Ask Styles


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Hey, do you know the name of that guy who has a slightly higher post count than you?


Jan 27, 2016
How many questions could question question if question could question questions?


Jan 27, 2016
Do you know what this is?



Jan 27, 2016
What is your gender?

How come your post count is so little?


Are you currently in school?

Which DB series do you like the most?

Do you have any DB merchandise?

Are you okay with me asking you random questions for the purpose of increasing my post count?

Are you currently employed or unemployed or never was employed?

How tall are you?

How often do you get sunburns?

Do you have any relatives that weren't born in the US

Do you have any black heritage that you know of?

Do you have any sisters?

What was the impetus that drove you to ask questions to the asker in this thread?

Can you swim?

Do you draw?

Have you ever got into an actual fight?

Do you lift? If so, how much?

Who is your favorite Pokemon?

Do you like females?

Digimon or Shaman King or Cowboy Bebop or Elfen Lied or Ghost in The Shell?

Do your parents disapprove of your orientation?

Have you caught em all? Pokemon, I mean.

Favorite legendary pokemon?

Favourite episode of DBZ?

Favorite villain in DB?

Do you speak French?

When did you feel it was the right time to come out as a hermaphrodite?

Is your twin brother a Dragon Ball fan?

What would you rate Dragon Ball GT out of 10?

What is your opinion on DB Super?

Would you fuck the Kuribo god?

What do you think of my name?

Who would wins in a fight, Pocket Gog or Pocket God?

What do your wife and three children look like?

Are you pocket sized?

Are you married?

Do cats loves food?

Rate berserk so far

Did you like Gog ripping off your name?

Do you like hot pockets?

Do you like caulk?

Favorite kind of soda?

Places on Earth you truly never wish to visit?

Do you play games?

Would you be my personal bitch for a small fee of $50/day?

When did you lose your virginity?

Can you lift? If so, how much?

Do you speak Spanish?

Last drink?

Can you slam dunk?

Are you going to reach 5k posts before the end of the month?

Also, do you have class or style?

Would you ride a motorcycle into an building?

Can you reach your toes without bending your knees?

Are you going to celebrate when you reach 5k posts?

Can you play pool? Has you play pool before?

I'm not sure if I ask this before, but how did you come up with the name Pocket God?

Are you bilingual?

Will you get on IRC?

Dogs or cats?

Do you have cat like reflexes?

Do you consider yourself to be hyper?

Do you watch DB TFS?

Can you fly?

Are you a degenerate?

Do you sing in the shower?

Do you like Gothic?

Do you love college girls?

Do you miss To$h?

Can you lift someone who weight the same as you?

Can you eat a lot?

Do you watch porn?

Are you currently in college?

What do you think happen to Venato since you didn't know he was Mirai SSJ until a few moments ago?

Do you like thick women?

What's your favorite number?

Do you own any physical (hard covers) manga?

Can you walk backwards?

How tall are you?

Do you like ice cream?

Do you like candy?

Do you chew gum?

Doe's cheff I mean Jeff, chew the cock?

Are you funny?

Are you not funny?

Are you well in the head?

Can you talk your way out of a situation?

Can you cook?

Can you climb a tree?

Are you smooth with the ladies?

How tall are you?

How high can you jump?

What's your power level?

Are you fit?

Can you do a pull up?

Can you do a one arm pushup?

Do you believe in your own hype?

Do you like popcorn?

Do you play Yu-Gi-Oh?

So I was hearing rumors your username came because you use to play with your dick in your pocket during school all day?

Do you think you're cool or something?

Do you like cold weather or hot weather?

If you caught someone staring at you, would you flip that person off?

Do you like chocolate?

When are you going to change your avatar?

Do you like my username color?

Are you as easygoing irl as you are online?

What kind of video games do you play?

Do you play video games much?

Did you play GTA V?

How badly do you want to torture Kishimoto for creating Naruto: Shitpuden?

Do you play games online or solo mostly?

Who do you find to be a shittier villain between Obito and Zamasu?

What is your go-to for caffeine?

Do you use instant coffee or actual? I was never patient enough to wait.

Top 3 energy drinks?

Do you care much about nutrition in general?

Pen or pencil?

Are you a God?

Favorite drink?

When was the last time you climaxed thinking about Donovan?

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Do you like Griffith in Berserk?

Do you have MAL?

Where the fuck were you all night?

Why aren't you in your own house?

What's your favourite season?

Why do you dislike longer series?

Top 3 video games of all time?

Marcarita or Towa?

Do you think female Saiyans in general should have had a similar physique to SSJ Kale's or SSJ Kefla's. Quite muscular, while still looking very much feminine ?

How do you want the ToP to end?

GT or Super?

Anyways, what's your favorite emoticon?

What's your favorite Anime ? The real one, not Boku no Pico.

Why is Super 17 Super 17 when he should be Super 34?

Morning or afternoon?

Do you like South Park?

Do you like snow?

Are you feeling sexual excitement? Lmao.

Did you swear a lot when you were a teenager?

Do u want to play Super Smash bros?

How many dicks can GSM123 take up the ass at once? Asking for a friend.

Are you pissed off right now? Lol.

Do you get angry often? What does it take to push your buttons?

Are you jesus christ?

Do you watch much TV?

Do you own a car? If not, do you want one?

Why aren't you spamming right now? :(

How many people have participated in sexual relations within your vehicle?

Do you like bacon?

Are you going to be at 7k before the end of the year?

I voted for you somewhere in the awards. How does that make you feel?

How would you feel if I didn't vote for you in any of the awards?

Did you vote for GS?

Do you get triggered easily?

When do you turn 21?

What are your top 3 favourite meals?

You have $3 to spend at the dollar store, what 3 things do you buy?

What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

If you could only ride a unicycle or use stilts to commute, which would you choose?

What’s the funniest prank you’ve ever pulled on someone?

If you were a man for a day, what would you do?

What was your most embarrassing moment ever?

Do you believe in ghosts?

What is the most exotic food you’ve ever tried?

Have you ever found a pizza delivery guy attractive?

If you could punch one person in the face right now, who would it be?

What emotion do you feel when you think about clowns?

Do you think bald is sexy?

Do you play video games?

What would you do if you had man boobs larger than Yoshi's?

Why aren't you jacked?

So, how are you?

Are you a boss?

Since when were you white lol

Am I normal?

Are you normal?

Do you find normal to be dull and boring?

So, are you all right in the head?

Do you trust people?

Are you well?

Are you funny?

Are you one of those people who hang around too long?

Do you own any pets? If not, would you want to?

Are you quick?

Are you watching any anime right now?

Why aren't you asking me questions in my ask thread?

So, how it's going?

What does that mean?

Are you open minded?

Do you consider yourself to be intelligent?

French or Japanese women?

Do you like women younger or older?

Do you like pie?

Are you one who hold grudges?

Why is there an i in Vegito when there isn't an i in Vegeta or Kakarotto?

Are you well?

When was the last time you penetrated a baby walrus?

Who ya got, Hillary or Maxine?

Why didn't you answer my last question?

Why are you still weird out by SSJ2 when you've done some weird stuff?

Ketchup or no ketchup?

Ketchup or catsup

Do you like bacon?

Who is Pocket God?

Why didn't Gohan kill Evil Boo when he has the chance?

Why are there two failed fusions of Gotenks?

Why does Gogeta's failed holocaustal fusion have the name Veku, but Gotenks starved form isn't called Goku?

So, is it morning for you right now?

Do you've long or short hair?

Do you use gel?

Are you well today?

Do you like burrito?

Do you like chips?

Why did you lie?

Do you play Pokemon?

What did you do NYE?

Do you like Doritos?

Are you a ass person or tits person?

What's your lifestyle?

Do you eat a lot of greasy shit?

Are you ever going to answer our questions?

Are you big?

Why aren't you asking me questions?

Why is GS copying SSJ2?

Are you tired?

Have fun answering all these questions


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Based on the fact that Pocket's bombardment of questions was posted at 9:11 EST, is he illuminati confirmed?


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
The fucker copy and pasted most of those from his own topic lmao

How's your day going?

Latest profile posts

Speak for yourselves :zorc
If we could focus well we'd be doing other things
I have never been able to focus well : o