If you want your username changed, PM any of the following people:
Please note that we will be hesitant to change your name if you had previously asked for a name change a few days prior. Try to refrain from changing your name once a week, if possible...
As the title says: who do you like the most from this series?
For me it is most definitely Ban. He's like one of my favorite characters of all time, not just this series.
Hello, DBZeta.
I'm creating this thread to inform you that I've been appointed as a temporary admin until things are sorted out with SSJ2, who is going to be taking some time off. As some of you may know, things have been a little rough for him recently, and he just needs a break to get...
Fall anime season is right around the corner with Summer season coming to an end within the next couple weeks. What were your thoughts on the summer shows you watched and are you looking forward to any for fall?
Personally, I thought summer season was really strong and fall seems a bit on the...
Here we have the 4th podcast for DBZeta. This time it was hosted by FutureProtagonist, so props to him as well as those who participated!
Hopefully next time we can organize a larger podcast like podcast #3!
Anyways, enjoy.
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Association: Science
Occupation: #1 Esper of Academy City
Accelerator is the #1 esper of Academy City. Espers are people with abilities like telekinesis, pyrokinesis, etc that have been developed by scientific methods. In Academy City, the place where these...
I'm gonna borrow the thread tin man made on DBZF where you post a character and then discuss someone that might be a good match up for them. The point is to create a match up where the fight could go either way not to completely crush the other person. For the sake of the thread, let's avoid...
Instead of making a new topic each and every time for the podcasts, lets just make one thread and sticky it.
Currently we've done three podcasts. The podcast coming up this weekend is going to be special. The date for these things has been shifted to 9PM EST Sundays instead of Saturdays as it...
This week's podcast had a great turnout and it was a lot of fun.
Lots of good talk about Dragon Ball and some general entertainment stuff as well.
A thank you to those who joined and chatted it up with me and SG
I put a question mark in the title because its highly likely that Aleister just solos every single character with no effort, lol. If that being that case, what character do you think puts him down outside of DB? But before, here is who he is:
Alesiter Crowley is called the greatest magician of...
Sup guys!
Last night we recorded the 2nd podcast for DBZeta.
I wanna give a big thanks to Southern Gothic for hosting it and POOHEAD189 for joining in. Hopefully next time we can get some more of you guys in on this too.
So enjoy!
Meliodas is the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, a group of seven ex criminals that are all extremely powerful. He is of demon descent, making him super powerful.
He represents wrath of the seven sins and once lost control of his power and annihilated an entire kingdom, seen here:
I'm curious how far you think Accelerator would get fighting DBZ characters. If you aren't familiar with Accelerator, he has complete control of anything with a vector force (i.e. heat, momentum, etc.). He has a field around himself that deflects any attack and sends it back towards his...
...the main character of any anime, which would you choose? Any character classified as "main" in the story is okay. The events of the anime don't have to play out exactly the same if you became the character, you'd make your own decisions and such.
For badassness:
Accelerator - Toaru Majutsu...
Who are some of your favorite seiyuu and some of their characters you like?
For me:
Sawashiro Miyuki - Kanbaru Suruga (Monogatari), Sinon (SAO II), plus others
Asumi Kana - Nyaruko (Nyaruko-san), Sasami Tsukuyomi (Sasami-san@ganbaranai), Popura (Working!!)
Okamoto Nobuhiko - Accelerator (Toaru...
As title says.
For me, it goes to Shaft's style in Monogatari. Generally all their shows have great art, but I just love how they go all out on Monogatari.
KyoAni's style is gorgeous, especially with their latest anime Hibike! Euphonium. The art in that is astounding.
Did anyone of you watch any spring shows? Summer starts soon and I have way too many on my plan to watch list from that haha.
I watched a lot, but the best was Plastic Memories by far. Such a sad, happy, emotional ride and the end tore me to pieces.
As title says, which one is your favorite?
Mine is probably Mewtwo. I also really like Deoxys for no specific reason haha. The smaller ones are cool, like Celebi and Jirachi. I'm not a big fan of the newest legendaries, past Gen IV. In Gen IV, I like the main ones and Darkrai has a badass...