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  1. Cell-Max

    Who else remembers the connundrum relating to false-remembering past posts as being gospel but...

    Who else remembers the connundrum relating to false-remembering past posts as being gospel but then return only to realise they aren't so?
  2. Cell-Max

    Is the world in the DBZ movies totally f#cked?

    I think the movies follow a weird sort of "What If" scenario mirroring Dr Who or Future Trunks... Deceptively interesting.
  3. Cell-Max

    Why did Vegeta keep the Freeza Saga Armour?

    Would look like Ginyu in Goku's clothes.
  4. Cell-Max

    Hercule vs Mike Tyson

    I place Hercule higher than you people must.
  5. Cell-Max

    Why did Vegeta tell Nappa to kill everyone, including Piccolo?

    I think it's reversed lol, I got it wrong. Vegeta was using and abusing Nappa. Nappa was his close friend or at least he thought so. Vegeta saw him as nothing more than a tool to be used and once his usefulness ran out he disposed of him in a cruel inhumane way.
  6. Cell-Max

    Was Vegeta an anti hero in the Cell arc?

    Vegeta was still a villain. He did not care if his son would die and said some vulgar things to Android 18 during their fight showing he perhaps had an intense dislike of women too. Vegeta was a virgin for a very long time. He only had Raditz and Nappa plus Frieza and his soldiers. He didn't...
  7. Cell-Max

    Do you think Burta/Burter was as fast as Ginyu?

    Hard to say man. I'd say he'd have a 10 percent edge as in the earlier arcs the gaps in power and other attributes were closer than in later arcs. He might have only had a 5-7 percent edge but that's enough to be a lot quicker than someone with the same powerlevel.
  8. Cell-Max

    Does Piccolo have a pure heart before he fused with Kami?

    Yes, he did. That's why Kami ultimately merged with him. He redeemed himself over time with his selfless acts reflecting he had fixed King Piccolo's evil.
  9. Cell-Max

    Do you think Burta/Burter was as fast as Ginyu?

    No, because he had a lower power level. It's explicitly stated in the early arcs that power level equates to other attributes. He would be faster than Recoome and Jeice who share the same power level.
  10. Cell-Max

    Why did Vegeta tell Nappa to kill everyone, including Piccolo?

    He didn't. He was a psychopath. Vegeta had to stop him.
  11. Cell-Max

    What I've realized about Cell from Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

    Only because he wasn't released on time.
  12. Cell-Max

    What I've realized about Cell from Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

    He truly is a complete rectification of the original Cell including the inclusion of Majin Buu's cells and perhaps even those from Beerus and Whis. The complaints I've read about him being "mindless" and weaker due to the lack of a regeneration ability are moot points when you consider he...

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Warmmedown wrote on Documentrag's profile.
You clean documents with a rag? Ever heard of tipex? Word processors? Or are you just cleaning the screen of your PC? That's a screenrag.
He's still a space cadet as we speak
Bossman was a SPACE COWBOY last night