I'm not sure about the quotes from Super, but in BoG, Vegeta is the only one Beerus bothers to compliment at all. Before the rage boost. Beerus says "At least he's got some fighting sense" or something close to that, the first time he takes Vegeta down.
DBS Vegetto >>> DBS Gokhan
so even SSJ3 Gokhan would lose this fight horribly, IMO
why don't you fuse Mystic Gohan (Z) and Goku (DBS) , he would be way more powerful
Well it seems as if Goku and Vegeta got haxed in DBS more than Gohan regressed in BOG. You are still going to have to keep Gohan superior to Super Buu and the like, so the only real thing we can do it hax Goku and Vegeta up which is insane but the story doesn't leave much of an option.