almost an incredible promo by John Cena. Almost.