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  1. Sovran Nila

    How Would You Improve The Manga Format?

    If it were up to you, how would you improve the manga book format?
  2. Sovran Nila

    Was Goku Accepted As An Alien Solely Because He Was So Powerful?

    Did the humans accept Goku only for the fact that he was powerful?
  3. Sovran Nila

    Why Are Power Levels Important?

    Why is it decided that power levels are important?
  4. Sovran Nila

    Are Saiyans The Alien, Or Are Humans The Alien?

    Since Dragonball Z is told from Goku's perspective, does that make Saiyans the alien, or does that make Humans the alien?
  5. Sovran Nila

    How Was The Color Of The Kamehameha Decided?

    Was it ever stated as to how the color for the Kamehameha was determined?
  6. Sovran Nila

    What's Akira Toriyama's Dirtiest Secret?

    In regards to DBZ, what's Akira Toriyama's dirtiest secret?
  7. Sovran Nila

    What's Your Favorite Eye Design?

    Out of all of the eye designs, which one is your favorite?
  8. Sovran Nila

    Petition: New Website Banner

  9. Sovran Nila


    When's the last time you watched Beyblades, or ripped out an actual Beyblade?
  10. Sovran Nila

    Gattsu Vs. Ganondorf

    Gattsu Vs. Ganondorf Who would win in a battle between these two?
  11. Sovran Nila

    Geralt of Rivia Vs. Fierce Deity Link

    Geralt of Rivia, The White Wolf Vs. Fierce Deity Link Who win in a battle between these two?
  12. Sovran Nila

    Two Spots For Location Under Account Settings?

    I only saw this now. Was this always like this? Is it intentional or did something change at some point with the website updates?
  13. Sovran Nila

    Demon Slayer

    Hands down the funniest anime show I've watched in a while. I believe Prison School was the last show I laughed my fucking ass off at. Absolutely fucking hysterical. Then, most of the fighting sequences were so fucking sick, man. Pure awe and euphoria.
  14. Sovran Nila

    Sickest Shonen I Watched In 2024

    In 2024, I watched the following shows: 1) Vinland Saga 2) Jujutsu Kaisen 3) Demon Slayer All three were top tier shows and I would highly recommend every anime fan watch. Animation was stellar. Music was phenomenal. Overall awe was next level. I haven't been so excited about anime in a very...
  15. Sovran Nila

    2025 DBZeta Challenge

    The challenge for 2025 should be to refrain from logging back into DBZeta until 1/1/2030, after today. What say you?
  16. Sovran Nila

    How Tall Is The Ox King?

    Was it ever stated how tall the Ox King is? What about his weight?
  17. Sovran Nila

    Does Dabura Have Any Other Forms?

    Does Dabura have any other forms, or transformations? Are there any pictures of him when he was younger?
  18. Sovran Nila

    How Many Scenes Of Applause Have There Been?

    During the entire franchise run of the Dragonball/Z anime show, how many total scenes of applause have there been?
  19. Sovran Nila

    How Many Total Smiles Were Shown On Screen?

    During the entire franchise run of the Dragonball/Z anime show, how many total smiles were shown on screen?
  20. Sovran Nila

    How Many Different Gi's Does Goku Have In His Wardrobe?

    Was it ever shown, or stated, how many different Gi outfits/sets Goku has in his closet?

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.