Which of these two character is the master pervert, Master Roshi or Old Kai?
Are they perverted because they're old? Are they perverted because they're experienced? Are they perverted because they lack actual sexual experience?
Are there any other characters that come close?
You know, I use the search function. I try to search keywords Hector has used, and no results show up. How the hell do I properly use the search to find the posts I seek? I need sentences verbatim.
Was it ever stated as to how scouters actually function? What does the scouter sense exactly? Does this mean that all life forms in the entire universe operate in the same fashion in regards to a power level?
This must be the aspect that I appreciate most about this forum: it's classical design layout. If you look a DBZF's current layout, it has too much new age social media facets implemented into it. I have to believe this is one of the reasons as to why I continue to log in. Surely, I'm not the...
As Goku used the power pole, and Future Trunks used a sword, can any character incorporate/infuse an external weapon as part of their fighting style to enhance their power and skill?
For example, would Tien with nunchucks make him more powerful overall?