Motherfucccckkkkker. Why'd you have to remind me of my Blastoise that I traded for a fossil Zapdos when I wad 5 or 6 because everyone said Zapdos was good (taught me an early lesson about peer pressure vs your own preferences and happiness at least, so guess it was good in the end! Although it still makes me feel a tiny little bit downtrodden/fatigued thinking about it....or I'm just tired and need to sleep)
Favourite would be Blastoise because it was the only good card I had. When I was a kid Dark Charizard was the card a lot of us wanted to have, including myself. Charizard, Mewtwo and of course the coveted uber NU sparkly (or weird coloured at least) Mew card that game out with the movie. Oh yeh I see that dude....Pierce (lol took like 10 seconds to remember his name. Dunno If it's Pearce or Pierce), posted it.