The Scientifically Perfect Power Level List (Including Daima but not Super and GT)


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015

SSJ Namek Goku = 150

100% Freeza = 140

The Future

Future Android #17 (Less than half) = 200

- Full Power = 500

Future Android #18 = 480

SSJ Future Gohan = 180

- Post 1 Year = 225

Android arc

SSJ Goku = 300

SSJ Future Trunks = 240

Mecha Freeza = 160

King Cold = 100

3 Years Later

Android #16 = 3,750

Android #17 = 750

Android #18 = 720

SSJ Vegeta = 500

SSJ Goku (Sick) = 360

- Condition Worsened = 180

- Healthy = 480

SSJ Trunks = 450

Piccolo = 375

Android #20 = 200

- With Energy = 300

Android #19 = 180

- With Energy = 270

Cell arc

Imperfect Cell (Gingertown) = 600

- Post Absorptions = 3,750

- Semi Perfect (Initial) = 7,500

- Full Power = 9,375

- Perfect (Initial) = 14,000

- Warming Up = 30,000

- Buffed = 45,000

SSJ Vegeta (Time Chamber) = 10,000

- Grade 2 = 15,000

- Final Flash = 45,000

SSJ Trunks (Time Chamber) = 9,600

- Grade 2 = 14,400

- Grade 3 = 36,000

MSSJ Goku (Time Chamber, 50%) = 30,000

Android #16 = 3,750

Weighted Kamiccolo = 675

- Unweighted = 750

- Light Grenade = 1,875

Android #17 = 750

- Barrier = 1,500

Android #18 = 720

Cell Games

MSSJ Gohan = 90,000

- Raged SSJ2 = 288,000

Cell (vs Goku) = 66,000

- vs Gohan = 90,000

- Full Power = 135,000

- Beyond Limits = 168,750

- Super Perfect = 270,000

MSSJ Goku = 60,000

- Fatigued = 22,500

Cell Juniors = 45,000

SSJ Vegeta = 45,000

SSJ Trunks = 45,000

Piccolo = 27,000

Fat Boo arc

Base Gotenks = 700,000

- SSJ = 1,750,000

Base Goku = 2,000

- SSJ = 100,000

- SSJ2 = 300,000

- SSJ3 = 1,500,000

Fat Boo (Initial) = 250,000

- Powered Up = 375,000

- Further Powered Up = 800,000

- Full Power = 1,250,000

Base Vegeta = 1,500

- SSJ = 75,000

- SSJ2 = 225,000

- Majin SSJ2 = 300,000

- Self Destruct = 900,000

Evil Boo = 750,000

Good Boo = 500,000

Base Gohan = 1,125

- SSJ = 56,250

- SSJ2 = 168,750

Majin Dabura (Initial/Goku's Expectation) = 135,000

- Full Magic Power = 168,750

Shin = 45,000

Base Trunks = 720

- SSJ = 36,000

Base Goten = 700

- SSJ = 35,000

Piccolo = 30,000

Majin Yakon = 2,000

Android #18 = 720

Majin Pui Pui = 500

Super Boo arc

Base Vegetto = 100,000,000

- SSJ = 250,000,000

Super Boo = 40,000,000

- Gotenks Absorbed = 80,000,000

- Gohan Absorbed = 100,000,000

Ultimate Gohan = 60,000,000

Base Gotenks (Time Chamber) = 2,000,000

- SSJ = 5,000,000

- SSJ2 = 10,000,000

- SSJ3 = 40,000,000

Kibitoshin = 225,000

Kid Boo arc

SSJ3 Goku = 1,500,000

- Genkidama = 15,000,000

Kid Boo = 1,500,000

Good Boo = 500,000

SSJ2 Vegeta = 300,000

DB Daima

Adult Goku (Fatigued) = 3,000,000

- SSJ = 7,500,000

- SSJ2 = 15,000,000

- SSJ3 = 60,000,000

- SSJ4 = 120,000,000

Base Gomah = 50,000

- With Eye (Initial) = 1,250,000

- Powered Up = 3,000,000

- Further Powered Up = 60,000,000

- Further Powered Up = 90,000,000

Adult Vegeta (Fatigued) = 3,000,000

- SSJ = 7,500,000

- SSJ2 = 15,000,000

- Ultra Vegeta 1 = 60,000,000

Mini Base Goku = 48,000

- SSJ = 120,000

- SSJ2 = 240,000

- SSJ3 = 960,000

- Fatigued SSJ4 = 1,920,000

Mini Base Vegeta = 48,000

- SSJ = 120,000

- SSJ2 = 240,000

- Ultra Vegeta 1= 960,000

Majin Duu (Initial) = 240,000

- Post Sweets = 300,000

- More Sweets, SSJ3 = 960,000

Tamagami #1 = 280,000

Tamagami #2 (Initial) = 225,000

- Neva Power Up = 270,000

Tamagami #3 = 180,000

Pre Majin Dabura = 80,000

Abura (Without Eye) = 64,000

Majin Kuu = 50,000

Glorio (Initial/Goku's Expectation) = 32,000

- Serious = 36,000

- Full Magic Power = 48,000

Mini Piccolo = 45,000

Mini Shin = 30,000

Degusu = 30,000

Arinsu = 30,000

Previous Majin = 25,000

Ginyu Force Parody = 22,500


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I can get behind SSJ Vegeta > Initial Semi, but I think having FP Semi still weaker than SSJs makes him too weak. If you have SSJ2 = 3x why not make Grade 2 = 2x? Something like this:

Semi Cell: 7.5
~ FP: 9.375

SSJ Vegeta: 7.5
~ Grade 2: 15

I’m not sure what to make of Daima yet. I didn’t want its scaling to contradict Super or GT, and having Goku and Vegeta within a year of the Boo Saga feels wrong. This seems to be the most likely scenario, though.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
I can get behind SSJ Vegeta > Initial Semi, but I think having FP Semi still weaker than SSJs makes him too weak. If you have SSJ2 = 3x why not make Grade 2 = 2x? Something like this:

Semi Cell: 7.5
~ FP: 9.375

SSJ Vegeta: 7.5
~ Grade 2: 15

I’m not sure what to make of Daima yet. I didn’t want its scaling to contradict Super or GT, and having Goku and Vegeta within a year of the Boo Saga feels wrong. This seems to be the most likely scenario, though.
Nothing contradicts FP Semi Cell being equal to or even weaker than SSJs though. Knowing Vegeta he probably just wanted to show off and humiliate Cell by using Grade 2.


Low Class Warrior
Jan 24, 2025
Nothing contradicts FP Semi Cell being equal to or even weaker than SSJs though. Knowing Vegeta he probably just wanted to show off and humiliate Cell by using Grade 2.
Not criticing your list nor saying you're wrong, but what'd you make of Super Vegeta telling Cell a great gap has opened with his training after taking his punch and Trunks needing Grade 2 form to catch Cell?


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Not criticing your list nor saying you're wrong, but what'd you make of Super Vegeta telling Cell a great gap has opened with his training after taking his punch and Trunks needing Grade 2 form to catch Cell?
Semi Cell had a big headstart. You need a significant power gap to blitz as shown when Goku couldn't catch up to Nappa without Kaioken so rivals can't blitz each other.
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Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
To begin I want to see, I'm very impressed by your list. The level of detail and care you've put into it is certainly respectable. I agree with majority of it, but here are some of the issues I've ran into in the past that I believe will force you to rework parts of your list. I will bring up the issues, but also from now on when I critique lists, I will also provide possible solutions as well.

This is a minor one, but something to think of.

SSJ Vegeta = Future 18

This seems to be likely. Trunks is blown away by Vegeta's ability to keep up with 18, assuming that she's just as powerful as his own 18. Vegeta and Present 18 basically have a perfectly equal fight and Piccolo and Trunks view of the fight is that they are equals.

It's minor, but I believe in it. This would wreak havoc on your list because the way you have it is quite clean. Not sure what I would do here.

Vegeta 500
Trunk 450
Piccolo 375
Yardrat Goku 300
Trunks 240
Gohan 225
Future 17 200
Future 18 180
Mecha Freeza 160
Goku Namek 150
Freeza 140
King Cold 100

Is a legit work of art. I've held onto many of these gaps and numbers myself. These numbers are GOATED for a list that follows the Daizenshuu's suggestion of Goku being at 3 million. I can prove a millon ways how 3,000,000 is an inaccurate number, but we should have a great list that uses that set just for the fandom.

Honestly, don't know what I would do to resolve that, you'll have to think about it, but it really should be Future 18 = SSJ Vegeta, not Future 17. Perhaps you can make them equals?

I would encourage you to make Present 18 a bit weaker. 720 to Present 17's 750 is too close for me.

I think 700 is more appropriate, heck 675 is probably best.

I like 90% gap personally, you could do this...

Future 18 500/ Future 17 550

Future 17 initially is 36% of FP 17, which should be fine, seeing as he wouldn't be able to say, "1/3 of my FP"

Your Android 19/20 levels need a lot of work. You should raise initial 19/20 up higher.

Your going to run into some serious consistency problems here with tanking gaps and so on... This segment took me a tremendously long time to figure out.

You are going to have massive problems with Grade 3 Goku > Semi-Perfect Cell. You are going to be forced to power Goku up tremendously, which doesn't seem likely at all.

A 3.75x boost for 480 Goku is 1,800, this is where you have Light Grenade, let alone Imperfect Cell, let alone Semi-Perfect Cell.

This is the key area I would like to harp on here before we move forward.

You are nerfing Grade 2 and Grade 3. We have guidebooks suggesting 10x from EML for Grade 3, but I believe that translation had error. Gotta look into that.

But Grade 2 and Grade 3 are large, significant boosts. You are going to have to accurately portray them to make everything work out better.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
To begin I want to see, I'm very impressed by your list. The level of detail and care you've put into it is certainly respectable. I agree with majority of it, but here are some of the issues I've ran into in the past that I believe will force you to rework parts of your list. I will bring up the issues, but also from now on when I critique lists, I will also provide possible solutions as well.

This is a minor one, but something to think of.

SSJ Vegeta = Future 18

This seems to be likely. Trunks is blown away by Vegeta's ability to keep up with 18, assuming that she's just as powerful as his own 18. Vegeta and Present 18 basically have a perfectly equal fight and Piccolo and Trunks view of the fight is that they are equals.

It's minor, but I believe in it. This would wreak havoc on your list because the way you have it is quite clean. Not sure what I would do here.

Vegeta 500
Trunk 450
Piccolo 375
Yardrat Goku 300
Trunks 240
Gohan 225
Future 17 200
Future 18 180
Mecha Freeza 160
Goku Namek 150
Freeza 140
King Cold 100

Is a legit work of art. I've held onto many of these gaps and numbers myself. These numbers are GOATED for a list that follows the Daizenshuu's suggestion of Goku being at 3 million. I can prove a millon ways how 3,000,000 is an inaccurate number, but we should have a great list that uses that set just for the fandom.

Honestly, don't know what I would do to resolve that, you'll have to think about it, but it really should be Future 18 = SSJ Vegeta, not Future 17. Perhaps you can make them equals?

I would encourage you to make Present 18 a bit weaker. 720 to Present 17's 750 is too close for me.

I think 700 is more appropriate, heck 675 is probably best.

I like 90% gap personally, you could do this...

Future 18 500/ Future 17 550

Future 17 initially is 36% of FP 17, which should be fine, seeing as he wouldn't be able to say, "1/3 of my FP"

Your Android 19/20 levels need a lot of work. You should raise initial 19/20 up higher.

Your going to run into some serious consistency problems here with tanking gaps and so on... This segment took me a tremendously long time to figure out.

You are going to have massive problems with Grade 3 Goku > Semi-Perfect Cell. You are going to be forced to power Goku up tremendously, which doesn't seem likely at all.

A 3.75x boost for 480 Goku is 1,800, this is where you have Light Grenade, let alone Imperfect Cell, let alone Semi-Perfect Cell.

This is the key area I would like to harp on here before we move forward.

You are nerfing Grade 2 and Grade 3. We have guidebooks suggesting 10x from EML for Grade 3, but I believe that translation had error. Gotta look into that.

But Grade 2 and Grade 3 are large, significant boosts. You are going to have to accurately portray them to make everything work out better.
The main issue I have with Grade 2 and Grade 3 being such large boosts is that Base Goten/Trunks are roughly equal to 18 at the tournament meaning they are only 50x stronger than her as Super Saiyans, abd they aren't toooo far from the Adult Saiyans. After their time Chamber training which was only 15 days, they are atleast Cell Junior level.

Also I never said I fully subscribed to Namek Goku being 3 million. SSJ Namek Goku being at 150 is just a baseline reference, if I were to make powrr levels for the Freeza arc from scratch, Goku would be way more than 3 million but I wanted to have my cake and eat it too by not making a full Freeza arc list while keeping a representation of that iconic 150 number for SSJ Goku.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
The main issue I have with Grade 2 and Grade 3 being such large boosts is that Base Goten/Trunks are roughly equal to 18 at the tournament meaning they are only 50x stronger than her as Super Saiyans, abd they aren't toooo far from the Adult Saiyans. After their time Chamber training which was only 15 days, they are atleast Cell Junior level.
Yeah, that's why I don't go with Grade 3 being 10x, it makes the MSSJs too strong. That's a funny issue to have ain't it? Where we have to actively keep the SSJs from being 100-150x stronger than Android 18 lol

But yeah, welcome to hell. You are going to have to figure out a way to make that work. Try my boosts, they work.

Grade 2 = 2x SSJ
Grade 3 = 6x SSJ

It'll make your situation much better for sure.

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