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Is that the same brother you mentioned watching MMA with before or another one?

That's great your routine is going well, I'm glad for you. Are you enjoying the course? Is it how you expected?
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I'm alright, although my sleep timing isn't so great recently, like I slept one hour last night lol! The daytime weather has warmed up to a comfortable indoor temperature for me, which is good.
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Had an interview this morning for a good job (which has a degree alongside it), was over two hours long (presentation and interview. One hour was preparing for the presentation) - had to have so much coffee beforehand lol. I was nervous asf (especially because it was over video chat and because I've not done a presentation for like ten years), but I think it went well, although you never know.
Definitely feel better after doing it, even though I've had lower energy the last few weeks for some reason. Usually when I did presentations in the past it was hard to fill the time, but the whole ten minutes went by quickly this time. Still have to do a written assessment on another day.
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why the fuck is there a 420 character limit on these
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Yeah, I'm taking Zolpidem to sleep. They can be addictive, but Zolpidem is a lighter one, as per say. Still, it's best to take them for one month to only adjust your sleep schedule, but knowing me, I may take them for a long time. When used for months, it can become addictive.
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Yeah, it's the same brother, my younger one. I barely talk to the older one. He's very nice to talk to and he goes really deep into what he gets a liking to so it's nice. He's living in an apartment in another city tho because of his internship job, so I communicate with him more so on weekends
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It's what I expect, more or less. There's some tibits of it that really don't interest me, but that's bound to happen with any course. It's rough. So I really need to take time off to study and do my best to learn otherwise I'm out of University.
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Since I'm behind considering my age I'm just focused on passing all and getting a job as soon as I can, which in this field, will take years yet. But I'm adapting to the "one step at a time" mindset
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Nice. Which kind of job? I don't really have a set thing for interviews. I just try to be myself as much as I can since it's all I can do in regards to it, so interviews never worried me that much. Here is hot af these days, hoping for the cold to break in as soon as possible.
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We're under the El Niño effect this year too, so summer is supposed to be hotter. It's jusst disgustingly hot some times.
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I'm in a tight routine and still I feel bored, like "I'm in my free time, yet there's nothing I feel like doing" type of feeling. Seems like I want to let a lot of energy out and feel like imploding many times lol. But I try to juwt clear my mind and follow up
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Guys in the big city always complain about how they feel consumed by the everyday life and monotony and somewhat I find comfort in those feelings, like I'm not alone and am within society. There's just no escape from it.
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What are you doing mostly to pass time? I see we talk somewhat about UFC. Any fight you really wanna happening? I've watched a movie called The Painist this week and it was completely different from what I thought. It's actually was more centered on WWII and its consequences to the Jews
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I stalled on it a while due to the director, didn't really want to watch a Polanski movie, but it can't take away from its impact. I'm on hollidays now so thinking on what to do tn which I can sleep later
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Yesh, there's certain word limit. Had to cut many messages before
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Engenharia in BR is a 5 year degree for a bachelors? Do u have to do humanities etc?
The pianist sounds depressing, defo heard of it. U watched any movie that's not depressing? A happy movie?

UFC this weekend, last 3 fights should be fire.
I'm not bothered, but Tenshin has his pro boxing debut today.
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Oliveira-Dariush is happening, will be great and Topuria-Emmett too - Top's just intelligent savagery.
I want Colby-Leon. Want Colby to be champ, but also dont want Leon to lose. And I want to see the striking between Rakhmanov and Leon. Leon is good, but nobody forces him to hit his max level in striking.
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Oh ye El Niño. I think that's late 2023 tho? I wonder if it'll make the energy crisis here worse/better/nothing (colder winter here, but warmer winter in northern NAmer). Maybe in BR it'll put energy costs up, from less rainfall for dams in the east and all the fans/AC. Food idk, it makes some places get better yields (like south Brazil/Argentina) and some places worse, but it might fuck up wheat in Europe.
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To pass time I've been reading manga recently. I go for walks outside too, trying to make that a habit.
You thinking of joining any club at uni?
Maybe u should relax in that free time and try to do nothing/meditate, calm your mind. or go walk. dunno.
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