Search results

  1. Sovran Nila

    Johnny Bravo VS. Master Roshi

    Who wins?
  2. Sovran Nila

    Which One Comes Next?

    Which game will release next?
  3. Sovran Nila

    Do You Trade Pokemon As A Grown Adult?

    Now that you're a grown-ass adult, do you still trade Pokemon?
  4. Sovran Nila

    What Do You Believe Is The Dumbest Addition To DBS?

    Which aspect of DBS do you believe was the dumbest addition, and why?
  5. Sovran Nila

    Ox King vs. Yajirobe

    Who would win in a fight between the Ox King and Yajirobe, and why?
  6. Sovran Nila

    How Many Different Cigarettes/Cigars Were Smoked During The Entire Franchise Of Dragonball/Z?

    During the entire franchise run of Dragonball/Z, how many different cigarettes/cigars were smoked in total, by all characters?
  7. Sovran Nila

    Has Anyone Actually Used Any Of These Forum Tools?

    I've never used any of these before. Have you?
  8. Sovran Nila

    Which Character Has Eaten The Most Boogers?

    Throughout the entire franchise of Dragonball/Z, which character has eaten the most boogers?
  9. Sovran Nila

    How Many Different Times Was A Picture Taken?

    Throughout the entire franchise of Dragonball/Z, how many times did characters take a picture with a camera?
  10. Sovran Nila

    How Would Your Life Be Different If Dragonball Did Not Exist?

    What would be different about your life if Dragonball never existed?
  11. Sovran Nila

    Do Concept Pictures Of Dragonball/Z Before It Became Official Exist?

    Do concept pictures exist, or were there ever any concept pictures released by Toriyama before Dragonball became an actual reality? I'm curious if draft work before the actual creation looked different.
  12. Sovran Nila

    What's Your Favorite Apparel/Armor/Garment In The Entire Franchise?

    Which outfit/apparel/attire do you like most in the entire franchise of Dragonball/Z? My favorite was always the Saiyan armor.
  13. Sovran Nila

    What're The Sickest Dragonball Z Designs?

    Post the sickest designs from the entire franchise!
  14. Sovran Nila

    What're The Sickest Pokemon Designs?

    Post the sickest designs from the entire franchise!
  15. Sovran Nila

    What're The Sickest Yu-Gi-Oh Designs?

    Post the sickest designs from the entire franchise!
  16. Sovran Nila

    How Many Times Was A Nosebleed Depicted In The Series?

    Throughout the entire franchise of Dragonball/Z, how many times were characters depicted with a nosebleed in total?
  17. Sovran Nila

    Hector VS. Nila

    We have no idea what these individuals look like, what their strengths and weakness are, or if they're even willing to give up everything to win in a fight. So, who would win? :bautista1

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