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  1. ahill1

    Piccolo Daimao's power scaling is fucked up

    We have Goku being impressed with Yajirobe and commenting he is the toughest person he has ever met, and yet this Yajirobe struggles initially with Cymbal, someone multifold weaker than Tambourine, who is in all likelihood weaker than 22nd Budokai Goku. Yajirobe wasn't way stronger until he...
  2. ahill1

    Berserk --> can you see demons/apostles when you don't believe in it?

    It's said that people highly influenced by the Holy See can't perceive creatures like Elves and Trolls. Is the same applicable for apostles, like, they can't see them if they don't believe in it?
  3. ahill1

    Gohan saying Trunks has the same chi as his father

    Many people (myself included) always took it to mean they were similar in types, but not in size. However, Gohan said Trunks has the same chi. Definition of same according to the Oxford dictionary: Identical; not different. ‘she was saying the same thing over and over’ ‘I have never made the...
  4. ahill1

    Berserk --> some questions

    1--> Why did that whore Godhand suddenly disappear after being stabbed by Guts, the one who tried to lure him to become a Godhand. 2--> Why did the trolls from that cave known as qliphoth suddenly start to burn? 3--> Why did qliphoth suddenly turn into a beautiful forest? Thanks!
  5. ahill1

    Serpico vs Griffith

    Griffith before turning into a Godhand, when Guts defeated him in their little combat. Who wins?
  6. ahill1

    Yamcha and Kuririn vs young Piccolo Daimao

    Yamcha and Kuririn at the 23rd Budokai. Who wins? Upon rereading it I'm starting to think young Piccolo is quite a good deal above them. Kuririn and Yamcha were watching Goku vs Ten, whose speed initially was around that of post sacred water Goku. Yet Kuririn stated they weren't normal and...
  7. ahill1

    Berserk --> Why was the demon child reborn as Griffith?

    Upon being swallowed by that Behelit Apostle, it seems that baby was reborn as Griffith or something like this. Why was it reborn as Griffith if he weren't exactly his child? And did Griffith rape Casca with this intention?
  8. ahill1

    Zoro vs Guts in a badass content

    Who is more badass in your opinion? Zoro from One Piece or Guts from Berserk?
  9. ahill1

    Super Boo vs base Gotenks

    Piccolo and Trunks believed Gotenks in his normal state could give Super Boo a fight. But Super Boo just tanked all of their attacks and Piccolo facepalmed himself. Which explanation would you give to that scene? Both Piccolo and Gotenks were wrong, Super Boo instantly powered up? Maybe they...
  10. ahill1

    Ninja guy vs Griffith (right before being arrested by the King)

    That Ninja guy with all those knifes whom Guts defeated.
  11. ahill1

    Trunks' future

    Future Artificial Human #17: Future Artificial Human #18: Future Son Gohan: -- Super Saiya-jin: Future Trunks, age 14: -- Super Saiya-jin: --- 3 years after: ---Suoer Saiya-jin: Trunks, killing the machines: -- Super Saiya-jin: -- 3 years after: ----- Super Saiya-jin: Imperfect Cell:
  12. ahill1

    28th Tenkaichi Budokai

    Son Goku: Chi-Chi: Vegeta: Bulma: Son Goten: Trunks: Son Gohan: Videl: Pan: Bra: Kuririn: Artificial Human #18: Marron: Kame-sennin: Dende: Piccolo: Mr. Satan: Mister Boo: Kirano: Captain Chicken: Otokosuki: Knock: Mou Kekko: Oob: -- enraged:
  13. ahill1

    Majin Boo

    Son Goku: -- Super Saiya-jin: -- Super Saiya-jin 2: -- Super Saiya-jin 3: -- Genkidama: Vegeta: -- Super Saiya-jin: -- Super Saiya-jin 2: Son Goten: -Super Saiyajin: -- after training in the RoSaT: ----- Super Saiya-jin: Trunks: -Super Saiyajin: -- after training: ----- Super Saiya-jin...
  14. ahill1

    25th Budokai

    Mr. Satan: Videl: Idasa: Ikose: Punta: Killa: Son Gohan: -- Super Saiya-jin: -- after training: ----- Super Saiya-jin: ----- Super Saiya-jin 2: Son Goten: -- Super Saiya-jin: -- after training: ----- Super Saiya-jin: Trunks: -- Super Saiya-jin: -- after training: ----- Super Saiya-jin...
  15. ahill1

    Cell Games

    Mr. Satan: Son Goku: -- Super Saiya-jin: Son Gohan: -- Super Saiya-jin: -- Super Saiya-jin 2: --Kamehameha ----- after Super Perfect Cell's blast: ----- Kamehameha full power: Perfect Cell: --vs Goku: -- vs Gohan: ----- full power: ----- beyond limits: -- post Zenkai: ----- Kamehameha...
  16. ahill1

    Battle against Cell

    Piccolo after the fusion: -- without weights: Artificial Human #16: Artificial Human #17: Artificial Human #18: Imperfect Cell: -- after absorbing humans: Vegeta after training in the RoSaT: -- Super Saiya-jin: -- Grade 2: ----- Final Flash: Trunks after training in the RoSaT: -- Super...
  17. ahill1

    Battle against the Artificial Humans

    Son Goku: -- Super Saiyajin: -- Super Saiya-jin sick: ----- after the Kamehameha Kamehameha: Vegeta: -- Super Saiya-jin: ----- Big Bang Attack: ----- tired: Trunks: -- Super Saiya-jin: Artificial Human #19: -- after absorbing the Kamehameha: -- after absorbing Goku's chi: -- after absorbing...
  18. ahill1

    Another Super Saiya-jin?

    Son Goku: -- Super Saiya-jin: Trunks: -- Super Saiya-jin: Mecha Freeza (suppressed): -- hypothetical full power: King Cold: Son Gohan: Vegeta: Piccolo: Kuririn: Tenshinhan: Yamcha: Chaozu:
  19. ahill1

    Battle against Freeza

    Son Goku: -- Kaioken x10: -- Kaioken x20: -- Genkidama: -- Super Saiya-jin: Kuririn: Son Gohan: -- enraged vs 2ª form: -- Zenkai: -- enraged vs 3ª form: -- Masenko -- after giving Piccolo his energy Vegeta: -- after recovering: Piccolo: -- after fusing with Nail: ----- without weights: -----...
  20. ahill1


    Son Goku (initial): 5,000 -- vs Ginyus: -- full power: 90,000 -- Kaioken x2: 180,000 Kuririn: -- unlocked potentiak: -- against Ginyu: Son Gohan: -- unlocked potential: -- against Ginyu: Vegeta: 24,000 -- after Zarbon's beatdown: -- vs Jheese: Namek Warriors: 1,000 -- full power: 3,000...

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