Do you have any weird fetishes?
None that are out of the ordinary, that apply to real life anyway, but as far as fanfics are concerned brocest is grade-A
Do you have any scars or tattoos?
No, which is surprising considering I used to get badly injured on a daily basis :elmo
A little is good, too much can be terrible though.
Do you have a hair color you prefer to see on other people?
Blond, definitely
Is there a car you wish you had?
I used to, but I don't do it very often anymore.
Are you ever going to admit Base Goten and Trunks are individually stronger than Android 18?
No, because it isn't true and anyone who thinks otherwise is brain damaged
What anime is your set from?
Berserk, but it's from the manga. I don't even think Donovan is shown in the anime
Do you have a song to recommend?
Not really since I don't know what kind of music you like.
Are you ever going to go to college?
Have you ever been attracted to anyone you're related to?
I don't think so.
What do you think of Withheld?
I like him, he's...unique.
Would you rather have hair like Vegeta or Nappa?
Vegeta, GT Vegeta(Post Mustache) to be more specific.
What are your three favorite colors?
Black, White and Dark Blue.
What's your favorite kind of soup?
I don't have soup often enough to have a favorite.
Am I not asking you too many questions?
Yes, not too well though
Do you like racing/car games?
They're okay from time to time.
Do you like fighting games?
Do you like horror games?
A few of them.