You know, you say you have the ability to report me but I can due to the tone you're using, but let's not reach that stage ok? But honesty, I've never seen someone debate this bad before. If you're going to turn sensitive mode on me, then try to calm down and understand the errors behind your arguments rather than stay hypocritical on your points. You insult me and act like some God but you say you'll report me if I do It? Nice try bud, you're not getting off the hook.
freezamite said:
I'm not implying it, it's what's written in the manga (and even in some of those horribly done guides).
What do you mean in the Manga? You don't know the Manga more than everybody else. That's you being a total hypocrite. Horribly done Guides?
ALL GUIDES are more reliable than what you take them to be as they're all made by Akira Toriyama's staff:
Akira Toriyama even says that his staff aka Sheuisha knows more about DBZ than him and thus his words are to be taken as authority, meaning these guides are authority:
Don't disregard guides because you feel like it.
No, the SSJ is not a 50x multiplier, nor is a fixed multiplier of any sorts. The SSJ can power up, and it clearly does, because the z-warriors get better and better when it comes to mastering it's violent nature and the stress it's personality causes to the body.
Huh? What does this has to do with it not being a set multiplier? You can't just deny guides because you feel like it.
That's utterly abysmal. Guides >>>>> You. These are made by someone who has more authority than Akira Toriyama and Toriyama even says this himself by implying the difference in knowledge.
the only time they mastered the nature of a Super Saiyan is when Goku trained with Gohan in the ROSAT. However, NEVER DID THEY DO THAT BEFORE. NEVER! That's your utter speculation on the matter
evidence shows otherwise. It really does show otherwise. What you say is irrelevant if you can't prove it
You still didn't provide evidence for Vegeta's statement
and you also ignored everything in the Manga which I provided.
thanks for conceding.
Besides that, Yadrat Goku wasn't far above his Namek saga counterpart. In fact, he was just as strong as he was in Namek (he himself admited that he had only time to leart to transform at will and to learn the shunkanido).
Trunks didn't attack with all his strength and that's why Goku could block with a finger, they were more or less equals in strength.
Just how much do you wish to be wrong? Mecha Frieza is even stronger than Namek Saga Super Saiyan Goku, yet Trunks fodderized him, and Yardrat Goku defeated trunks who released power enough to kill Mecha Frieza
he got stronger. In fact saying they're equal is utter headcanon from your part. Goku was stated to have gotten stronger and he even stopped his sword witj ome finger. Holding back or not Trunks says that this is the same sword using this same power context wise that he used to kill Frieza.
The thing is... it's NOT.
That's just you being in denial, simple. Ignoring official sources won't help you. Guides > You
While the manga never tells anything about the base state increasing (again, you won't find a single feat or quote stating that the base state of any saiyan that has reached it's limit has increased in strength)
I just showed you direct evidence but you obviously like to ignore these evidences because you can't handle being wrong. DON'T IGNORE. I'll take it you concede. Goku never reached his limit.
You still didn't provide any evidence for Vegeta's scan.
You still haven't shown why the multiplier is wrong
Offical Material > Your invalid opinion
If you won't show me, then
That's a concession
it clearly explain how the SSJ is improved:
The SSJ violent nature causes stress to the body, so you have to get accostumed to that form. That's why Goku and Gohan spend months being SSJs the whole time.
The only time they did train their Super Saiyan form is when Goku was with Gohan. Base Forms are shown to have gotten stronger. But again, you are so blatant and disrespectful you ignore anything that debunks you. I've met so many people like you who ignore the things which debunk them. I'll take this Win, thanks for the concession as well. You're just afraid to say it
They're not even training their base state for the majority of the time they spent on the RoSAT... those magazines are pure poison because they were made without having even a basic understand of what was said in the manga.
WHAT?!?!?!?! Goku was training his base form in the afterlife, so you're saying he isn't getting stronger?!?!? Despite Super Exciting Guide saying otherwise?!?!?!?!?! What do you mean poison? These poisons are better than you, and if they're poison them you're something worse
HOW CAN YOU SAY The guides are poison if they're made by people more reliable than Akira Toriyama himself? What kind of pure cancer is this? Even Akira in an interview approved that Super Saiyan is a set multiplier. Your point is INVALID if you can't prove it. Another indirect concession, thank you.
Besides the fact that it was Vegeta's SSJ multiplier the one that increased (by the way, the SSJ multiplier wasn't equal even between saiyans
SHOW ME SCANS. I'M ASKING FOR EVIDENCE. SHOW ME WHY THE SSJ MULTIPLIER INCREASED RATHER THAN BASE. If you can't even prove that, then your entire point falls under the horseshit category.
As I've said, it depended on the control over it's own Ki each saiyan had. So for Goku it was the highest multiplier always even when in strength he may have been equal or below to some other SSJ), those numbers aren't faithful to the manga.
PROVE IT. You say that you said that, but you didn't prove it. You haven't showed me ANY SINGLE evidence for it. SHOW ME, that's what I'm asking. If you can't do that, then your entire argument falls to pieces. WHAT you say is absolutely irrelevant if you can't prove it. You claim something is wrong but you have to show me why it's wrong. If you can't, then that's yet another concession
If Pre ROSAT SSJ Vegeta is 100, then Android 18 can't be 200. Come on, Android 18 would be at 98-102 more or less. Re-read that fight, Vegeta was as powerful as her, he lost because he lacked unlimited stamina.
Nice try being picky. Futile though
I would moderate the tone of your messages if I was you.
Look who's talking, the same person who's acting hypocritically infront me and being indecent. Next time, be decent and show evidence behind your claims rather than acting hypocritically and fail to show evidence behind your claims.
Considering that all you do is to repeat what those awful, already debunked guides say, you're in no position to disrespect anyone.
Already debunked? SHOW ME NOW. NO GUIDE IS ALREADY DEBUNKED. NO GUIDE AT ALL. All of these guides are made by people who are more authoritative than Akira Toriyama and Akira himself confirms this. The fact that you fail to show evidence behind your claims show how much of a normie you are.
Your guides are bullshit, sorry, but that's the truth
I'm still waiting for you to show me why they're bullshit. In your eyes they're bullshit because they debunk your hairy dirty ass and that's all. You're just a troll, you shouldn't even exist in the Dragon Ball community while claiming something as atrocious as this.
Every time Toriyama upped it's writting a notch the retardeds that wrote that shit got lost.
SHOW me evidence, now. Until you show me evidence of your claims, your entire stance is irrelevant and non-existent at all.
Since Toriyama's strong point was how he portrayed complex scenarios in very natural ways, anything those guides say about power levels that weren't directly stated in the manga are WRONG.
WHAT?!?!? Akira himself approved of these guides. These guides are canon and Akira approves of this
Akira Toriyama Confirms that his staff, are more knowledgeable than him in Dragon Ball Z:
Akira Toriyama checks the content that is written in Daizenshuu before hand:
"In commemoration of Dragon Ball’s happy ending, they’re putting out my complete works."
Akira Toriyama Approves that Daizenshuu includes his works.
"This first one is a special collection of “Illustrations”, or colored manga cuts. Looking at this, in a little over ten years there were many pictures that were drawn… no, that I drew. It is inexcusable how many pictures there are in here that cause even me to gag when I look at them now, but if you’d like, please look at them with a big heart."
Daizenshuu 1 includes all his illustrations. Those are his works, they are *his* work however completely shuffled or scattered.
Daizenshuu 2:
"It seems that the second of the complete works is a “story edition”."
It's a book that completely talks about the story of Akira Toriyama's in general.
"For me, having drawn the manga by the seat of my pants, to have it called a “story” is only embarrassing. Even so, I suppose that my job of thinking up the story was a little more fun than when I was drawing the pictures. Ah, but to speak frankly, the second half of the story was difficult because I somewhat overdid thinking it up. Though I did a good job continuing it like that… I think."
Not much valuable information. Although he does show acceptable of the guide, and loves the idea that his story is now going to be completely clarified.
Daizenshuu 3:
Akira Toriyama states that its involvement is in relation to the anime. Akira Toriyama accepted the Anime as part of the entire plot:
"12: From time to time, il would happen that people whom I didn't even know were approaching me about the anime. Things were often said like: "Oh jeeze, between the manga and the anime, you must never take any time to let yourself breathe!". In reality, I had hardly worked at all on the anime, I had put confidence in my collaborators. I had enough to do just with the manga. I didn't want to work myself to death, you know...
Toriyama: I want to live until I'm 100 years old!
13: For example, drawing an image of a movement in a manga is relatively simple, but to animate this image, you had to decompose the movement and draw all the intermediary movements. That demands a colossal amount of work. (Ok, the example of Kame-sennin might not be the most appropriate...)
14: Of course, those who have read Dragon Ball have noticed that certain stories which are found in the anime didn't existe in the manga.
Oolong: What's this? I never saw that in the manga....
END: As one adventure in the manga corresponds to about 10 minutes of animation, and since one episode comprises on average 30 minutes, the entire series of Dragon Ball would have passed by very quickly. The team of animators therefore had to insert some original stories. I admire what they have done, that's a hell of a job!
Toriyama: Dragon Ball, it's the anime and the manga"
Akira Toriyama had involvements with fillers:
STATUS: False (and there are some interesting things, here!)
A common fan tactic in arguments is to dismiss things one does not like, does not agree with, or one feels does not belong (in general) by saying “Well, the author had nothing to do with that!” In the past, we have been able to confirm Toriyama’s initial involvement in Dragon Ball GT via his early character and landscape designs in the daizenshuu and Perfect File books. Daizenshuu 6 (“MOVIES & TV SPECIALS”), in particular, showcases Toriyama’s character designs for the likes of Coola (and his henchmen), movie 7’s Artificial Humans, Broli, Bojack, etc.
What about the general filler material in the TV show? It can be contradictory, and typically has (debatably) less-than-stellar attempts at storytelling. Toriyama had nothing to do with any of that, right…? Not quite.
It is certainly not the case that Toriyama wrote and “drew” every single episode in the TV series, but the anime guide Son Gokū Densetsu gives us a little glimpse into the clearly-overworked man’s involvement in the TV series.
There were many character designs Toriyama came up with for filler material, including Paikuhan, Dai-Kaiō, and the beginnings of King Vegeta. We also learn that for many story points, Toriyama would typically come up with a vague idea and leave a memo for the TV series staff to, essentially, go wild with and develop a full story from said idea. Some of these items included the back-history of the Saiyans and the Tsufruians for Dragon Ball Z episode 20, the Z-Warriors’ training with the “Illusion” Saiyans via God’s Palace, and Lunch’s persistent chasing of Tenshinhan. Even Yamcha’s job as a baseball player was Toriyama’s idea!"
Fans just like to disregard things under their own basis and tastes
That's why Dragon Ball Kai is considered canon as it's Akira Toriyama's cut and he chose some fillers to stay in it:
Which makes Akira FULL aware of the credibility of Daizenshuu 3 Information about the Anime. So No, till now they're canon.
Daizenshuu 3 Introduction, last of it:
"Either way, I am truly indebted to everyone on the staff and am very thankful.
–Akira Toriyama"
Akira is stated to have involvement in the production of the Anime:
This is the same interview about Daizenshuu 3.
Although it still has contradictions, we cannot disregard this fact at all.
Daizenshuu 4:
"It seems that the fourth volume is a Dragon Ball “world guide”. I think that the staff all worked very hard, particularly on the buildings’ layouts, the maps, and whatnot. On top of just sloppily drawing things by the seat of my pants, there are many things that not even I had precisely determined. Weren’t they a bit fed up with how things didn’t come together consistently? I’m very sorry.
–Akira Toriyama"
Akira Toriyama CONFIRMS that the Manga has its shares of inconsistencies, and apologised for the staff who had to deal with it, so to him Daizenshuu 4 is a full clarification of his works even information which establishes to inform us about the inconsistencies Akira has made.
Akira has involvement in Daizenshuu 4 (very little though. Still his information was directly placed in Daizenshuu 4):
His interview is referenced in Daizenshuu 4.
Daizenshuu 5:
"The Daizenshuu this time around covers the second half of the Dragon Ball anime. Come to think of it, apparently the TV series is going to continue for a little bit longer, as a brand-new story not present in the original. It seems well thought-out and promises to be interesting; or at least that’s what I gather from the rough scripts they’ve shown me, which give a broad outline of how it’ll be. From now on I can be just like everyone else, simply watching the TV broadcasts at home and wondering with bated breath what on Earth will happen next. I’m looking forward to it, and my thanks go out to all the staff.
–Akira Toriyama"
This doesn't have any valuable information at all except the fact that he still appreciates their work (isn't a valuable proof), but since it follows Daizenshuu 3, then evidences from Daizenshuu 3 are applicable to 5. Besides, we can't pick what we want to be canon or not. Till now Daizenshuu stays canon
Daizenshuu 6:
"The Daizenshuu this time is a special collection of the animated movies. Frankly, I’ve never once gone to the theater to see Dragon Ball (or Dr. Slump, either), because it’d definitely be embarrassing to watch an anime of my own original story together with everyone else, and it’s not very befitting of a Tokyoite, is it? (Well, I guess I’m not a Tokyoite). I end up watching them secretly at home on video. My son used to have practically no interest in Dragon Ball, but lately he’s come to acknowledge it a little bit, and has even gone to see it in theaters. My daughter, however, seems to hate it altogether, and won’t even watch it at all when it comes on TV. Well, whatever.
–Akira Toriyama"
Not any valuable information, but still it has involvement to the movies. There are barely any references when it comes to the movies so Daizenshuu 6 is freely usable to Movies and OVAs
Daizenshuu 7:
"This Daizenshuu, the 7th and final one, is a huge Dragon Ball encyclopedia. I think the staff who make these books always have a rough time of it, but this one looked even more hellish than usual. They really did a great job. I’m ridiculously forgetful, so despite being the author, there’s lots of stuff even I don’t know anymore."
Akira is implying that Daizenshuu 7 sums up almost all of DBZ, including most of the things which even Akira Toriyama forgot, and approves that this Guide is a success and a consideration. Despite being the author like he said, there are things he doesn't know anymore which THE STAFF has put in the guide. Something Akira agrees on
"It was often quite a nuisance, and I think having this encyclopedia around when the series was still running would have really helped me out. Darn it all. Anyway, my thanks to the staff, and to all Dragon Ball fans.
–Akira Toriyama"
Akira Toriyama accepts this Guide in general and thinks its information is reliable and that it would have helped him, the author.
Daizenshuu 7 has all the information from Akira Toriyama. The interview about it also confirms this partly:
Daizenshuu 7 has valuable informations directly from him. An example for this id what he directly states about lunch and Android 17:
Akira Toriyama clarified this in Daizenshuu 7:
About Lunch:
"Lunch went off chasing after Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan would also go from place to place while training with Chiaotzu, so they’d never meet up. But surely they’ve managed to miraculously cross paths."
Originally in chapter 515 of The Dragon Ball Manga, he stated that he originally meant it to be lunch to give the energy to the Genki Dama rather than Android 17:
This is evidented by what Android 17's words:
Android 17 NEVER met Goku and never even heard his voice. So it's a huge contradiction which is clarified in Daizenshuu 7.
Lunch appeared in the Anime. Akira also contributed a short quasi-Christmas-themed comic where lunch appears. This has been established in Daizenshuu 7 as well:
"KAME-SEN’NIN: “Hum hum hum ♪”
LUNCH: “Damn, where did that jerk Tenshinhan go off to?”
OOLONG: “Snore, snore”
BULMA: “Hey, go!! Look out!!”
YAMCHA: “Can I look now?”
TENSHINHAN: “Not yet!”"
In regards to what Akira said here:
"To tell you the truth, I totally forgot about her at one point. And then I remembered her after a while and I had to think of a reason why she disappeared. So I made it seem as if she was running after Tenshinhan."
The time frame and interval of time he talks about is not quite specific at all. This created many rumours which Daizneshuu 7, with the contribution of Akira, clarified this all.
Daizenshuu's information are directly taken from Akira Toriyama's Original work. So everything in it is canon as Akira's Contribution is all over it.
You show no evidence, thus you're wrong. Simple as that. Daizenshuu is an example, and Daizenshuu > you.
Nappa at 4000, Raditz at 1500, SSJ Goku at 150 fucking millions (and Freezer at 120 millions instead of the 12 that would perfectly fit), the 50x multiplier that EVEN THE AUTHOR (as in Toriyama himself) had to step up in an interview and tell everyone how wrong that was.
Just how idiotic are you? Akira never did say it's wrong. SHOW me evidence NOW. HE NEVER DISREGARDED IT.
Goku's power level in base on Namek is 3,000,000 and his Ssj form is 150,000,000. You're telling me Goku never got stronger and no feat in the Manga shows base forms getting stronger? That's just your limited mind bud. That's just you who's a complete thick-headed kid who can't even realize simple material and denies anything that goes against his opinion. Please, shut up and learn
Look, read the manga, not the guides.
Yeah the Manga says I'm right and not you. Your claim is so wrong it makes everyone cry out of laughter.
I could link your argument to other Communities and they're gonna laugh at you. You might even become a laughingstock.
With that reading comprehension of yours I finally understand why you agree that much with the guides. Where do you say I imply that DBS base Goku is weaker than Namek base Goku?
Why weaker exactly? He was JUST AS STRONG because he couldn't get stronger but didn't stop training like Gohan.
This debunks you:
Read this all and try to debunk it ^ if you can't, then you're ABSOLUTELY WRONG and you concede. Ignoring it won't help you.
Uff stop it please, everything you say is wrong. Namek Saga Freezer would've beaten even SSJ Goten and Trunks if serious, let alone Android 18 that had a fraction of his power.
THEN SHOW ME EVIDENCE. Show me RIGHT NOW why I'm wrong. YOU CAN'T, THATS WHY. Everything I say is wrong? SHOW ME NOW why I'm wrong.
Let's look at Android 18 vs the kids
The fight commences over here.
Android 18 doesn't know of them being the kids thus she could start put holding back
Although this could easily differ when we're talking about the one who dashed put to the other person:
Goten and Trunks both dashed to her and she took her stance.
Android 18 already noted his power:
She clearly respects the performance and calls it "powerful". Coming from Android 18 talking to her head with serious look, she would have judged their abnormality in their power. Besides, that was one of the kids who did that (trunks) casually in base form.
For now we got:
Android 18 >=< Base Kids (individually)
They're keeping up well with Android 18. Although there a huge problem
Goten CAN'T see well, thus leg movements are completely sick. It's more like Trunks is the only one giving it his best. Goten is not even properly fighting. Base Trunks >=< Android 18.
They both represent 1 of them. Goten is only using his legs while trunks is using his arms. Neither of them are you their entire bodies at well, this is gives them a clear nerf in even both of their powers.
Kids (individually) >=< Android 18.
One could say that's even less than an entire power of a base kid
Trunks says "it's too hard to move". Both Goten and Trunks aren't fighting at their peak and fail to use their powers at their will. Both of them aren't even giving off the usual powers they have.
Given that they barely have skills, which was noted in DBS, we can know for sure that they aren't putting out power at all. Thus android 18 gets a hit
Base Kids (Individually) >=< Android 18
Evidence of Goten not being able to even see. Android 18 being an Android can't even be regularly sensed, which poses the question of how much Goten was forced to be nerfed against her. Trunks is only using his arms. Yet they're keeping up
Android 18 could be holding back but for now we've got nothing to prove
Base Trunks or Goten > Android 18
Android 18 shoots a beam at them. Goten can't see, and trunks can't use his body or simultaneously react on him own, forcing him to tell Goten to Fly.
We can clearly see how they're not even using portions of their real power.
Base Kids individually > Android 18
They decide to go Ssj because although can't move properly, they believe a Ssj would end it quick despite their inability to use most if their bodies
Ssj kids individually >>>> Android 18
Android 18 is quite surprised of their power although they barely released any power to begin with.
They transform.
Trunks says they're at a disadvantage. Although the disadvantage was mainly related to the costume which is getting in their way. It's as if trunks is only fighting using his hands while sitting. Given the fact that he has no Ki skills, it would be ridiculous to fight using barely any of their power, yet they kept up.
Goten is kicking anywhere and barely. He's mostly flying the body around.
Trunks thinks of Throwing a ki blast but they're scared of that blast accidentally killing her.
Trunks is confident she won't die though, especially when he can control his Ki blasts
Trunks doesn't throw the blast at full power at all.
Android 18 barely reacts and then dodges it even though that's barely anywhere near their power.
Android 18 sweats the shit out although that was partly their power. That was one kid.
Android 18 then decides to finish this quickly:
This doesn't imply she's superior. She just wants to make them get disqualified by exposing them, which she did by throwing a destructo disk.
She knows her HUGE inferiority and clearly saw that she can't beat them, and knew that they were at a disadvantage due to being inside that costume.
Android 18 questioning their powers implies that she doesn't know how powerful they originally are.
Ssj Trunks or Goten (individually) >>>>>> Android 18 >= Base Kids
This is supported in Dragon Ball Kai by how they're showcased to fight Android 18
This shows that Dragon Ball Kai proves that Base Kids are almost equal to Android 18.
[quotepAnd the worst part is SSJ Goku Namek saga above Freezer... I mean, the kids or A18 I can understand the confusion because it was a somewhat complex scenario and they were separated by dozens of chapters... but fucking Namek Goku?[/quote]
Android 18 vs Kids is not a confusion. Prove that it is, now. If you can't, then that's a concession
SSJ Namek Goku was just as strong as a badly injured Freezer. Not only the sole fact of saying Namek Saga Freezer << SSJ Goku Namek Saga is wrong even going by what was seen in the fight, it's also wrong because it ignores the context of that fight and the state of each fighter.
The problem is that
You don't read. I'll debunk you again:
Daizenshuu 2 says that Goku has "overwhelming power" in comparison to Frieza and one that is superior to his:
Daizenshuu 2 also says that Goku's strength COMPLETELY overwhelms Frieza's power:
Daizenshuu 7 in the history part says that Frieza was overwhelmed by Goku's power. The Battles part says that EVEN AT FULL POWER he was weaker than Ssj Goku:
So your "Fucking" is nothing but your utter speculative ass being in denial.
If you can't understand by SSJ Goku Namek <<<<<<<<< Namek Saga Freezer re-read the manga until you grasp what the author really meant.
WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME TO READ THE MANGA WHEN YOU YOURSELF GOT RAPED HERE? Read the Manga yourself, because all you do is being in denial
You still haven't showed me ANY evidence for your claims. Thank you for conceding yet again.
I won't spend a second debunking your bad analysis about the fight between A18 and the kids (which is also ignoring the whole context of the fight).
Pretty much proves that you can't debunk it at all. the fact that you're unable to debunk it shows that you concede but you're trying to be denial bevause you can't accept your horrid mistakes, much like accept your look at the mirror.
The kids were FPSSJ and that's why they clearly overpowered 18 as SSJs. Not in their base state, where they didn't get even close to be able to fight an A18 that was expecting to fight a regular human being.
This is proof that you
don't read and don't know anything about the Manga and other official material. You can't debunk me, because you're the worst debater I've ever seen in my entire life. My experience in debating outweighs yours by far which is why you can't even hold a candle to me. Thanks for conceding further.
A18 never fought against the kids at full power because she expected a human, and once they turned SSJ she went for the disqualification because she could do nothing against them.
End of story.
Your "end of story" translates "end of my idiocy and denialism". Thank you for confirming that I debunked you.
No he fucking wasn't. Come on, can't you even understand what's being said in the manga? Ub had THE POTENTIAL to become as strong as Bu, but he didn't know even how to fly or use his ki at the most basic level.
Even then, Ub overpowered base Goku while being a kid AND not knowing anything about how to properly fight.
You're obviously messing some brain cells here
If you look carefully at what the following scan says, here it is established that Goku wants Buu to be reincarnated BACK as a good guy and he will train hard enough to match him at that Time.
Chapter: 516 (DBZ 322), P11.2-3
Context: after Polunga restores Goku’s stamina and he’s about to finish Boo off with the Genki-Dama
Goku: “I wanna fight you one-on-one…I’ll be waiting…And I’ll have gotten much, much better…See ya later!”
This signifies:
1) Goku knows he's currently inferior to the Hypothetical Reincarnated Kid Buu, thus mentions training so he would match him well.
2) Goku wants to fight him one on one. He admires the fact that he's a great opponent for him and he wants to solely surpass that power, implying that he's inferior to him at that time but he won't be so when he'll get reincarnated.
Given Goku's confidence in his ability to get stronger to his level in these years of mostly peace, he knows he needs time to reach his level which is quite understandable to an extent. It can also refer to his base form reaching such heights.
We've already seen that Goku as a Ssj3 while gathering his Ki could beat up Kid Buu (later on Goku indirectly proves to us readers that he underestimated him). Seeing how Goku would need ALL that time to reach that little power, which In case he already is at Kid Buu's range of power, it would kinda break what little or huge sense is there on its own; in other simpler words, it'd be vastly illogical.
Goku wants to get stronger always, aiming for the best out there. Just simply needing that much time would kinda be contradictory to Goku's fast gains of power AND what you'll be seeing later.
Our main establishment for now was that According To Goku's Implification:
Hypothetical Reincarnated Buu = Kid Buu
10 years has passed in which Reincarnated Buu would have grown enough to fight with his already ridiculous power. Goku decides to enter the Tournament because He wants to mainly fight This reincarnated Villain. Goku even RECOMMENDS Vegeta to enter as well so he could have his shot against Reincarnated Buu. This is implied by Goku when Vegeta asked Him "Why" then Goku replied that someone powerful will be entering.
Chapter: 518 (DBZ 324), P2.4-8
Context: Vegeta asks Goku why he’s entering the next Tenkaichi Budoukai
Goku: “Because someone’s entering who seems incredible! I’ve had my eye on him for awhile, and he came to the tournament grounds this morning.”
Vegeta: “What!? …I don’t feel any ki that strong…”
Goku: “He’s completely suppressing his ki now. ..But somehow I can tell…that he’s definitely strong…”
Vegeta: “…Hmph, are you joking? There’s no way a guy like that could exist…Don’t tell me he’s an alien!?”
Goku: “Nope, he’s an Earthling.”
Bulma: “Huh!? That’s impossible.”
Goku still has his idea of Him that he'll be someone great and powerful enough to entertain him despite all the training he's done to the point that be didn't even have time to meet Bulma and the others for 5 years straight.
Goku even believes that he's gonna be someone worth fighting even while he's talking to Vegeta, and spouting it bluntly. An already strong reincarnation of Kid Buu holding the same power Goku wants would actually 100% prove that He's gonna be no less worse than what Goku has an idea of Him.
Hypothetical Reincarnated Buu = Kid Buu ?-? Goku
As expected, all the participants from the Z-fighters have passed the preliminaries and advanced to the main Tournament Grounds. They notify Mr. Satan about what they've done. As he panics, Goku tells him to not worry because they won't be stealing the title from them. Although Goku then says "someone besides us and buu might win", obviously leaving Satan no chance but to think Goku's bluffing:
Chapter: 518 (DBZ 324), P6.5
Goku: “…But someone besides us and Boo might win.”
Satan: “Hahhahhah, now really! There’s no way that could happen, right?”
Well yes you could come out of your seat and say that Goku was purposely scaring him but what would Goku gain from it? Goku is a guy who "hates" lying when there's no reason to. You could include DBS or Movie where he approves of that fact. Regardless, there is no reason to even say that when Goku knows his strength between the others.
Goku includes Buu and Vegeta into the argument. Whether it could have been too far-taken, it doesn't rule the fact that Goku acknowledged the possibility.
Goku would obviously, and logically, be referring to the Reincarnated Buu. There's no reason to not think so as there isn't anybody out there who can touch them to begin with.
No one from Goku's group seem to recognize who's the "great fighter" Goku's talking about. Goku then rushes to Buu to tell him to manipulate the numbers and lots picked to his favor so he could fight The Reincarnated Buu at the very start where he's at full power:
Chapter: 518 (DBZ 324), P10.2
Context: Goku asks Boo to rig the match-ups so he can fight Oob
Goku: “…Sorry, but I wanna fight with him no matter what, in the 1st round when both of us still have 100% of our stamina…”
This is further evidence of Goku's confidence in The Reincarnated Buu's abilities and all. He wants to fight him, considering him his equal. Goku then tells Vegeta who is it in actuality. He explains some refreshing stuff about this:
Chapter: 518 (DBZ 324), P11.6-8
Goku: “He’s the one…While I’ve been training on my own, I’ve been waiting all this time for that kid to enter the tournament…[ ]…10 years ago, when that outrageously bad Majin Boo died, I made a wish…That this time, he be reborn as a good guy, so we could fight one-on-one…Apparently old man Enma Daio heard me, and pulled some strings on my behalf…”
Goku states that he's been waiting all this time just for this moment. This proves that According to Goku, a reincarnation of Kid Buu would make him hold that strength (hence his patience all these years while ridiculously training hard for this day), would be as powerful as back then which is furthered here when he said he'd want to fight him one on one.
We now established that:
Uub ?-? Current Goku >>> End Of Buu Saga Goku
Goten now has Buu as his opponent thus panics. Goku tells him that if he kept training it wouldn't have been trouble. This at the very least implies that Goku got far stronger than before and Buu wouldn't have been troublesome for him:
Chapter: 519 (DBZ 325), P1.3
Goten: “Th-that can’t be! How can I go up against Boo right in the first round?!”
Goku: “It’s only a problem because you keep slacking off in your training.”
Goku already implied with Vegeta that For their case it's the opposite:
Chapter: 518 (DBZ 324), P3.5
Vegeta: “Hmph. It pains us both how weak our children act.”
Goku: “Haha, that’s true. Well, that’s peace for you.”
Characters usually agree to NOT transform into Super Saiyans because they might be recognised. The only thing People forgot was Buu. They would still remember however the events of the Cell Games despite it being a long Time, and besides, they'd drag a ton of attention anyways:
As Goku enters with Oob into the fighting stage, Piccolo states that this match will the "match of the day" meaning Piccolo simply concluded that Oob should have monstrous power to make it a "match of the day" with someone of Goku's level. Goku even tells him not to stress out because it would strict his latent abilities:
Chapter: 519 (DBZ 325), P6.4-5
Context: as Goku and Oob are about to fight
Piccolo: “This will be the most notable fight this time around…”
Dende: “Huh?”
Goku (to Oob): “Don’t be so tense. You won’t be able to put forth your true ability.”
Piccolo is interested in the fight very much and in fact Goku even tells him that Uub shouldn't stress out or else he won't be able to put forth his true power. Basically this already supports the points above. I'll be putting it this way for now:
Oob = Kid Buu ¿>=<? Base Goku
Goku decides to wake up his potential by throwing insults and when he does and Oob gets mad, he really does Hurt Goku and shakes him off even. Still not that much of a change but a good way to show us how much he seems it at a serious matter. Even Gohan and Krillin where swallowing their shit again:
Chapter: 519 (DBZ 325), P10.6
Context: as Goku and Oob fight
Kuririn: “Yo-you’re kidding…!?”
Gohan: “Wh-what is that kid…!?”
This proves That Goku got RIDICULOUSLY stronger hence their shock. Goku did train at an utmost rate to the point of this:
Chapter: 518 (DBZ 324), P1.3
Context: Bulma complains about how Goku never comes to visit
Bulma: “5 years! 5 years ago, when everyone was getting together, and even then you said you were training and didn’t come!”
As The fight progresses, Goku realizes how untrained Oob is, thus decides to train him knowing his potential even though it "never" occurred with him which shows it being natural. The best part is by Goku saying "You're just like I thought". Goku thought of Him at Kid Buu's level. We also see Goku handling him easily at his part.
Chapter: 519 (DBZ 325), P12.2-5
Context: Oob is surprised by Goku’s Bukujutsu
Goku: “Oh, I see. You still don’t even know how to fly, huh? …I guess there ain’t no helping it. You haven’t had no teacher, and you probably never even considered things like that. Sorry I bad-mouthed you before. Please forgive me. I just wanted to know your true ability. You’re exactly the person I thought you were. As amazin’ as I expected. But you don’t know how to use your power. This is the first time you’ve fought like this, right? I've got it! From now on I'll live with you at your house and teach you!”
This goes to show how great Oob is, and how Goku IN BASE is ridiculously strong which is the fruit of his training just to fight Uub. Goku thinks that Uub needs years to reach Goku's level if strength. Be it meant in Base form or Ssj3 form, it still
generally shows that there's a huge difference in power.
Base Goku >>> Oob = Kid Buu
Goku decides to train Oob to master his power so he could fight Goku in an all-out fight. Goku believes that Oob will become powerful enough to fight Goku (this signifies Goku's confidence in his power to stay above Oob [He never plans to be surpassed] but we can also say that Goku will train through these years which is way more likely). Piccolo implies that Goku is extremely happy about This, and more to it is of what Vegeta mentioned.
Chapter: 519 (DBZ 325), P17.1 [Kanzenban]
Context: after Goku flies off with Oob
Vegeta: “I’ll definitely win soon. You’ll see, Kakarot… ”
The translation ^ implies that Vegeta is weaker than Goku, and that Goku will also be training. (Vegeta also implied that he trained and we don't have any other confirmation of how much Goku is stronger thus We can only say that they're equal or Goku is a bit stronger)
Last chain:
Base Goku >= Base Vegeta >>>>> Oob = Kid Buu
Ok, now the anime doesn't really have much differences between the two coins. However, it does include some more evidences which in the end indicate that Base Goku EoZ is above Uub and that Uub is "definitely" Kid Buu's reincarnation.
As soon as Uub attacks Goku, Goku quickly concludes based on his power that he's the reincarnation of Kid Buu. So to him, Uub is as strong as Kid Buu since the comparison was made in accordance to power:
Piccolo then sees Goku fighting evenly with Uub, and based on his power, he concludes that Uub is the reincarnation of Kid Buu. He even says there's no other way around it implying how obvious it is:
In fact Goku is portrayed to have trouble with Uub who's supposedly the reincarnation of Kid Buu (he's still suppressed but it says alot). This places Base Goku EoZ above Kid Buu:
Goku even says that he's just like he expected which is Kid Buu:
Goku even says that if he trained Uub he'll become far stronger meaning Goku is aware that he's far above Uub. Be it base or Super Saiyan, the statement is quite general:
El Manga Legendario states that Uub could fight Base Goku BECAUSE he's the reincarnation of Kid Buu. So because he's the reincarnation of Kid Buu, he has the latent power enough to make him fight Base Goku:
"El asombro que le produce la técnica de vuelo demuestra la in- madurez de las técnicas de lucha de Ub.Sin embargo, al ser la reencarnación de Bu, tiene un poder latente que le permite luchar con Goku al mismo nivel."
"The astonishment of the flight technique demonstrates the immaturity of Ub's fighting techniques. However, being the reincarnation of Bu, he has a latent power that allows him to fight with Goku at the same level."
Daizenshuu also places Uub at Kid Buu's level:
So this places Base Goku > Uub = Kid Buu
Base Goku >= Base Vegeta > Uub = Kid Buu. It is supported multiple times already in the series.
Your opinion is irrelevant infront of factual material.
You've proved nothing besides a very big lack of understanding on the manga.
You ignored and haven't debunked anything and yet you say I didn't prove anything? how much of a hypocrite can you be? Concession accepted
Ok, here you go then:
page 11:
Vegeta: I desired nothing but to be stronger. I endured a training from hell. Then I ran into a wall, my own limits. In the rage I felt towards myself I awoke... into a Super Saiyan!
It wasn't that hard to find, it's the FIRST THING VEGETA SAYS AS A SSJ.
Limits are always broken. In the Tournament of Power for example Goku broke his limits many times and this is stated by both Goku and Vegeta. Limits are always broken. This here proves it:
And every time limits are mentioned, they get past them. Your entire argument is an assumption
I'm still waiting for Vegeta's statement which is supposed to prove that Base forms don't get stronger.
Are you seriously using a Vegeta that still had not reached his limits (limits THAT VEGETA HIMSELF ADMITED AFTERWARDS) to prove me wrong? Seriously? Can't you see how bad is this argument of yours?
WHAT DOES VEGETA NOT REACHING HIS LIMITS HAVE TO DO WITH THIS?. My argument is not bad, it is intellectual. Saiyans have NO POTENTIAL LIMITS AT ALL. Saiyans can get stronger as much as possible the more they train. They break their limits always. Even in DBS Vegeta and Goku state that Saiyans have limitless potential. Until you prove that wrong, your argument is irrelevant. I'll take that as a concession since you posted nothing but irrelevance.
Where and how can anyone say that Goku's limit was 2 tons?
Goku's limit was 40 tons, he resisted that even if he couldn't move, and he needed SSJ to move freely.
That's what's shown to us in the Manga, yet ironically you're telling me to read the Manga. You're just one step into becoming a laughingstock to other Communities. Calm down and stop this foolishness
Now it's not very difficult to see why that limit of 40 tons is coherent with what Goku was doing at Namek and the power ups he got there, but nothing more than that.
Read the manga please.
LMAO "read the manga" more like "read it again to debunk me hard please". This does not contribute to the issue
So this is irrelevant.
Yeah, Goku's KKx20 approached Freezer's 50% of power... which means that Goku SSJ was weaker that his KKx20 self and that the x50 mulitplier of your guides is bullshit.
irrelevant. You're implying that Kaioken x20 Goku is Stronger than Ssj Goku? SERIOUSLY??!?!?!?!!!!?!?!?!?!? Ssj Goku is above 50% Frieza.
You're smoking hard
SSJ Goku was more or less equivalent to KKx10 Goku in terms of strength (at Namek), if you can't understand it by reading the manga at least read what the author said in an interview giving that exact same number.
No he wasn't stop acting like you're the author. SHOW ME EVIDENCE NOW. SHOW ME RIGHT THIS INSTANT. I KNOW YOU CAN'T BUT SINCE YOU CANT THEN YOU'RE UTTERLY WRONG. AKIRA DIDN'T SAY IT'S 10X BASE, he said he prefers it to be so but the Manga says otherwise and that's death of author. It feels like you're trying to adopt the debating style of someone who shitted on you.
If you don't understand how DB works, you can't speak about DB in the way you do (being condescending while using the shitty guides, that is).
It's you who don't understand how DBZ works. There's a DBZ community, I'm in it and now they're laughing at you. So when you say I don't understand that, look at yourself first. Lmao base Goku never got stronger, that's new to me since that's next level shit
Again, wrong from the very beginning. Goku started that fight with the KKx10 already activated, so those 3.000.000 already have the KKx10 included.
What the Fucking fuck is this? The Daizenshuu says his power level in base is 3 million and his power level in Kaioken x20 is 60 million, which means his 10x Kaioken is 30 million. Wow, you can't even understand that. You need to quit debating right now and stop this misinformation right away.
Stop using the guides men, do yourself a favour.
If SSJ Goku had been 150 million and 100% Freezer just 120 million then the fight would've ended IN A SINGLE BLOW.
Freezer didn't heal after he got hit by the Genkidama, and that's not a speculation, he TELLS us multiple times that his power has been affected (as it always happens in DB).
Yeah I'm still waiting for evidence, and since you can't show me one then this is as irrelevant as you trying to debate.
Also guides > you. keep that in mind
Who says that Base Goku isn't above SSJ2 Gohan you say? Come on!
Concession accepted.
It's not only that he managed to paralyse SSJ2 Gohan, it's that even Goku had doubts about being able to win against him (and that was a potential SSJ3 Goku, LoL) and Piccolo (a much stronger fighter than any base saiyan) didn't even try to fight against him.
This right here shows the definition of idiocy. Ssj3 Goku rapes Kaioshin. Kaioshin is weaker than Base form Saiyans, and Piccolo isn't stronger than Base form Buu Saga Saiyans and this is stated by everybody such as Dabura and Babidi
Since you failed to prove your point, you simply lost and concession accepted. Next time, know about what you're talking about then come at me. The misinformation is real.