Krillen vs Tien throughout the years


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
How so? Ten has zero feats aside from stalling Semi with a technique that amplifies his strength to plot breaking levels, and even then, the Daizenshuu states the Kikoho is like a glorified Kiai.
He nearly one shotted Gotenks Boo.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
It is pretty absurd that he ended up weaker than Krillin after how hard he trained. Tenshinhan blew Krillin out of the water in all of part 1 DB, then somehow Krillin got ahead even though Tenshinhan got to train with Kaio for so long.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
He nearly one shotted Gotenks Boo.

Took a few dozen tries but he got there!!
It is pretty absurd that he ended up weaker than Krillin after how hard he trained. Tenshinhan blew Krillin out of the water in all of part 1 DB, then somehow Krillin got ahead even though Tenshinhan got to train with Kaio for so long.
Well they weren't far off each other during the Saiyan arc despite the massive gap that existed in the 23rd, so you could handwave it saying Kuririn had more untapped potential. It's true if I were writing the series I'd give Ten the upper hand just because he earned his power more than Kuririn did.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
This's actually reaching, Gohan's part Earthling too. Goku refers of himself as human:

Goku: “No…I’m no longer a human who’s particularly even supposed to be here…I shouldn’t be the one to do it. It’d be better for these young guys to solve things somehow or another…After all, some other outrageous guy might show up eventually, right? …It's a nasty gamble, but…Seeing those two super-gifted squirts, it made me want to take this gamble…”

Chapter: 503 (DBZ 309), P9.2
Context: as Goku heads to Vegeta with the Potara
Boo: “Now there’s another human with great power! But naturally he’s no match for me, even if they merged"

Because in Japanese, Ginyu is also a "human." In the sense that he is a sentient lifeform. The term used in the interview is literally "Earthling," not the broader category of human:

So all those quotes mean nothing. Earthling is only inclusive of full-blooded Earthlings without alien heritage.
Yes, because he's the one less capable, the one who's medicaster, the one less apt on fighting. Not mentioning Yamcha even said to Gohan and Krillin of how strong those foes were, Yamcha and Krillin are rellegated with Gohan while Ten's with Goku and Piccolo, not much of thinking about it from rational fan lenses.
Gohan is undoubtedly far above the earthlings and faster, having high enough battle power to turn SSJ within a short while in the Rosat (not to mention having a stronger flight aura than the Earthlings). These roles don't mean anything considering that.


^Gohan has the same flight aura as Piccolo while all the Earthlings have the weaker fire-shaped aura.

And before you say Ten was faster, he was in front of Kuririn before they flew to Goku's rescue. The positions just were kept the same:

Yes, but Krillin was beginng for money. You could also tell that between different species have their ways of tolerating temperature different than others.
That just means Kuririn is a bigger whiner. Ten also said he was freezing his ass off, plus as late as DBS we see Goku and Vegeta wearing coats. That scene was just to indicate the Namekians have better cold tolerance, it's hardly a power statement.
If Piccolo have tolerance for cold temperatures and was complaining for how practical humans were, who are we to say how works or if it doesn't work for power levels?
Again, a species issue. Piccolo said clearly that "It must be inconvenient to be an Earthling." Is Piccolo stronger than Oob because he could tolerate the cold better? Physiology, brah.
Yes, and he signaling precisely at him, shows how non-threating he was in relation of others. The pattern repeated with how Krillin asked everyone to run away when 17 & 18 were discussing with Gero, while Vegeta said he's the most prepared for the situation, non-ironically, Vegeta's strongest on the group.
Just means Kuririn is a coward. Also like I said, Ten and the others weren't even with Kuririn when Gero took him as a non-threat. And again, considering that Gero and #19 can take hits from SSJs, nothing would be different if Ten was the one in that scene. You're looking waaaay too deep into this to twist it into a power statement.
Ten went outlasting SSJ Trunks, of course he's not stronger than Trunks, but still strong enough to resist enough time so Piccolo and Vegeta could come on aid. Krillin doesn't have anything similar to that, sorry.
When is this again? Are we talking about the #17 fight? Lol, Ten only "outlasted" anyone because #17 knew he'd die from one hit and choked him out instead, and it took him longer to nearly suffocate. Trunks being two-shotted was literally the only feat to be mentioned of note, Ten was just complete fodder that can't even compare to the soles of Piccolo's feet in that instance. If #17 had killing intent Ten would have been dead in one hit.
This without mentioning during the mini Cells fight, Ten have one knee lifted unlike Yamcha, Krillin or tired Goku. And Goku mentioning how strong mini Cells were in spite of their size.

Lol, Ten is NOT above tired Goku brah. Guy isn't even touching pre-fusion Piccolo let alone any post Rosat SSJ, tired or not. This is like saying Ten could take post-Final Flash fatigued Grade 2 Vegeta. Even sick SSJ Goku pre-Rosat is worlds above Ten.
Gohan is one scared kid who doesn't thought of him much other than his high potential, this is a repeated pattern from his persona since Saiyan ~ Cell saga.
Kuririn is also similarly a pussy, particularly after his second death against Freeza. This isn't even remotely power related, otherwise Freeza is weaker than Roshi and anyone else who sacrificed himself considering how cowardly he became in the face of death :facepalm

Yes, but we understand easier how Krillin would be useless too, more useless than them. Otherwise, we would have Krillin saying it or even being there among big dudes.
Again, is Kuririn even in that scene? I can't be fucked to read the chapter, so inform me if he is.
Akira Toriyama's word only works when he clarifies something stated on the series or acknowledge it, even then, literature-wise he's not one who have authority to decide over the material when he have scripted their rules and logics on said matter.
Toriyama literally said he can change and establish anything he wants as the original author. His interview >> your out of context cherrypicking.
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Low Class Warrior
Jan 24, 2025
Because in Japanese, Ginyu is also a "human." In the sense that he is a sentient lifeform. The term used in the interview is literally "Earthling," not the broader category of human:

So all those quotes mean nothing. Earthling is only inclusive of full-blooded Earthlings without alien heritage.
Yes, but Ten's also partly alien. Krillin > every regular human.

Babidi went on his way calling Gohan "Earthling", if you want that work, you'd have of believing Krillin > Gohan. Otherwise becomes faulty:

Chapter: 459 (DBZ 265), P2.2-3
Badidi: “How about it, Dabra? Just to be sure, do you have confidence that you can defeat that Earthling [Gohan]?”
Dabra: “Naturally. I fought him a little bit before, after all. There’s no doubt that I can take care of trash like that.”
Gohan is undoubtedly far above the earthlings and faster, having high enough battle power to turn SSJ within a short while in the Rosat (not to mention having a stronger flight aura than the Earthlings). These roles don't mean anything considering that.


^Gohan has the same flight aura as Piccolo while all the Earthlings have the weaker fire-shaped aura.

And before you say Ten was faster, he was in front of Kuririn before they flew to Goku's rescue. The positions just were kept the same:

Yes, but Piccolo went telling Gohan and Krillin to told him or Vegeta to come if they found Gero which Ten wasn't included. That means they're the least capable.

Yamcha telling them that to Krillin and Gohan when the context ever since the start of the situation is "if you're not strong enough, better not come".
That just means Kuririn is a bigger whiner. Ten also said he was freezing his ass off, plus as late as DBS we see Goku and Vegeta wearing coats. That scene was just to indicate the Namekians have better cold tolerance, it's hardly a power statement.
Again, a species issue. Piccolo said clearly that "It must be inconvenient to be an Earthling." Is Piccolo stronger than Oob because he could tolerate the cold better? Physiology, brah.
Have we seen him on cold temperatures struggling? You've reached so far because you're unable to watch things from a quality > quantity perspective nor think logically.
Just means Kuririn is a coward. Also like I said, Ten and the others weren't even with Kuririn when Gero took him as a non-threat. And again, considering that Gero and #19 can take hits from SSJs, nothing would be different if Ten was the one in that scene. You're looking waaaay too deep into this to twist it into a power statement.
Yes, but why precisely him, why on all situations they make the less of him? Krillin's always who gets the worse, Krillin's always who they see as less, he even doubted to even going on the situation, while Ten discarded his partner just because was not apt for fighting. Krillin also was pointing on how terrible Android 19 were even if things have changed, Ten went entering on a SSJ tier fight, Trunks mention him as one who was on the fight and lost on a way to say how Androids are strong, you can't hardly do anything about it.
When is this again? Are we talking about the #17 fight? Lol, Ten only "outlasted" anyone because #17 knew he'd die from one hit and choked him out instead, and it took him longer to nearly suffocate. Trunks being two-shotted was literally the only feat to be mentioned of note, Ten was just complete fodder that can't even compare to the soles of Piccolo's feet in that instance. If #17 had killing intent Ten would have been dead in one hit.
Except 17 took down SSJ Trunks on one blow, then he two shotted Piccolo, on his mind, everyone was risky for her sister if they come allied, he was trying finishing the job as fast as possible.
Lol, Ten is NOT above tired Goku brah. Guy isn't even touching pre-fusion Piccolo let alone any post Rosat SSJ, tired or not. This is like saying Ten could take post-Final Flash fatigued Grade 2 Vegeta. Even sick SSJ Goku pre-Rosat is worlds above Ten.
He was taking hits from mini Cell, just shows how much of a durability he have. Without mentioning, Cell evolved too much from Semi to Perfect form. Now that I think about it, Ten should be around 80% of Piccolo Pre. You could tell Goku's power simply decreased that much. That's something you concluded from the thin-air.
Kuririn is also similarly a pussy, particularly after his second death against Freeza. This isn't even remotely power related, otherwise Freeza is weaker than Roshi and anyone else who sacrificed himself considering how cowardly he became in the face of death :facepalm
Except Frieza's astute and opportunist, Krillin's pathetic and a coward. Plus, Frieza among U7 fighters was one of the biggest fish, nobody treats Krillin on same regard.
Again, is Kuririn even in that scene? I can't be fucked to read the chapter, so inform me if he is.
No, he ain't included due to how irrelevant he is. Ten's among the main characters, even though, Krillin had gotten far more protagonism ever since Namek.
Toriyama literally said he can change and establish anything he wants as the original author. His interview >> your out of context cherrypicking.
Yes, but he needs to script that on his material, otherwise you can check if goes according to it or not, specially when he was one who said he constantly forgot his work.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
^Gohan has the same flight aura as Piccolo while all the Earthlings have the weaker fire-shaped aura.
Damn, this is a nice pickup. When you see the attention to detail he does like for things like this, this dude is a genius, confirmed, right?

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