You're missing my point. I'm saying that as an individual Piccolo was already useless against 3rd Form Freeza.
No my friend, you are the one missing the point. Lol.
I acknowledge Piccolo's uselessness in regards to a one on one battle with 3rd Form Freeza. We are not discussing someone's usefulness in one on one. We are discussing someone's usefulness in a team up scenario, being the weaker teammate.
So for example, a one to one comparison here would be this.
Compare Piccolo vs 3rd Form Freeza to Krillen vs 1st Form Freeza. My argument is that Krillen is way more useless against 1st Form Freeza than Piccolo is against 3rd Form Freeza. Do you see the difference? Neither has a chance one on one. But if they team up with someone much closer to Freeza, they can both be helpful. Piccolo is obviously going to be much more helpful against 3rd Form Freeza than Krillen would be helpful against 1st Form Freeza.
Initial 4th Form Freeza is presented as being an astronomical jump from 3rd Form Freeza. Piccolo will obviously be of no help under any circumstances against him.
Well that would mean that the disparity between Piccolo to FF Freeza is much larger than the disparity between Krillen and 1st Form Freeza. Which is my entire point.
This proves that Vegeta (vs FF Freeza) has a much larger advantage over Piccolo than he previously had over Krillen when he was fighting 1st Form Freeza.
Do you see my point now?