Crocodile's physical strength

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Was he much to talk about in that regard? He at best seemed above average, other than being capable of holding Vivi up with one arm and the same with Luffy and Luffy seemed to exert himself in the last fight where Crocodile mostly went for a fisticuff but with a poison hook. It's possible that was the reason why Luffy was exerting himself so much, because he tried extra hard not to get anywhere close to being hit by that and obviously the fact that he got impaled by Crocodile before which obviously weakened him, even to the point that he had to collapsed and had to sleep before getting to Crocodile in the under-ground crypt. Other than that Crocodile was able to dodge, but speed wasn't really emphasised.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
He was strong enough to attack Whitebeard in the New World.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
He wasnt shown to have haki pre new world and he somehow faced WB crew without it. I think that is a testament to his physical powa.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Alabasta Crocodile was still capable of putting Luffy on the defensive several times and take his attacks pretty well, not to mention surviving an attack stronger than his Desert La Spada that also destroyed a large section of the town. Even without his DF, Crocodile should've still been on par with Luffy at that point.

Marinford Crocodile is clearly pretty high tier in the series overall from him being able to clash with Doflamingo and his Desert La Spada being able to slice through Akainu, regardless of it being an off-guard attack.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
I would never say Luffy ~ Crocodile physically. Crocodile wasn't all that impressive, in-fact I'd have to think whether he could even defeat fodder like Kuro if it wasn't for his DF ability. Crocodile does have great mastery over his ability though.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
I would never say Luffy ~ Crocodile physically. Crocodile wasn't all that impressive, in-fact I'd have to think whether he could even defeat fodder like Kuro if it wasn't for his DF ability. Crocodile does have great mastery over his ability though.


Kuro, or any East Blue villain for that matter, isn't surviving an attack that could do that.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Other than him getting Luffy on his hook, I don't remember him using physical attacks, not Akuma no Mi related... He was still able to withstand many attacks by a pissed off Luffy and wasn't killed by Luffy's Goku Goku no Storm, so his durability is at least saggy over super human lol. He'd still miserably fail against CP9 opponents.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
ahill1 said:
Luffy's Goku Goku no Storm
u write Goku so much autocorrect did this to u

LMAO! Very true, fuck this autocorrect system. So good sometimes but does shit like this to you.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
I also just thought of this but could Croc's destructive capabilities with his devil-fruit ability also be an indicator of physical-strength? Similar to how Luffy's punches with the Gomu-Gomu fruit can destroy buildings and such and that croc can split deserts in half with his attacks but maybe that can just be mastery of his ability.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
I also just thought of this but could Croc's destructive capabilities with his devil-fruit ability also be an indicator of physical-strength? Similar to how Luffy's punches with the Gomu-Gomu fruit can destroy buildings and such and that croc can split deserts in half with his attacks but maybe that can just be mastery of his ability.
It definitely seems to be the case. If Crocodile's DF power didn't correlate to his physical ability, then no way would his Desert La Spada have lost to the Gomu Gomu no Storm with the more impressive destructive feats his other DF attacks had.

Also, his feats at Marineford support this. The attack that Luffy defeated in Alabasta became strong enough to cut in half an off-guard Akainu, which matches up well with Crocodile physically being able to go up against Doffy.

ahill1 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
ahill1 said:
Luffy's Goku Goku no Storm
u write Goku so much autocorrect did this to u
LMAO! Very true, fuck this autocorrect system. So good sometimes but does shit like this to you.
Well, Luffy is basically rubber Goku, so...

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
But then you have weird cases like Mr. 3 and his ability. He does say though they only get hard after some-time. Mr. 5 on the other hand seems to follow this rule considering his explosions seemed to not be that effective against Luffy and it took multiple ones, IIRC.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
But then you have weird cases like Mr. 3 and his ability. Mr. 5 on the other hand seems to follow this rule considering his explosions seemed to not be that effective against Luffy and it took multiple ones, IIRC.
In the case of Mr. 3, it was shown he uses his DF to amplify his power through a form of a transformation with Candle Champion. Crocodile's strength and DF power, however, seem to be intertwined without any amplification when considering his Desert La Spada was just as ineffective against the Gomu Gomu no Storm as his physical attacks and the two stats definitely seemed to be intertwined at Marinford.

He does say though they only get hard after some-time.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
:manabu :manabu :manabu

If this really is the case and there is a correlation between DF ability and physical strength, I'd still say there's some sort-of amplification since Luffy's Gomu-Gomu attacks can destroy buildings and such and do incredible things, which I'm not sure if he could do without the fruit. What that would mean though is Croc's non DF abilities are not leagues below Luffy's non DF abilities, which again I'm not sure about.

That would also mean Daz Bones > Crocodile physically since he could keep-up with Zoro to an extent, even-though Zoro was able to push him back and seemed higher (knocked him down multiple times IIRC) where-as Croc just got outright stomped by Luffy.

Also where would that put Eneru? He was able to create some high-level extraordinary voltage of electricity, IIRC but how strong was he without that? Did he fight anyone without that? I can't remember.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
If this really is the case and there is a correlation between DF ability and physical strength, I'd still say there's some sort-of amplification since Luffy's Gomu-Gomu attacks can destroy buildings and such and do incredible things, which I'm not sure if he could do without the fruit. What that would mean though is Croc's non DF abilities are not leagues below Luffy's non DF abilities, which again I'm not sure about.
Well, Devil Fruits do help add to a user's ability, but it all has to do with how reliant they are on their DF and how they combine it with their own strength. As you'll see later on in the series through flashbacks, it took Luffy years to get proficient enough to even do a Gomu Gomu no Pistol properly.

That would also mean Daz Bones > Crocodile physically since he could keep-up with Zoro to an extent, even-though Zoro was able to push him back and seemed higher (knocked him down multiple times IIRC) where-as Croc just got outright stomped by Luffy.
Daz Bones' abilities had a lot to do with his DF, considering Zoro took him out with one Shishi Sonson as soon as he learned how to cut through steel. It's also fairly arguable what Luffy's lead on Zoro was at that point, considering Zoro confirmed in Enies Lobby surviving death allowed the Straw Hats to become stronger and Luffy had a pretty major case of this in his first battle against Crocodile.

Also where would that put Eneru? He was able to create some high-level extraordinary voltage of electricity, IIRC but how strong was he without that? Did he fight anyone without that? I can't remember.
Without his DF abilities, he got overpowered by Luffy without being able to do too much. The destructive capability of his attacks such as El Thor, Raigou and especially both Arc Maxim Deathpiea and 200,000,000 Volt Amaru are on par with some of the series' high tiers based on them being Large City to Island level (not to mention Oda hyping them up by stating he'd have a 500 mil bounty if he were a pirate), but he's otherwise a glass cannon when considering he would've been killed by Wiper's Reject Dial if not for him being able to restart his heart.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
In regard to Crocodile surviving Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Storm meaning that his durability is that high, didn't that Angel's father from Skypiea, that engineer, who is a completely normal human, survive Eneru's El Thor? It seems that OP's characters surviving ability is just over the top, generally.


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Considering Croc also took several hits from Luffy without being pushed back much, it's safe to say his durability was more than just OP's typical plot armouring.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Fantastische Hure said:
:manabu :manabu :manabu

If this really is the case and there is a correlation between DF ability and physical strength, I'd still say there's some sort-of amplification since Luffy's Gomu-Gomu attacks can destroy buildings and such and do incredible things, which I'm not sure if he could do without the fruit. What that would mean though is Croc's non DF abilities are not leagues below Luffy's non DF abilities, which again I'm not sure about.
The amplification for puffy is due to the rubber itself. When you add his fruit to his physical power, they only complement one another. The elasticity is definitely a major part of why he could destroy buildings early on... but he wasnt strong enough physically his hand would simply bounce off of a wall. He was strong enough physically to break through, but the rubber helps.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Yeah, you gais do make sense. Also Luffy without any attack but a punch managed to destroy a rock at Arlong-Park. Not much to talk about considering Zoro can lift buildings but shows Luffy is still way high even without his Gomu-Gomu Frucht.

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