3 matches from the anime

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Merged Zamas (post-mutation) vs Beerus
Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto (Futute Trunks arc; Anime) vs Beerus
Future Trunks (Genki-Dama) vs Beerus

Who wins?


Dec 13, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
Merged Zamas (post-mutation) vs Beerus
Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto (Futute Trunks arc; Anime) vs Beerus
Future Trunks (Genki-Dama) vs Beerus

Who wins?

First of all, Jiren was noted by Kaioshin (who saw Merged Zamasu) to be stronger than anyone U7 has ever faced before, putting him far beyond Merged Zamasu, and additionally Vegetto Blue from Anime, since he fought toe-to-toe with Zamasu. Afterwards, his power as compared to a Hakaishin, presenting him as a bigger deal than being stronger than Zamasu. And with Toei's site, it looks like it's his full power that is estimated to be either equal or stronger than Hakaishin level.

As for Trunks' Genki-Dama, it was powered up by twenty unhealthy earthlings and two half-dead base Saiyans. On the other hand, Goku, in addition to being far stronger than Trunks (especially with KKx20), his Genkidama was powered up by far stronger participants (with Vegeta being the only one left out). And it still couldn't deal with Jiren, who was vastly holding back on top of that. That's just another reason to put him way above Zamasu and Vegetto.

So we have:

Jiren (estimated FP) >= Beerus >>> Jiren (vs Goku Blue) >>> Goku KKx20 (Genkidama) >>> Future Trunks (Genkidama) > Merged Zamasu = Vegetto Blue (Anime).

Conclusion: Beerus destroys everyone.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Keedounan said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Merged Zamas (post-mutation) vs Beerus
Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto (Futute Trunks arc; Anime) vs Beerus
Future Trunks (Genki-Dama) vs Beerus

Who wins?

First of all, Jiren was noted by Kaioshin (who saw Merged Zamasu) to be stronger than anyone U7 has ever faced before, putting him far beyond Merged Zamasu, and additionally Vegetto Blue from Anime, since he fought toe-to-toe with Zamasu. Afterwards, his power as compared to a Hakaishin, presenting him as a bigger deal than being stronger than Zamasu. And with Toei's site, it looks like it's his full power that is estimated to be either equal or stronger than Hakaishin level.

As for Trunks' Genki-Dama, it was powered up by twenty unhealthy earthlings and two half-dead base Saiyans. On the other hand, Goku, in addition to being far stronger than Trunks (especially with KKx20), his Genkidama was powered up by far stronger participants (with Vegeta being the only one left out). And it still couldn't deal with Jiren, who was vastly holding back on top of that. That's just another reason to put him way above Zamasu and Vegetto.

So we have:

Jiren (estimated FP) >= Beerus >>> Jiren (vs Goku Blue) >>> Goku KKx20 (Genkidama) >>> Future Trunks (Genkidama) > Merged Zamasu = Vegetto Blue (Anime).

Conclusion: Beerus destroys everyone.
Oh ye, I completely didn't think about the new Genki-Dama. That Genki-Dama was definitely the highest so I guess you're right.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Keedounan said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Merged Zamas (post-mutation) vs Beerus
Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto (Futute Trunks arc; Anime) vs Beerus
Future Trunks (Genki-Dama) vs Beerus

Who wins?

First of all, Jiren was noted by Kaioshin (who saw Merged Zamasu) to be stronger than anyone U7 has ever faced before, putting him far beyond Merged Zamasu, and additionally Vegetto Blue from Anime, since he fought toe-to-toe with Zamasu. Afterwards, his power as compared to a Hakaishin, presenting him as a bigger deal than being stronger than Zamasu. And with Toei's site, it looks like it's his full power that is estimated to be either equal or stronger than Hakaishin level.

As for Trunks' Genki-Dama, it was powered up by twenty unhealthy earthlings and two half-dead base Saiyans. On the other hand, Goku, in addition to being far stronger than Trunks (especially with KKx20), his Genkidama was powered up by far stronger participants (with Vegeta being the only one left out). And it still couldn't deal with Jiren, who was vastly holding back on top of that. That's just another reason to put him way above Zamasu and Vegetto.

So we have:

Jiren (estimated FP) >= Beerus >>> Jiren (vs Goku Blue) >>> Goku KKx20 (Genkidama) >>> Future Trunks (Genkidama) > Merged Zamasu = Vegetto Blue (Anime).

Conclusion: Beerus destroys everyone.

Vegetto was stronger than Zamasu by a decent margin... I would also say FP Jiren is definitely a lot higher than the hakaishins, like 1.5x gap.... UI Goku from the last episode is likely in par with Beerus if not above him


Dec 13, 2016
Pakl said:
Keedounan said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Merged Zamas (post-mutation) vs Beerus
Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto (Futute Trunks arc; Anime) vs Beerus
Future Trunks (Genki-Dama) vs Beerus

Who wins?

First of all, Jiren was noted by Kaioshin (who saw Merged Zamasu) to be stronger than anyone U7 has ever faced before, putting him far beyond Merged Zamasu, and additionally Vegetto Blue from Anime, since he fought toe-to-toe with Zamasu. Afterwards, his power as compared to a Hakaishin, presenting him as a bigger deal than being stronger than Zamasu. And with Toei's site, it looks like it's his full power that is estimated to be either equal or stronger than Hakaishin level.

As for Trunks' Genki-Dama, it was powered up by twenty unhealthy earthlings and two half-dead base Saiyans. On the other hand, Goku, in addition to being far stronger than Trunks (especially with KKx20), his Genkidama was powered up by far stronger participants (with Vegeta being the only one left out). And it still couldn't deal with Jiren, who was vastly holding back on top of that. That's just another reason to put him way above Zamasu and Vegetto.

So we have:

Jiren (estimated FP) >= Beerus >>> Jiren (vs Goku Blue) >>> Goku KKx20 (Genkidama) >>> Future Trunks (Genkidama) > Merged Zamasu = Vegetto Blue (Anime).

Conclusion: Beerus destroys everyone.

Vegetto was stronger than Zamasu by a decent margin... I would also say FP Jiren is definitely a lot higher than the hakaishins, like 1.5x gap.... UI Goku from the last episode is likely in par with Beerus if not above him

* Maybe Vegetto is stronger, if only slightly, but not by enough to give him a noticeable edge. He was only shown to have the edge when Zamasu's speed decreased because of his new size near the end of their fight.

* For now, Jiren is, at very least, Hakaishin-tier at full power. He isn't required to be much stronger than them, so "definitely" is a pretty strong way to put it.

* Anato stated that Goku is trying to approch the level of gods, while Jiren is estimated to be the first to reach it (perhaps even surpass it). This is another reason that leads me to believe that Goku isn't quite at Beerus' level, but is definitely getting there. And judging by Beerus' reactions, he knows it.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Vegetto was pummeling him except when they clashed and thats also Vegetto likely playing around.... He dominated Zamasu....


Dec 13, 2016
Pakl said:
Vegetto was pummeling him except when they clashed and thats also Vegetto likely playing around.... He dominated Zamasu....

Little breakdown of the fight:

Okay then so a break down of the fight
Vegetto emerges in base and immediately transforms before blocking a large ki blast from Zamasu casually. Is likely Zamasu didn't understand how powerful his opponent was as he often does. Zamasu talks for a bit before Vegetto sucker punches him sending him flying a bit. Zamasu after a but gets up and punches hard enough that Vegetto needs to dodge the air currents. Zamasu then rushed over and punches Vegetto, which he is able to block but is pushed back into the ground that kicks up a large amount of debris, Vegetto somehow gets free and rebounds before engaging in an exchange of punches and kicks, getting one clean in on Zamasu before Zamasu gains the upper hand with a kick and another punch who's air currents Vegetto has to avoid. Shortly after though Vegetto is able to kick at Zamasu's block as a decoy to let him kick Zamasu from behind and push him into the ground. However Zamasu is more angry and fires a blast from his eyes that Vegetto once again has to dodge.

They match punches and are equal in raw power, though Zamasu gets the upper hand at the end with an uppercut despite getting punched in the stomach. Zamasu attempts to execute them only to get stabbed by Vegetto first with a longer ki blade. They talk, Vegetto mentions how Zamasu will now always be half mortal. Zamasu then disintegrates Vegetto's blade, further talking. He then grows larger and stronger, and I imagine slower considering Vegetto's words later. Vegetto use his speed to push Zamasu further into a wall before the Final KHH which doesn't really do anything, then IT's with a ki punch and defuses.

No, Vegetto was clearly not dominating, and there is zero evidence that he was holding back.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
We see the fight from a different view though... Vegetto did dominate whe they started fight until they clashed... He pretended to be injured on the ground only to stab Zamasu and also showed to be more powerful than a giant stronger Zamasu....


Dec 13, 2016
Pakl said:
We see the fight from a different view though...


Vegetto did dominate whe they started fight until they clashed...

A small advantage, though, considering Zamasu could match Vegetto blow for blow.

He pretended to be injured on the ground only to stab Zamasu

Vegetto pretended to be knocked out, which is completeky different. And I doubt he was pretending when he spat blood when Zamasu hit him on the stomach.

and also showed to be more powerful than a giant stronger Zamasu....

He was shown to be faster if anything, considering Vegetto commented on Zamasu being unable to keep up with his speed.

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