Fantastische Hure said:
If this really is the case and there is a correlation between DF ability and physical strength, I'd still say there's some sort-of amplification since Luffy's Gomu-Gomu attacks can destroy buildings and such and do incredible things, which I'm not sure if he could do without the fruit. What that would mean though is Croc's non DF abilities are not leagues below Luffy's non DF abilities, which again I'm not sure about.
Well, Devil Fruits do help add to a user's ability, but it all has to do with how reliant they are on their DF and how they combine it with their own strength. As you'll see later on in the series through flashbacks, it took Luffy years to get proficient enough to even do a Gomu Gomu no Pistol properly.
That would also mean Daz Bones > Crocodile physically since he could keep-up with Zoro to an extent, even-though Zoro was able to push him back and seemed higher (knocked him down multiple times IIRC) where-as Croc just got outright stomped by Luffy.
Daz Bones' abilities had a lot to do with his DF, considering Zoro took him out with one Shishi Sonson as soon as he learned how to cut through steel. It's also fairly arguable what Luffy's lead on Zoro was at that point, considering Zoro confirmed in Enies Lobby surviving death allowed the Straw Hats to become stronger and Luffy had a pretty major case of this in his first battle against Crocodile.
Also where would that put Eneru? He was able to create some high-level extraordinary voltage of electricity, IIRC but how strong was he without that? Did he fight anyone without that? I can't remember.
Without his DF abilities, he got overpowered by Luffy without being able to do too much. The destructive capability of his attacks such as El Thor, Raigou and especially both Arc Maxim Deathpiea and 200,000,000 Volt Amaru are on par with some of the series' high tiers based on them being Large City to Island level (not to mention Oda hyping them up by stating he'd have a 500 mil bounty if he were a pirate), but he's otherwise a glass cannon when considering he would've been killed by Wiper's Reject Dial if not for him being able to restart his heart.