Fantastische Hure said:
Merged Zamas (post-mutation) vs Beerus
Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto (Futute Trunks arc; Anime) vs Beerus
Future Trunks (Genki-Dama) vs Beerus
Who wins?
First of all, Jiren was noted by Kaioshin (who saw Merged Zamasu) to be stronger than anyone U7 has ever faced before, putting him far beyond Merged Zamasu, and additionally Vegetto Blue from Anime, since he fought toe-to-toe with Zamasu. Afterwards, his power as compared to a Hakaishin, presenting him as a bigger deal than being stronger than Zamasu. And with Toei's site, it looks like it's his full power that is estimated to be either equal or stronger than Hakaishin level.
As for Trunks' Genki-Dama, it was powered up by twenty unhealthy earthlings and two half-dead base Saiyans. On the other hand, Goku, in addition to being far stronger than Trunks (especially with KKx20), his Genkidama was powered up by far stronger participants (with Vegeta being the only one left out). And it
still couldn't deal with Jiren, who was vastly holding back on top of that. That's just another reason to put him way above Zamasu and Vegetto.
So we have:
Jiren (estimated FP) >= Beerus >>> Jiren (vs Goku Blue) >>> Goku KKx20 (Genkidama) >>> Future Trunks (Genkidama) > Merged Zamasu = Vegetto Blue (Anime).
Conclusion: Beerus destroys everyone.