Considering how much the Freeza Soldiers laughed off 1k fighters, it's safe to say they were all in the 1.5-2k range or so. I'll give Appule some credit in being a cut above the other fodder though with him having survived the battle with the Namekians, even successfully blocking the impact of a large Ki blast from them that landed next to him and the Daizenshuu only referring to his battle power as below that of an average Namekian rather than emphasising "far below" would support this. That said, Appule probably isn't too far below 3k.
Meanwhile, Kuririn's weighted self was stated to be 1.5k and even via-scaling, his unweighted self wouldn't even be at 1.9k. Appule takes this pretty handily, though Kuririn's techniques may give him some slight difficulty.