Piccolo regenerating in the Boo Saga


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Just thought about this in the Cell regen thread.

In the Boo Saga, Goten or Trunks accidentally broke Piccolo’s statue. Later he comes back like nothing happened, brushing it off with regen. But we saw before that arms alone cost a ton of Ki. How is Piccolo alright after regenerating his whole body?

Is it because of how strong he is? Does he have super regeneration because he’s a Super Namekian? I think Gohan said the U6 Namekians had a lot of stamina in the anime (which also abuses of regeneration, but I write that off as Toei logic).


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Was he really that damaged? Wasn't it just his arms and feet?

He didn't need to fight after the regen, so just didn't mention the ki loss. He knew he was irrelevant to the fight. And he didn't show signs of slowing down, because he was never moving in the first place. Then he just had to fight Babidi, who is a chump anyway.

He was also totally fresh when he did the regen. Whereas against Freeza and Cell he wasn't as he'd already expended ki whooping them and against Raditz he'd just been fighting all-out for a while. So after the regen of two arms/feet, he ended up with the same level of ki left over as if he'd regenerated one arm after fighting against a tough opponent.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
This is why I think damage and regeneration go hand in hand. More often than not, the more damaged the person is the harder it is to regenerate. Piccolo was at full power and got knocked over. His body wasn't stressed in combat.


Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
Remember that regeneration cost Piccolo a ton of ki when his battle power was near 400. Why should it cost the same proportional amount every time? Maybe it's based on raw ki, so his regeneration later costs a minuscule amount compared to his level.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
I was thinking it could be proportional because his tissue now has more ki inside it. So his arm at 400PL doesn't require as much ki to regenerate and replenish, compared to when he's 100,000x stronger, versus Cell. If it was based on raw ki, regenning an arm should've got progressively easier, going from the 23rd Budokai, to Raditz and then way easier against Cell. He said it made him weaker vs Cell, the Raditz one was only after the fight ended anyway, so we don't know how much it tired him out.

The 23rd being the most tiring supports it being a raw/fixed ki amount (which is what I did think myself, until yesterday), but then it should totally negligible and not worth mentioning vs Cell. I mean, it took energy to regrow the arm, but was it more tiring than it was for Goku to do an all-out KHH? The same KHH Goku used at the 23rd would be totally unnoteworthy in terms of making Goku tired, if he did it in the Android Saga, because he had way more ki. So if it takes a raw/fixed quantity of ki, why would Piccolo even say it made him weaker, vs Cell? That's like if Cell Saga Piccolo had to kill 23rd Budokai Goku with a beam and then non-sarcastically said it made him a little tired.

The 23rd arm regen was tiring, but it's very possible the reason for that is because he was already visibly tired from taking a damaging attack a moment before. Doing any sort of attack in that state would also be tiring, until he's had a chance to recover. Plus he had to rip his own arm off. I dunno how we know it cost a tonne of ki, since in the manga he seems ok straight afterwards and there's nothing said about his ki being lower. I suppose him putting everything into one attack can point to him knowing he doesn't have much ki left, but can't say for sure - it could have just been a choice made out of annoyance over not being able to hit Goku, so he just tried an multidirectional attack.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Maybe having a max higher ki means you have more/bigger of whatever structures produce ki. So regenning a more powerful arm requires more ki. Plus the arm of someone with more ki is more durable, which is supported by Raditz not killing Gohan when knocking him away, even though Gohan's PL was only 1 - his body's durability was more reflective of his true max power, even though his PL was suppressed, meaning max power bleeds into your body's actual structure. It would be better if there are non-saiyan examples too though, of people showing durability that correlates more with their max power rather than with their current PL.


Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
Maybe having a max higher ki means you have more/bigger of whatever structures produce ki. So regenning a more powerful arm requires more ki. Plus the arm of someone with more ki is more durable, which is supported by Raditz not killing Gohan when knocking him away, even though Gohan's PL was only 1 - his body's durability was more reflective of his true max power, even though his PL was suppressed, meaning max power bleeds into your body's actual structure. It would be better if there are non-saiyan examples too though, of people showing durability that correlates more with their max power rather than with their current PL.
Maybe it's like he's replacing a better arm so it costs a little more than before but still not a whole lot.

An average Joe replacing his car would hurt his wallet for a $20k car, but a millionaire replacing a $200k car would not feel it as much, even though it's a premium car.