Wouldn't Vegeta in-character just jump to kill Galu though? Galu's not lasting longer than a minute against SSJ Boo arc Vegeta, Majin or no. Cell arc Gohan would wreck Boo arc Gohan but he's also a huge pussy without SSJ2.I'd go with team 1.
CG Gohan > PM Vegeta >/> Boo Arc Gohan > CG Goku
Gohan is strong enough to take Vegeta in a tough fight. CG Goku is skilled enough to beat Boo arc Gohan even with a power disadvantage. Gohan was worn out from a short fight with Dabura, certainly far away from being able to beat a master like Goku.
Since SSJ2 is forbidden he'd just get a regular rage boost (probably bigger than the small ones he was getting while Cell Jr.s were kicking the other Z senshi's asses). Would enraged SSJ1 Gohan be able to deal with Vegeta and his teen self at the same time?If anything that would make CG Gohan angry enough to take the fight seriously and deal with Vegeta.