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  1. ahill1

    Can a SSJ surpass a SSJ2?

    I've seen people arguing before that a SSJ can't surpass a SSJ2 due to the manga expressing the existence of a SSJ wall: Chapter: 451 (DBZ 257), P10.5 Context: after Goku makes Yakon explode with his Super Saiyan aura Vegeta: “So that bastard Kakarot has also surpassed that wall…The Super...
  2. ahill1

    only4anime destroys Gogeta's fanboys Plus, what Kyo said: Done. Gogeta isn't that strong.
  3. ahill1

    Would Piccolo ask Vegeta's help?

    If Gero caught Piccolo off guard the same way he did and Vegeta was the only one who could hear the Namekian, do you think Piccolo would call for Vegeta's help?
  4. ahill1

    Vegeta (Saiyans Saga, tired vs Gohan) vs Piccolo (Saiyans Saga)

    The Vegeta to whom Gohan could at least buy some time in order for Kuririn to control the Genki-Dama. Who wins?
  5. ahill1

    Was Dabra holding back againat Gohan?

    If no, why did he state this?
  6. ahill1

    Enraged SSJ2 Vegeta (Battle of Gods) runs a gauntlet

    1 - Gotenks SSJ (post RoSaT) 2 - Super Boo / Gotenks SSJ3 3 - Ultimate Gohan 4 - Boohan 5 - Vegetto SSJ
  7. ahill1

    Gandalf vs Dumbledore

    Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings vs Dumbledore from Harry Potter. Who wins?
  8. ahill1

    Is #19 surviving hits from sick SSJ Goku a good indicator...

    of his strength? I mean, a tired base Goku survived more than one hit from 50% Freeza...
  9. ahill1

    Yamcha/Kuririn (23rd Budokai) vs Old Piccolo Daimao

    Most (if not all) think they got Old Piccolo beaten. But could you guys give good reasons?
  10. ahill1

    Sakuragi Hanamichi vs Leorio (Exam Hunters)

    Hanamichi from Slam Dunk versus Leorio from the very beginning of Hunter x Hunter in a hand to hand fight. Who wins?
  11. ahill1

    Goku base (Cell Games) runs a gauntlet

    50% Freeza King Cold 100% Freeza Mecha Freeza Androids saga Goku SSJ Imperfect Cell (Ginger Town) Abdroid #18/#17 Android #16 Semi Cell Goku recovers after each fight.
  12. ahill1

    Why Dabura was stronger than Perfect Cell

    cAu_J6ScT50 what do u think?
  13. ahill1

    Gohan (base state) vs Kibito --> explanation

    What do you think of the explanation some people use to defend the Daizenshuu entry, which says Gohan would have a rough time against Kibito without transforming? They say Gohan could lift the Z sword due to possessing a bigger arm/body strength, while their "chi" level should be the same...
  14. ahill1

    Is Gokhan (Meatomorian) = Gogeta?

    Pretty straightforward question. If Goku and Gohan fused through the dance, would Gokhan be = Gogeta?
  15. ahill1

    Was the Skull Knight a bad guy?

    The most accetable theory (and it's probably the right one) is that Skull Knight was the King who lived a thousand of years ago and formed Midland through many battles in which he won. According to the history the five angels decided to punish this king and destroyed the whole city, these five...
  16. ahill1

    Goku was always referring to Gohan's hidden powers

    Chapter: 403 (DBZ 209), P1.1-3 Context: Goku talking to Cell about Cell's next opponent (ie Gohan) Goku: “The Cell Games will probably end with this next match. Since if he loses, there won’t be anyone else who could win against you…[ ] But from fighting you just now, I think this guy really can...
  17. ahill1

    Did Goku get Zenkais in the early Dragon Ball?

    He was stronger in the fight against Blue than he was at the 21st Budokai. But what about post Tenshinhan fight and post Tambourine beatdow? Or post old Piccolo Daimao beatdown? Or post young? Or aftet being healed aftet the big fight with Piccolo Junior? Did he get a Zenkai in those instances too?
  18. ahill1

    Majin Spopovich vs Giran

    Who wins?
  19. ahill1

    Goku SSJ3 (end of Z) vs base Vegetto (Boo saga)

    Time to speculate guys :king :king Who wins?
  20. ahill1


    Can you explain me what is it? Is that city which was sunk by the angels and to which the Skull King schemed his construction? And why was that raised after Skull Knight opened the door with his sword?

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I am going to soon depart this world (most likely not because I don’t have the guts), so please for my legacy to continue…
Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.