Current Anime Hit runs a DBS Manga gauntlet


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
We all know the manga versions of Super characters are nerfed. But at the upper echelons its arguable where they stand compared to the anime (Is Completed Super Saiyan Blue equivalent to Kaioken Blue? How much weaker is Manga Merged Zamasu than anime Merged Zamasu?). Can Hit clear this? How much of a challenge will they provide? I'm intrigued to hear people's thoughts on this.

1. Manga U6 arc SSB Goku, Vegeta, and Manga Hit
2. Manga SSJR Black
3. Manga Merged Zamasu (minus the immortality regen).
4. Manga Completed Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta
5. Manga Completed Super Saiyan Blue Goku
6. Manga CSSB Goku and Vegeta

Hit is restricted to just using his timeskip and no improvement for 1 and 2.

He can use timeskip and improvement for 3 and 4.

And for 5 and 6 he's entirely unrestricted (meaning he can use his timeskip, improvement, and killing techniques).

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
The manga versions are nerfed?

The anime version of Super-Saiyan Blue Goku had trouble with Kuririn. :wtf :wtf :wtf


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
The manga versions are nerfed?

The anime version of Super-Saiyan Blue Goku had trouble with Kuririn. :wtf :wtf :wtf

He was clearly holding back. Even BASE Gohan was holding back against Krillin.

And the energy drain for regular SSB in the manga is horrendous in comparison to the anime where it can be used multiple times in a single fight and for decently long periods of time continuously while still not getting much weaker.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
The manga versions are nerfed?

The anime version of Super-Saiyan Blue Goku had trouble with Kuririn. :wtf :wtf :wtf

He was clearly holding back. Even BASE Gohan was holding back against Krillin.

And the energy drain for regular SSB in the manga is horrendous in comparison to the anime where it can be used multiple times in a single fight and for decently long periods of time continuously while still not getting much weaker.
But why did he go Blue then? Either that or the anime version is more stupid than a brick.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
But why did he go Blue then? Either that or the anime version is more stupid than a brick.

He did it to see how Krillin would react to a blue level opponent. To see if he would just get scared and back down. He was testing his resolve basically.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
But why did he go Blue then? Either that or the anime version is more stupid than a brick.

He did it to see how Krillin would react to a blue level opponent. To see if he would just get scared and back down. He was testing his resolve basically.
But then why shoot the KHH at him and get over-powered too?


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
But why did he go Blue then? Either that or the anime version is more stupid than a brick.

He did it to see how Krillin would react to a blue level opponent. To see if he would just get scared and back down. He was testing his resolve basically.
But then why shoot the KHH at him and get over-powered too?

He held back massively with the kamehameha. Probably held back a little too much initially out of concern and when he realized that he adjusted and held back to just the level necessary to beat Krillin but not kill him.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
xenos5 said:
He did it to see how Krillin would react to a blue level opponent. To see if he would just get scared and back down. He was testing his resolve basically.
But then why shoot the KHH at him and get over-powered too?

He held back massively with the kamehameha. Probably held back a little too much initially out of concern and when he realized that he adjusted and held back to just the level necessary to beat Krillin but not kill him.
But he didn't.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
But he didn't.

He did. If Base Gohan has to hold back against Krillin (Krillin had to rely on the ToP rules being included for the fight, and solar flare x 100 just to have a chance) than Goku clearly also held back.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
But he didn't.

He did. If Base Gohan has to hold back against Krillin (Krillin had to rely on the ToP rules being included for the fight, and solar flare x 100 just to have a chance) than Goku clearly also held back.
He might have held-back, but his KHH was still clearly much bigger than Kuririn's so he didn't intend to go easy on him. But it's still not as big as you'd expect.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
He might have held-back, but his KHH was still clearly much bigger than Kuririn's so he didn't intend to go easy on him. But it's still not as big as you'd expect.

We've kinda gone off topic. My point was Anime SSB is clearly >>> SSB before Manga SSB is completed/mastered. I don't think the Krillin fight disproves that since Goku definitely wouldn't want to kill his best friend (and Gohan even in base form held back against Krillin and was still dominant before Krillin surprised him with Solar Flare x 100).

And back to the thread topic, Anime Hit is equal or slightly more powerful than current SSB which is above U6 arc SSBKKx10. How do you think he stacks up to the characters in the gauntlet I laid out in the OP?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
OK, I just want to say one last thing. If he was going to hold-back he could have still done it and just beat him around effortlessly without damaging him in any significant way.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
Definitely loses to Merged Zamasu.

I disagree. Manga Merged Zamasu seemed to be massively weaker than anime Merged Zamasu considering CSSB Goku could compete with his power (and rage boost Manga SSB Vegeta could blow two Merged Zamasu clones into bits), and Manga Future Zamasu isn't low blue level like anime Future Zamasu (which weakened the strength of the fusion since it was extremely lopsided to SSJR Black's power being stronger while Future Zamasu is weaker instead of them being near equals). Even if Hit were weaker, improvement would turn the tides in his favor eventually.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Definitely loses to Merged Zamasu.

I disagree. Manga Merged Zamasu seemed to be massively weaker than anime Merged Zamasu considering CSSB Goku could compete with his power (and rage boost Manga SSB Vegeta could blow two Merged Zamasu clones into bits), and Manga Future Zamasu isn't low blue level like anime Future Zamasu (which weakened the strength of the fusion since it was extremely lopsided to SSJR Black's power being stronger while Future Zamasu is weaker instead of them being near equals). Even if Hit were weaker, improvement would turn the tides in his favor eventually.
Nah, even in the anime I had my doubts. If anything the manga confirmed Anime Zamasu still was just as powerful as he was in the beginning.

Merged Zamasu was too strong for any of them to comprehend and he speed-blitzed them. It took Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto who was said to be Bills' league to weaken him and defeat him. Then Goku did the Complete Blue transformation and that was just that big of a power-boost. Doesn't mean Zamasu was close to Goku before or anything, even Vegeta said Goku can't hold-out for long.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
Nah, even in the anime I had my doubts. If anything the manga confirmed Anime Zamasu still was just as paper ful as he was in the beginning.

Merged Zamasu was too strong for any of them to comprehend and he speed-blitzed them. It took Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto who was said to be Bills' league to weaken him and defeat him. Then Goku did the Complete Blue transformation and that was just that big of a power-boost. Doesn't mean Zamasu was close to Goku before or anything, even Vegeta said Goku can't hold-out for long.

Uh, what? How was Manga Merged Zamasu weakened by Vegito? He regenerated just fine. And when was it said Manga Merged Zamasu was Beerus-level? He clearly isn't considering CSSB Goku can pressure him and Rage Boost SSB Vegeta can obliterate two clones of him. Beerus stomped CSSB Vegeta shortly after that, performing far better than Manga Merged Zamasu performed against CSSB Goku.

CSSB Goku pressured Merged Zamasu. They were clearly in the same realm of power. And unless you believe CSSB is above SSBKKx10 (which I don't) Current Hit should be stronger and can improve to even higher levels.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Nah, even in the anime I had my doubts. If anything the manga confirmed Anime Zamasu still was just as paper ful as he was in the beginning.

Merged Zamasu was too strong for any of them to comprehend and he speed-blitzed them. It took Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto who was said to be Bills' league to weaken him and defeat him. Then Goku did the Complete Blue transformation and that was just that big of a power-boost. Doesn't mean Zamasu was close to Goku before or anything, even Vegeta said Goku can't hold-out for long.

Uh, what? How was Manga Merged Zamasu weakened by Vegito? He regenerated just fine. And when was it said Manga Merged Zamasu was Beerus-level? He clearly isn't considering CSSB Goku can pressure him and Rage Boost SSB Vegeta can obliterate two clones of him. Beerus stomped CSSB Vegeta shortly after that, performing far better than Manga Merged Zamasu performed against CSSB Goku.

CSSB Goku pressured Merged Zamasu. They were clearly in the same realm of power. And unless you believe CSSB is above SSBKKx10 (which I don't) Current Hit should be stronger and can improve to even higher levels.
Vegetto was pushing him back and was about to finish him off. Yeah he can regenerate, but so can Piccolo doesn't mean it won't cost him energy to do so especially since he's half mortal now.

I never said that. Vegetto-Blue was said to be Bills level, not Zamasu.


Dec 13, 2016
xenos5 said:
We all know the manga versions of Super characters are nerfed. But at the upper echelons its arguable where they stand compared to the anime (Is Completed Super Saiyan Blue equivalent to Kaioken Blue? How much weaker is Manga Merged Zamasu than anime Merged Zamasu?). Can Hit clear this? How much of a challenge will they provide? I'm intrigued to hear people's thoughts on this.

1. Manga U6 arc SSB Goku, Vegeta, and Manga Hit
2. Manga SSJR Black
3. Manga Merged Zamasu (minus the immortality regen).
4. Manga Completed Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta
5. Manga Completed Super Saiyan Blue Goku
6. Manga CSSB Goku and Vegeta

Hit is restricted to just using his timeskip and no improvement for 1 and 2.

He can use timeskip and improvement for 3 and 4.

And for 5 and 6 he's entirely unrestricted (meaning he can use his timeskip, improvement, and killing techniques).

Hit isn't winning a strength-contest against Merged Zamasu in my opinion. It took Goku using Completed Super Saiyan Blue (which is at least 2x SSJB imo) to even compete with him, whereas in Anime, although he was mostly losing the battle, he could overpower Hit's pocket dimension without even using the Kaioken. As Vegeta is stated to be equal to Goku, as well as him not fighting much nowadays, neither of them require to be much stronger than in Zamasu arc.

However, since Merged Zamasu doesn't have any knowledge on Hit's techniques, the latter can incapacitate him right away with his pressure point attacks and win the fight. He's definitely not winning against CSSB Vegeta or Goku, however, as they figured out how his techniques work (especially the latter).


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Mirai SSJ said:
Hit isn't winning a strength-contest against Merged Zamasu in my opinion. It took Goku using Completed Super Saiyan Blue (which is at least 2x SSJB imo) to even compete with him, whereas in Anime, he could overpower Hit's pocket dimension without even using the Kaioken. And as Vegeta is stated to be equal to Goku, as well as him not fighting much nowadays, neither of them require to be much stronger than in Zamasu arc. However, since Merged Zamasu doesn't have any knowledge on Hit's techniques, the latter can incapacitate him right away and win the fight.

Future Trunks arc Anime SSB Goku is above U6 arc SSBKKx10 Goku. Makes sense considering all the zenkai boosts he must've gotten from being nearly killed and healed over and over during that arc. Goku also stated at the beginning of the rematch "i've been training all year and you still manage to get behind me without me noticing. As expected of you, Hit". Goku also acknowledged Hit had gotten a lot stronger since the U6 tournament during the rematch (right after Hit knocked Goku out of SSB) and if U6 arc Anime Hit could Time Freeze U6 arc SSBKKx10 Goku and knock him out of SSBKK with a punch barrage during a timeskip than Post FT arc Hit during the rematch would've completely demolished him.

And this isn't even taking into account that Hit can improve again if necessary.

Mirai SSJ said:
He's definitely not winning against CSSB Vegeta or Goku, however, as they figured out how his techniques work.

Uh, what? Anime Goku had to die before he could learn how to counter one of Hit's killing techniques (the shockwave technique). Manga Goku also may not be so lucky as to be charging a ki attack for him to fire in the air and come back down to defibrillate his heart like Anime Goku was.

It took him quite a while to figure out the pseudo intangibility as well. Each time SSB Goku got hit by a physical blow from Hit during that fight he REELED in pain and Hit never took advantage of it by doing something like hitting Goku with a combo of punches or hitting Goku while he was down, due to his honor.

Manga Goku and Vegeta can't pull off what Goku did (destroying the pocket dimension) since they have no feats of doing anything like that. In the manga SSB Vegeta didn't destroy the time chamber from the inside like Anime Vegeta.


Dec 13, 2016
xenos5 said:
Mirai SSJ said:
Hit isn't winning a strength-contest against Merged Zamasu in my opinion. It took Goku using Completed Super Saiyan Blue (which is at least 2x SSJB imo) to even compete with him, whereas in Anime, he could overpower Hit's pocket dimension without even using the Kaioken. And as Vegeta is stated to be equal to Goku, as well as him not fighting much nowadays, neither of them require to be much stronger than in Zamasu arc. However, since Merged Zamasu doesn't have any knowledge on Hit's techniques, the latter can incapacitate him right away and win the fight.

Future Trunks arc Anime SSB Goku is above U6 arc SSBKKx10 Goku. Makes sense considering all the zenkai boosts he must've gotten from being nearly killed and healed over and over during that arc. Goku also stated at the beginning of the rematch "i've been training all year and you still manage to get behind me without me noticing. As expected of you, Hit". Goku also acknowledged Hit had gotten a lot stronger since the U6 tournament during the rematch (right after Hit knocked Goku out of SSB) and if U6 arc Anime Hit could Time Freeze U6 arc SSBKKx10 Goku and knock him out of SSBKK with a punch barrage during a timeskip than Post FT arc Hit during the rematch would've completely demolished him.

It mostly proves Post FT arc Hit to be either stronger than Post F arc Goku or within his range of power, especially when you consider that Hit took him by surprise and he knocked him out of SSJB temporarily.

And this isn't even taking into account that Hit can improve again if necessary.

His Time-Skip is the only thing that improves, though. At least, that's as far as statement goes. Doesn't make his improvement much less dangerous, though.

Mirai SSJ said:
He's definitely not winning against CSSB Vegeta or Goku, however, as they figured out how his techniques work.

Uh, what? Anime Goku had to die before he could learn how to counter one of Hit's killing techniques (the shockwave technique). Manga Goku also may not be so lucky as to be charging a ki attack for him to fire in the air and come back down to defibrillate his heart like Anime Goku was.

It took him quite a while to figure out the pseudo intangibility as well. Each time SSB Goku got hit by a physical blow from Hit during that fight he REELED in pain and Hit never took advantage of it by doing something like hitting Goku with a combo of punches or hitting Goku while he was down, due to his honor.

Fair enough.

Manga Goku and Vegeta can't pull off what Goku did (destroying the pocket dimension) since they have no feats of doing anything like that.

Doesn't necessarily mean they can't, though, especially when their trainings are very similar to the Anime version. I generally put their manga versions to the same level as the Anime ones, unless there is a statement/feat suggesting otherwise, such as your following point:

In the manga SSB Vegeta didn't destroy the time chamber from the inside like Anime Vegeta.

As such, Hit's victory mainly depend on his opponents having knowledge on his skills. As it's not the case here (as you've pointed out), he probably clears the gauntlet.

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