Caligula watches: Commander Red Saga

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Southern Gothic said:
Later, Greta is napping and Goku decides to sneak up for a game of "Show Me On The Dolly" but at the last minute decides that, in the day and age of #metoo, it may not be such a good idea. He'd better wait until morning.
Surprising move for the guy who's opening move prior has always been grab 'em by the pussy :trump

Luckily, Greta didn't forget to use the InfoWars ProOne G.2 water filter when pouring.
Of course. Don't want to be turning the freaking Saiyans gay! :mikey

Southern Gothic said:
It's been a while since we've checked in at Red Ribbon Headquarters. Commander Red and BLACKED.COM are watching things unfold on a giant map. Red demands BLACKED bring him a cigar (this joke writes itself) and then almost literally calls him a Mandingo. Based Toriyama.
Unfortunately for Red, he'd come to realise too late that BLACKED.COM had watched Django Unchained one too many times.

Tao decides to go for broke and pulls out a capsule which then produces...a fucking sword? And for some reason Goku is one hundred percent intimidated by this. Do we have a canon explanation about this sword? Is there a backstory to it that I don't know about, and this thing is legendary like Excalibur or He-Man's sword?
Tao's sword obviously grants him fabulous magic powers. He resorted to his world champion cunnilingus skills against Blue because if the sword fell into Blue's hands, there'd be no plot as Blue would solo anyone.

....Or weapons simply offer a buff to a fighter's proficiency, such as Cold believing Trunks only killed Freeza because of the sword.

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