Vegeta is on-par with the lower android, and he's the highest. #17's over-all the highest.
They got infinite stamina, so they probably win. With Trunks, I'd say they could pull it off, though. They'd have to try very hard and can't afford a mistake. Maybe something like a point-black KHH or something.
Vegeta was still a dick on Android Arc, so he'd bitch around for having to team up with Goku. Ads this to the SSJ strain and the Cyborg's infinite stamina and the twins win. Trunks makes things a bit harder, but the Cyborgs still most likely win, unless Goku and Trunks pull of a Solar Flare + Kienzan/Haxxed blast.
If Goku actually bothers to fight tactically by utilising the Taiyoken and Shunkan Ido Kamehameha properly, then the Saiyans can win with mid-diff, otherwise, they'd need Trunks to win with high-diff.
I take Trunks saying he could put up a fight as saying he's about as strong as one of them. If they were both as strong as Vegeta they might have a chance, but since Goku isn't too much stronger than Trunks, they won't be able to do serious damage before they tire out.