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  1. Symbiote

    Dressroa Law & Luffy (No Gear 4)

    Can Law’s hax DF take out Luffy who’s only constricted to Gear 2/3?
  2. Symbiote

    Symbiote play Lets Go

    Since I’m bored I’m going to play his bullshit game again since it’s the only one I’m willing to lose my save file for. To make it hopefully more challenging I’m going to let you guys pick my team. Since they won’t let you ditch your starter Eevee will only have non attack moves until I catch...
  3. Symbiote

    Pokémon Unite

    It’s basically Leage of Legends but Pokémon. Launches tomorrow. Anyone plan on giving it a shot?
  4. Symbiote

    Original Broly vs Cell

    Round 1: vs Perfect Cell Round 2: vs Super Perfect Cell
  5. Symbiote

    Avatar sizes

    Can you set it to if you upload one that’s bigger than the allowed size it’ll resize it to 200x200? I use a tablet and it’s a pain in the ass to resize images manually.
  6. Symbiote

    Dog Nigga

    Anybody else read this masterpiece?
  7. Symbiote

    Custom Custom no Mi

    @SuperSaiyan2 Challenge accepted. :manabu Pretty simple topic, make up a devil fruit and if you see one that could be useful in the OP universe give them a thumbs up. Kioku Kioku (Memory) no Mi Paramecia, can alter the targets memories for a certain amount of time. The more skilled you get...
  8. Symbiote

    One Piece Recap Specials

    Has anyone watched any? I’m very familiar with the first half of the story so cutting the content to fit each arc into one special doesn’t really bother me that much but did they do a good job of it? How watered down is each one?
  9. Symbiote

    Pocket Monsters (2019)

    I got bored last night and decided to watch a few episodes to see how shitty it was and to my surprise it’s actually not bad considering it’s part of the main series. Ash Didn’t get his usual intelligence reset like he normally does, but he has his dumbass moments like trying to use Thunderbolt...
  10. Symbiote

    Shokugeki no Sanji Pretty interesting. Kind of wish it was a real Shokugeki against one of the main characters like Souma or something instead of some made up one.
  11. Symbiote

    Trainer Index

    Anyone else play this mobile mmo? Here's a video: It keeps getting taken down from the App Store so you'll have to search for the apk file on google.
  12. Symbiote

    Best place to read DB?

    Every website I find has shitty quality scans, where does everyone else read it at?
  13. Symbiote


    If someone ate a Shark or any other kind of fish Zoan type DF, do you think they would be the only exception to the no swimming curse?
  14. Symbiote

    Favorite types

    Mine are Poison, Ghost, Dark & Electric.
  15. Symbiote

    Go ahead

    Might as well make one.
  16. Symbiote


    What's up you guys. Place looks good.

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.