Characters knew of Fusion as far back as the Freeza Saga?


Super Elite
Jun 10, 2015
I think gohan and krillin would be the only doable one considering the circumstances (vegeta being even more stubborn than he is currently and always being ass beat by the time goku is around)

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Zippy said:
I think gohan and krillin would be the only doable one considering the circumstances (vegeta being even more stubborn than he is currently and always being ass beat by the time goku is around)
so would that change anything story-wise? :mikey :mikey :mikey


Super Elite
Jun 10, 2015
Ive always considered fusion as a plot based powered up hence wouldnt change the whole plot too much but if i had to guess a grillen wud be stronger than ginyus not enough to do em all out alone though so there would still be struggle there until goku comes and in the frieza fight it would still be weaker than initial final frieza so final zenkai vegeta would be needed until goku comes
Ginyu wud still posses goku too i think since hed be stronger than grillen (and grillen would prolly run out by then anyway)


High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
-Gohan and Krillin kick the Ginyu Force out of business
-Rest of the Ginyu Force plays out the same with Ginyu and Goki
-Gohan and Krillin are a little less useless, but still useless against Frieza
-The rest of the Frieza arc stays the same
-Cell arc stays the same, no one would fuse--cuz Vegeta's pride and Goku's confidence in his son
-Buu arc remains the same

So really, it basically only saves Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta from getting their butts kicked from the Ginyu Force. That's it lol.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'll say they learn about it from Saichoro and Gohan and Kuririn fuse as soon as the former gets his potential unlocked. With their new power easily being in the millions, they head directly to confront Freeza and kill him before he can go into his true form. They'd still have enough time to kill the Ginyus and wait for Goku to arrive before gathering the Dragon Balls and spending two Namekian DB cycles waiting to revive all their friends before returning to Earth safely.

Future Trunks' timeline still plays out relatively the same due to Gohan and Kuririn likely being little stronger than their selves that confronted 1st form Freeza in the main timeline and not strong enough to take on the Artificial Humans, at least not 2 on 1. I highly doubt Piccolo and Vegeta would get the chance to fuse either. If assuming Cold still comes to Earth in either timeline, I'd assume fusion would be strong enough to kill him. As for Trunks' role in going to the past, he'd only have need of going SSJ to showcase the true height of the Artificial Humans and even if so, I doubt Vegeta would be determined to become a Super Saiyan when Goku lacked the transformation. Nevertheless, a Goku/Piccolo fusion would crush #19 and #20 before the latter can activate #17 and #18. This would most likely result in Cell having an easier time becoming perfect, however, and unless the main cast get a Rosat trip, I don't see them being able to fend themselves against him. Even if they do get that training, Cell would most likely find the opportunity to self-destruct and without Shunkan Ido, everyone dies but Super Perfect Cell.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
I'd say King Cold could be arguably too high for a fusion that has 2 characters that are only a bit higher than 1st Form Freeza so King Cold himself might be too much in this scenario and destroy the earth.


Jun 19, 2015
When they first meet Vegeta on Namek (when, in canon, they hid from him), they show themselves, fuse and
defeat him. Being not as forgiving as Goku, they kill him as well. They meet Guru faster, since they're not afraid
of being spot by Vegeta. Even after having their potential unlocked, I don't think they're so reckless as to go and
challenge Freeza; they probably wait for Goku to come. They easily defeat Ginyu Forces nonetheless.
When Goku arrives, Freeza is defeated, one way or another; even if Goku is stupid enough to let him transform,
Krihan (the fused fighter) is not. There is a chance that Zarbon (who's alive in this reality) follows them back on
Earth and becomes a Z fighter (maybe even Bulma's husband?).
Goku dies of the heart virus and Androids dominate the world. Considering Krillin and Gohan fuse to fight them,
Gohan is most likely killed along with the rest Z fighters, so Super Saiyan is never discovered. Even if Bulma goes
back in time to warn them, history just repeats itself.
If Gohan survives the initial conflict like in canon, he definitely becomes SSJ over the following years, until he gets
killed as in canon. When Bulma goes back in time to warn them, she tells them about SSJ as well, so Goku definitely
unlocks the form during the 3 year training.
Without Vegeta/Trunks, Goku is saved by Piccolo from Nineteen. Later, he trains with Gohan in ROSAT and defeats
7 years later, Dabura is defeated.
No Golden Freeza, since Cold is alive. If Goku becomes Beeruses student anyway, he solos U6 tournament, thus
provoking Zamasu. Without Vegeta's/Trunkses help, Zero Mortal Plan succeeds.

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