DBO as Super

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
If you took some of the general plot points of DBO, be it the main story or the lore, and used that as the basis for rewriting Super's anime, would you have found Super to be better?

I for one would much prefer the background history of DBO as the start of the series. It'd remove the general lack of major changes being set prior to the 28th TB provides Super, would offer the opportunity to still have stakes without a contrived higher form of power and bringing in a new cast would make for far more interesting ideas than simply bringing back characters who's arcs were already complete and who milking of a select few of their traits just made worse.
I would change the idea of the plot focusing on time travel as not only is the idea of fixing things through time resets the pinnacle of sloppy writing and poor continuity, but it offers little when the entire plot is just about restoring the status-quo. I'd still include Mira and Towa as villains, just change their main plan.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
I'd also say that a good way to introduce people to these characters is to brand it differently, and reveal it after a certain point. It's a tactic which Jaco used to great effect.