Would Roshi's KHH have killed transformed Goku at the 21st? Who's the strongest character that would be killed by the KHH?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Instead of aiming at the moon, he aims at Goku. Does it kill him? Does it totally wipe him out, like the spectators believed had happened? I'm thinking it depends how fatigued Goku was, but it wouldn't kill a non-fatigued oozaru Goku.

Who's the strongest character that would be killed by Roshi's full power KHH in the following two circumstances:
A - Caught by surprise while they're at their own full power (so they're not able to actively block it).
B - If actively blocking.

I'm thinking maybe it kills Yajirobe from the Vegeta Saga, if he's not blocking. That's the most I can imagine. But maybe it's as weak as 22nd Goku.

Piccolo destroys the moon with some effort, but besides makankosappo he doesn't show huge amounts of ki amp. Goku's KHH vs Raditz has around 2.25x ki amp. Piccolo's beam is likely less than that. The best ki amp Piccolo showed was his beam struggle with Goku at the 23rd, where he did make Goku struggle, but was overcome fairly quickly. So that beam was probably around 800. He's worried about Gohan destroying the Earth, so why wouldn't he use the most powerful beam that he can quickly generate? That would be around as strong as the one used in the 23rd Budokai. Hard to say how easily it destroyed the moon compared to Roshi's KHH. When Roshi did the KHH, everyone was too distracted to notice any explosion. Piccolo's beam makes contact with the moon and doesn't instantly destroy it and then there's a bright light on Piccolo, so it probably exploded, which is what the anime shows. But it seems like every near-instant (ie not Namek) planet or moon destruction in DB/Z is like that, so it doesn't tell us anything about the beam's power.

Roshi had to use the Mafubu on King Piccolo. Does this mean the KHH was weaker than King Piccolo? I wouldn't say so. The issue with Roshi's full power KHH is it's so slow that Piccolo can get out of the way or is guaranteed to at least block it. Whereas the Mafubu is unblockable.
Roshi's lightning must be below King Piccolo's level though, because surely otherwise he'd have used it on him? Unless he was just scared to try anything other than the Mafubu.
Is the KHH below the lightning? It could be, since Roshi didn't try to use the full power KHH on Goku in the tournament and instead went straight to the lightning. He could have convinced Goku to let him go full power, then challenged him to a beam battle. But that would risk Roshi being tricked into missing and then being left without much power, risk instantly killing Goku (whereas the lightning was gradually killing him), plus it's just a chore to go full power compared to using the lightning right away.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
This is a great topic. Goku may indeed be tremendously fatigued, it seems implied it would kill Goku but this is all before Oozaru is shown to be a 10x boost.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Maybe he could even kill King Piccolo except he was fast enough to dodge it.