My Super Awesome Chocolate Coated Ultra Ultimate Battle Power Guide


Low Class Warrior
Jun 10, 2024
Let me just get a few things out of the way. 1. Yes I go with Freeza > Base Saiyans, though I have an unorthodox way around it that sorta lets me have my cake and eat it too. 2. For Super, I operate with the "2 base theory" as it's become known, so you'll have to bare with me on those contentious approaches to scaling. The goal of this Battle Power Guide is to get everything to fit under 1 system, and yeah, I do mean everything. This guide covers OGDB, Z, GT, Super, the movies, and even Heroes. Feel free to peruse at your own leisure, but be forewarned, it is rather extensive

Ultimate Battle Power Guide
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Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
This looks familiar…

I don’t think I ever got to say it on Neo, but this is the best list I’ve ever seen, even if I don’t 100% agree. Not just because of the scope, but also because of the consistency. Making anime DBS = manga DBS is pretty cool, and since Heroes is here I imagine you made SSJB = SSJ4 too.

SSJ essence is a good way out of the Base vs Freeza issue. DBS: Broly seems to canonize it but I don’t see nearly enough people discussing the implications behind it. I’m partial to the 2 base theory, but it kinda falls apart in the ToP (and I noticed you had some trouble with Goku vs Gohan).

Anyway the only critique I have (that caught my eye in these endless pages) is GT Goten. Base Gohan was fending SSJ Baby Goten very easily, and I think Baby even says he’s still weaker than Trunks after getting Goten’s body.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 10, 2024
I had some trouble initially I suppose, but I made it work. I simply had to reevaluate how I approached divine power and I came up with a solution that I liked.

Not quite. Base Gohan and Super Saiyan Goten Baby are portrayed as relatively equal. Both are able to get the better of the other and they're both breathing hard at the end of the fight. As for Baby's assertion that he would attain Saiya power surpassing Goku and Trunks, he's not referring to his own power specifically, but well, Saiyan power itself.
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May 30, 2015
I had some trouble initially I suppose, but I made it work. I simply had to reevaluate how I approached divine power and I came up with a solution that I liked.

Not quite. Base Gohan and Super Saiyan Goten Baby are portrayed as relatively equal. Both are able to get the better of the other and they're both breathing hard at the end of the fight. As for Baby's assertion that he would attain Saiya power surpassing Goku and Trunks, he's not referring to his own power specially, but well, Saiyan power itself.
Do you have the link to that guide?



Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Base - 206-280

Kamehameha - 350

Kuririn’s strength has also increased greatly. The 206 figure for Kuririn’s resting level is taken from the early Saiyan arc.

Chapter: 209 (DBZ 15), P4.2

Context: trying out the converted scouter

Blooma: "Kuririn is... Ah, incredible!! It says 206!!"

Wouldn't be better for Tenshinhan to be the only one with the resting power? I'd say the 206 should work for Kuririn, specially considering he didn't note how he could power up beyond that and that the scouter registered a level that didn't represent his full. With Tenshinhan, I understand the thought so as to maintain Piccolo's Daiz power level (though in this case, 240) and have Ten above him. What do you make of the Daizenshuu having Goku and Piccolo Junior as 416 and 408 though?

I'd say the same with Tenshinhan, his 177 battle power being enough to be his full power, not a resting state. Unless that's a problem due to them being below Cyborg Tao ?

Base - 416-616
W/ Weights - 334-494
Super Kamehameha - 924

Most of these battle powers are taken from the manga. The 494 and 616 figures are what I figure Goku’s true power ought to be

Maybe 334 could be the full power for weighted Goku ? I don't think he needs to be holding power when weighted personally as he didn't power up with weights Vs Tenshinhan, he took out the weights and then could power up more than once... As far as the 23rd Budokai goes, the weights just held back Goku that much it seems.

Third Form - 2,250,000

I think this 3rd form from Freeza is too close to Zenkai Vegeta... Vegeta was still somewhat confident he could take on Freeza when final form Freeza's power already registered way higher than his 3rd form. It wasn't until Freeza increased his speed --- since Vegeta could keep up with it --- that Vegeta started to feel hopeless... And then Freeza arguably showed a big power display when kicking Vegeta's all out attack, which left everyone surprised at Freeza achieving such a feat. Even Goku was in disbelief when he sensed Vegeta's power starting to drop so quickly --- since Vegeta had gotten so strong ---. It all seems weird if Vegeta was just somewhat above 3rd form Freeza.

Piccolo has been training since his encounter with Freeza on Namek. After being insulted by Vegeta, Piccolo challenges him to a fight, suggesting he’s capable of keeping up with him.
I don't think that should put them equal yet... The status quo isn't challenged because Piccolo had shown courage to fight Vegeta. Piccolo is also not the type to let smartasses tun their mouth without turning aggressive sometimes. It's not like he was with a cool head challenging to break Vegeta like when Vegeta insulted him after he got to Namek... He seemed a little hot headed while Vegeta seemed calm and didn't feel like getting too deep with Piccolo "challenging" him. When Piccolo was indeed stronger, Vegeta was the one who lost his head and said he'd defeat Piccolo (Kamiccolo) when Kamiccolo told how Vegeta was naive for wanting to let Cell absorb the androids. Vegeta screamed at Piccolo saying he'd be the one to be killed firstly and Piccolo just kept his composure. I think Vegeta being the one to do the mocking here, Piccolo challenging Vegeta in a hod headed way and Vegeta not feeling like to go beyond it might point out at Vegeta being secure with his power.

Base - 60,000,000
Goku’s Energy - 150,000,00
Is that kinda too weak for initial #19 ? He was getting his ass kicked by ssj sick Goku, but it didn't seem so severe as when Vegeta pummeled #19 post absorptions. Just based on 20's reaction once Vegeta did it, and the fact #19 was losing his cool and getting pieced apart, though little by little, more by Vegeta would imply Vegeta held a bigger gap over #19 post than Sick Goku did over initial #19 imo. #19 was already pretty enraged once Vegeta kicked him upwards and then punched him, drawing blood/oil from 19's face. It seemed a beatdown considerably more effective.

Energy Absorbed - 180,000,000
I'd likely put #20 post absorptions on par with post yardrat SSJ Goku at least... Piccolo still considered as a viable option the fact they they had grown too strong and then, the androids were just in accordance to the rumors, with their strength due to their training making the difference. I don't think that would work if 20 post was still weaker than SSJ Goku from 3 years ago... Trunks still had a "little" hope upon seeing Goku's power. They all knew Goku's power still needed to be worked upon for them to challenge the upcoming threat.

Base - 1,200,000,000
This is CGs Piccolo, maybe 2,000,000,000 wouldn't be better? That'd put him still a level or two behind Vegeta/Trunks/Cell Juniors but still within a respectable range in which he couldn't be messed up quickly, like SSJG2 Vegeta was Vs warming up Cell, for example. The Cell Juniors had the intention to make each of them suffer without killing so Gohan would be broke and release his anger. Piccolo still not being in a rough shape and having not serious damage implies he couldn't be done in quickly, instantly by the Cell Juniors. I think a 2,000,000,000 to the Juniors' 2.4B would be a good range to portray that. It'd also make Piccolo as strong as ~50% MSSJ Goku and ~ Cell (warming up vs Vegeta), which makes sense when also considering Trunks' reaction to Goku blatantly saying post RoSaT Piccolo was useless Vs Cell... While Trunks likely had the Cell who defeated him and Vegeta in mind.

Super Saiyan - 2,400,000,000
That's for kid Trunks. Kid Trunks stated he was a little stronger than Goten. I think a 1.2x difference is still noticeable for "just a little" imo.

Base - 120,000,000+

Goku has gotten a bit stronger training for the tournament.

Wouldn't that make base Goku > Freeza ?

Base - 100,000,000+
Super Saiyan - 5,000,000,00
Super Saiyan 2 - 10,000,000,000
Possessed by Bobbidi - 12,000,000,000

After being possessed by Bobbidi, Vegeta is able to close the gap between himself and Goku.
Why is Vegeta already above kid Gohan before getting the Majin power up? He seemed to hold SSJ2 kid Gohan's power in a pedestal, and treated the fact Goku surpassed Gohan, once Goku showed his full SSJ2 power, as a feat worth mentioning at the time... Vegeta was still stated by Piccolo to be perhaps above kid Gohan when Vegeta had already been powered up by the Majin spell. I'd personally put Vegeta close but still weaker than kid Gohan pre Majin, like 90/100... And then 110 post Majin.
Base - 1,600,000,000

Bobbidi’s energy measuring device pegs Yakon at 800 Kiri, while Super Saiyan Goku is measured at 3,000
Ehh, that would imply Yakon was suppressed the whole time when fighting base Goku, right? Idk, it may be. Though it may also be Goku was suppressed or that the kiri system doesn't scale on a linear way with battle powers from scouters.

Btw, good job and very pleasing aesthetics with the list, it's fun reading.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 10, 2024
To address your concerns with Majin Vegeta specifically, Gohan taps out at 11.25 billion against Cell during the final push so things stay consistent.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 10, 2024
Updated it to have the base Saiyans below Freeza's 120 million power level. Before I had Goku equal, but postulated that Freeza's advantages at 100% power would net him the victory, but that was a little too close for comfort IMO, and I had to assume Goku and co. didn't get any stronger between Boo and Battle of Gods.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Updated it to have the base Saiyans below Freeza's 120 million power level. Before I had Goku equal, but postulated that Freeza's advantages at 100% power would net him the victory, but that was a little too close for comfort IMO, and I had to assume Goku and co. didn't get any stronger between Boo and Battle of Gods.

I don't think Ultimate = 400x works. Z Sword Gohan was stated to be weaker than Fat Boo, he's probably as strong as Future Trunks was vs Dabra. And Base Gohan being over 100x stronger than Base Goku? Come on.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 10, 2024
I don't think Ultimate = 400x works. Z Sword Gohan was stated to be weaker than Fat Boo, he's probably as strong as Future Trunks was vs Dabra. And Base Gohan being over 100x stronger than Base Goku? Come on.
Post Z-Sword Gohan is still weaker than Fat Boo. Gohan's boost to his base form comes after the ritual, not before.


And wym over 100 times stronger than base Goku? You mean Super Gohan? He's still inferior to Goku with Saiyan Beyond God, and base Gohan has to be very powerful given he's stronger than Piccolo, who prior was as strong or stronger than his own Super Saiyan 2 form. We also know Super Saiyan Gohan is stronger than Demon God Level 2 Shroom, who is very very powerful.
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Low Class Warrior
Jun 10, 2024
Decided to upload a video series on these Battle Powers. Daima is also mostly up to date. Not really sure how strong the Megath child should be.
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Low Class Warrior
Jun 10, 2024
Just noticed the list in your signature is back to Freeza > Base Saiyans. What happened to BoG/Daima Goku > Gohan and Gotenks?
Insufficient evidence as things currently stand. If something more concrete is provided, I will adjust accordingly.

Beyond that, recent evidence suggests the characters in Daima did not get weaker, and are around as strong as their Boo arc selves, so the idea that Goku and Vegeta got significantly stronger doesn't really hold up currently.
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