trunks can use any form he wants, but he can only use each SSJ form once while actually fighting?
how does the boy do?
stronger than cell? but weaker than goku?
What's your favourite Goku moment? Try to choose one.
Mine is probs in the Hatchyak movie, when he's like I'ma earthling I won't let you destroy the earrrrthdaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Or the same stuff in canon against Freeza
Otherwise I guess killing King Piccolo? Idk. Goku's gotta be the hardest one to...
Mine is the music from the old Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans OVA. It's totally different to any other dbz bgm I've heard or even from anime in general. I used to listen to a few songs from it regularly for a while and had one of them (the main theme) as my ringtone for a couple of years. One...
Mine is probably Movie 9, in Japanese. English script sucks.
Also movie 7 because it's scary asf.
Also 10,prerry cool bring goku back like that and even trunks helps.