
Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Copied from here (credit to Engineer/Ninjaneer/Rockman and dbzf dbz debaters of that time): archive links:
- https://web.archive.org/web/20180713163313/http://dbzf.co.uk/topic/8339821/1/ (2018)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130521041839/http://dbzf.co.uk/topic/8339821/1/ (2013)

Mathematical Equations (for comparison)
does not equal​
roughly equal to​
equal to​
greater than​
greater than or equal to, or slightly greater than (depending on the context)​
much greater than​
>>> or more >'s
stupidly greater than
Translated Name Variants
Tenkaichi Budokai
World Martial Arts Tournament​
Pui Pui
Muten Roshi
Master Roshi​
Mirai Trunks
Future Trunks​
Mirai Gohan
Future Gohan​
Spirit Bomb​
Special Beam Cannon​
Destructo Disc​
Shin Kikoho
Neo Tri-Beam​
Supreme Kai​
Kai (i.e. King Kai and his rival Kais of the same level)​
Shunkan Ido
Instant Transmission​
Acronym/Name Explanations


- SS / SSJ / SSjin: Stands for Super Saiyan, the first Super form of a Saiyan.

- SS2 / SSJ2 / SSjin 2: Stands for Super Saiyan 2, the second Super form a Saiyan can undertake.

- SS3 / SSJ3 / SSjin 3: Stands for Super Saiyan 3, the third Super form of a Saiyan.

- SS4 / SSJ4 / SSjin 4: Stands for Super Saiyan 4, the fourth and final Super form a Saiyan can achieve.

- ASSJ / ASSJ1: Stands for Ascended Super Saiyan, the form of increased strength immediately after Super Saiyan, but before Super Saiyan 2. It is the form that Vegeta used when he fought Semi-Perfect Cell. NOTE: Super Saiyan Grade 2 is the official term for this form.

- USSJ / ASSJ2 / Power-Weighted SSJ: Stands for Ultra Super Saiyan, Ascended Super Saiyan 2, or Power-Weighted Super Saiyan. It is the form that Trunks used to fight Perfect Cell after Vegeta was beaten. NOTE: Super Saiyan Grade 3 is the official term for this form.

- MSSJ / FPSSJ: Stands for Mastered Super Saiyan or Full-Power Super Saiyan. This is the form that Gohan and Goku attained in the Room of Spirit and Time. NOTE: Full-Power Super Saiyan is the official term for this form.

- Great Ape / Oozaru: These are the English and Japanese words, respectively, for the transformation in which a Saiyan looks at the moon and transforms into a giant monkey.

- Golden Great Ape / Golden Oozaru: These are the two phrases to describe the state Goku and Baby Vegeta achieve by transforming into a Great Ape while in their Super Saiyan forms.

- FSSJ: This stands for False Super Saiyan, the form that Goku took when he fought Lord Slug. It is not the Super Saiyan transformation, but was believed to be at the time. NOTE: Pseudo Super Saiyan is the official term for this form.

- Frieza / Freeza / Freezer / Kuriza: These are all different names for the same person. Frieza/Freeza/Freezer/Kuriza is the person Goku fought on Planet Namek.

- Imperfect Cell / 1st Form Cell: This refers to the the first form of Cell, before he absorbed Android 18 or 17.

- Semi-Perfect Cell / 2nd Form Cell: This refers to the second form of Cell, after he absorbed Android 17.

- Perfect Cell: This refers to the third form of Cell, after he absorbed both androids.

- Super Perfect Cell: This refers to the final form of Cell, after regenerating from his self-destruction.

- (Majin) Boo / Buu: Both of these are different names for the same villain. They can be used interchangeably. Buu/Boo is the pink monster that is the final villain in DBZ.

- Fat Buu: This is the name for the first form of Buu that appears and fights Majin Vegeta and Super Saiyan 3 Goku.

- Evil Buu / Gray Buu / Skinny Buu: This is the gray, skinny version of Majin Buu that was formed when Fat Buu expelled the anger from within himself. NOTE: Pure Evil Boo is the official name for this form of Buu.

- Good Buu / Innocent Buu: Good Buu is the fat version of Buu after expelling Gray Buu from his body.

- Mr. Buu: Mr. Buu is the name that Good Buu takes on at the end of the series.

- Super Buu / Evil Buu: These are both names that refer to the taller, pink, evil form of Buu after Gray Buu absorbed Good Buu. This can be confusing at times because Gray Buu is also referred to as Evil Buu by most people, but you can usually understand which form is being talked about from context.

- Buutenks / Gotenks-Boo: This refers to the form Super Buu takes after absorbing Gotenks and Piccolo. Some people also call it by the longer variant: Super Buu (Gotenks and Piccolo absorbed).

- Buucolo / Piccolo-Boo: This is to the form Super Buu takes after Gotenks splits back into Goten and Trunks inside of him, and he gains the characteristics of Piccolo.

- Buuhan / Gohan-Boo: This refers to the form Super Buu takes after he absorbs Gohan.

- Chibi Buu / Kid Buu / Pure Buu: These names refers to the original form of Majin Buu created by Bibidi, although this form does not appear in the story until last. This form of Buu had expelled Good Buu, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo from his body, and thus no longer has any of their characteristics.

- Buff Buu / Ultra Buu / Mega Buu: These refer to the muscular form Kid Buu takes after absorbing Southern Supreme Kai.

- Son Goku / Gohan / Goten: "Son Goku" is what Goku is called in the Japanese version and English manga as "Son" is his surname. This applies to everyone else in his family.

- Chibi Trunks / Goku / Gohan / Buu: Chibi means "small" or "miniature" in Japanese. It's basically another way of saying "Kid Goku" or "Kid Trunks".

- Seru: The Japanese spelling of Cell.

- Lord of Lords: The English manga name for Supreme Kai.

- Kibitoshin: The Japanese name for the fusion of Kibito and Supreme Kai.

- Light of Death: Special Beam Cannon in the English manga.

- Bukujutsu: The ability of flight.

- Mirai Trunks - Future Trunks

- RoSaT: Room of Spirit and Time. This is the official name for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

- Ki Weighting: A technique used by Master Roshi, Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Cell, and possibly Frieza. The user pumps Ki into their muscles, increasing their muscle mass. The benefit is increased strength and power, with the downside of decreased stamina and speed. In some cases, speed doesn't actually decrease, but merely doesn't progress as much as power.

- Arc: A section of the story defined by one unifying theme, usually the main villain. In DB, that would be Pilaf, Red Ribbon, and Piccolo. In DBZ, that would be Frieza, Cell, and Buu. In GT, that would be Baby, Super 17, and Shenron.

- Saga: Smaller, more defined section of an arc. For example, the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai Saga is at the end of the Pilaf Arc. The Namek Saga is the part of the Frieza Arc that takes place on Namek, but before the big fight with Frieza. In GT, the Dragonball Saga is the search for the Black Star Dragonballs.

- PL / BP: Power level or battle power. The numbers used from Raditz up until the Trunks arrived to show how strong a person was.

- Mystic / Ultimate: A ritual performed by Old Kai that brings the user to their limits and beyond, and condenses any transformations they might have into their normal state, eliminating any Ki drain that would come from transforming.

Terms and Acronyms
Official English Term [Japanese name] (sometimes an entry will be missing either of these)
Fan-made Term(s): (sometimes an entry will be missing this)
Instantaneous Movement / Teleportation [Shunkan Idō]
Instant Transmission

Super Saiyan [Sūpā Saiya-jin]
SSj / SSJ / SS

False Super Saiyan [Giji Sūpā Saiya-jin]
Giji SSj / Giji SSJ / FSSj / FSSJ

Full-Power Super Saiyan [Sūpā Saiya-jin Furu Pawā]
Mastered Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan Grade / Type 2 [Sūpā Saiya-jin dai ni-dankai]
Ascended Super Saiyan / Ultra Super Saiyan
ASSj / ASSJ / USSj / USSJ / ***** / USS / SSjG2 / SSJG2

Super Saiyan Grade / Type 3 [Sûpâ Saiya-jin dai san-dankai]
Ultra Super Saiyan

Legendary Super Saiyan [Densetsu no Sūpā Saiya-jin]
Super Saiyan Grade 4

Super Saiyan 2 [Sūpā Saiya-jin Tsū]
SSj2 / SSJ2 / SS2

Super Saiyan 3 [Sūpā Saiya-jin Surī]
SSj3 / SSJ3 / SS3

Super Saiyan 4 [Sūpā Saiya-jin Fō]
SSj4 / SSJ4 / SS4

Super Perfect Cell [Cho Kanzentai Seru]
Super Complete Cell / Post-Zenkai Cell

Power-Weighted Perfect Cell [Pawa Juuji Kanzentai Seru]
Buff Cell / Ultra Perfect Cell

Dragon Fist [Ryū-Ken] / Super Dragon Fist [Chou Ryū-Ken]

Imperfect Cell [Fukanzentai Seru]
1st Stage Cell / 2nd Stage Cell / Stage 1 Cell

Semi-Perfect Cell [Hankanzentai Seru]
2nd Stage Cell / 2nd Form Cell / Stage 2 Cell

King Kai [Kaio]

Supreme Kai [Higashi no Kaiōshin; Kaioshin]

Master Roshi [Muten Rōshi]

Guldo [Gurudo; lit. "Gurd"]

Recoome [Rikūmu; Reacoom]

Jeice [Jīsu; Jheese]

Burter [Bāta, Butta]

Freeza / Frieza [Furīza]

Oozaru [Ōzaru (lit. "Great Apes")]

Destructo Disc / Disk [Kienzan]

Tri-Beam [Kikōhō] / Neo Tri-Beam [Shin Kikōhō]

Kaio-Ken [Fist of the World King]

Dragon Ball GT [Doragon Boru Ji Ti (Grand Tour)]

Hyperbolic Time Chamber [Seishin to Toki no Heya (lit. "The Room of Spirit and Time")]
Time Chamber / Chamber of Spirit and Time

Solar Flare [Taiyō-ken (lit. "Fist of the Sun")]

Spirit Bomb [Genki Dama]

Turles [Tāresu; Tullece]

Final Flash [Fainaru Furasshu]

Big Bang Attack [Biggu Ban Atakku]

Galick Gun [Gyarikku Hou]
Galik Gun / Galic Gun

Afterimage Technique [Zanzōken (lit. "Afterimage Fist")]
Afterimage Attack

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
Any real DBZ fan will always use SSJ over SS.

Soup of a say a jinn. *Japanese accent*


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
Better thread:

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Fantastische Hure wrote on Mystic's profile.
That was almost an incredible promo by John Cena. Almost.
These ladies have the biggest persecution complex imaginable Jesus Christ.
Nixon was really a mixed bag of a human being and a President. I do admire him for his intellect and breadth of foreign policy knowledge.