DBS Future Trunks arc PowerLevels (experimental list)


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
I have tried list after list to comprehend Super's scaling, the Future Trunks arc being one of the hardest, even for the manga but now I think I got it. This is mostly an experiment so please give feedback if most are in agreement than I will begin working on my real list using these gaps as a base:

Future Trunks arc

Goku/Vegeta = 0.65

- SSJ = 1.625

- SSJ2 = 3.25

- SSJ3 = 6.5

- SSJG = 26

- SSJB = 32.5

Future Trunks = 0.66

- SSJ2 = 3.3

- FPSSJ2 = 6.27

Goku/Vegeta (Post Training) = 2

- SSJ = 5

- SSJ2 = 10 (Nothing suggests Vegeta got a rage boost)

- SSJ3 = 20

- SSJG = 80

- SSJB = 100

Goku Black = 7.6

- SSJ = 9.5

- SSJ (Zenkai) = 100

- SSJR = 125

Zamasu = 5 (SSJ Goku said that he would "level" with Zamasu yet he's not suggested to be below Trunks by leaps and bounds, more proof Goku and Vegeta got some nice training gains)

Goku/Vegeta (Post Mafuba/ROSAT) = 3

- SSJ = 7.5

- SSJ2 = 15

- SSJ3 = 30

- SSJG = 120

- SSJB = 150

- PSSJB = 375 (Goku gets over 10x stronger from the start of the arc, just like in the anime)

Merged Zamasu = 375

Vegetto = 210

- SSJ = 525

- SSJ2 = 1,050

- SSJ3 = 2,100

- SSJG = 8,400

- SSJB = 10,500

Beerus = 10,000

Whis = 15,000


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
This isn't bad. Do you think Beerus has enough of a gap to compensate for all the gains Goku has made in the Moro arc so far?


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Pyro said:
This isn't bad. Do you think Beerus has enough of a gap to compensate for all the gains Goku has made in the Moro arc so far?

Not sure, I am not current on the Moro arc or read too much of it but I have Beerus 27 times stronger than PSSJB Goku.


May 30, 2015
Do not forget that UI Goku finally surpassed Beerus.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Huh, never thought Vegeta and Goku could’ve just gotten stronger between meeting Trunks and going to the future. Still going with Vegeta having a strong SSJ2 though… But neat list regardless. Any plans to post ToP and maybe Moro if you ever get to read it?

SIAD said:
Do not forget that UI Goku finally surpassed Beerus.

Was this ever confirmed? All we know is that UI Goku > Jiren > Belmond. We do not know how strong Beerus is.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Huh, never thought Vegeta and Goku could’ve just gotten stronger between meeting Trunks and going to the future. Still going with Vegeta having a strong SSJ2 though… But neat list regardless.

If Vegeta had a strong SSJ2 wouldn't someone had made note of that? Every instance of a SSJ2 being stronger than they should have was pointed out ("My Bulma" Vegeta vs Beerus, FPSSJ2 Trunks vs SSJ3 Goku) and Toyotaro is a very exposition heavy author.

I also kind of like making Goku and Vegeta getting as strong as possible to reflect their anime counterparts getting over 10 times stronger, and I doubt PSSJB has a very high multiplier.

Any plans to post ToP and maybe Moro if you ever get to read it?

Yes, definitely. My only issue with the ToP (manga wise) is where to put #17 at. I really don't want to believe he is PSSJB tier but I get the feeling that he is at least a decent amount stronger than SSJ3 Goku.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Animelover5487 said:
If Vegeta had a strong SSJ2 wouldn't someone had made note of that? Every instance of a SSJ2 being stronger than they should have was pointed out ("My Bulma" Vegeta vs Beerus, FPSSJ2 Trunks vs SSJ3 Goku) and Toyotaro is a very exposition heavy author.

I also kind of like making Goku and Vegeta getting as strong as possible to reflect their anime counterparts getting over 10 times stronger, and I doubt PSSJB has a very high multiplier.

Vegeta isn’t noted to have powered up beyond SSJ3 powers within a couple days either though. It’s ambiguous either way, and with Trunks establishing the idea that SSJ2s can tap into SSJ3 power here I’d say SSJ2 Vegeta maintaining his power up is far more feasible.

On the other hand, you could also argue Goku held back on Trunks so he could teach him the forms. At least that’s with the anime implies with SSJ2 Goku taking on Black after Trunks says Black is stronger than SSJ3 Goku.

Btw Goku only used Kaio-Ken x10 to Kamehameha Hit if you pay attention to the animation, so he didn’t necessarily power up that much by the time of their rematch.

Yes, definitely. My only issue with the ToP (manga wise) is where to put #17 at. I really don't want to believe he is PSSJB tier but I get the feeling that he is at least a decent amount stronger than SSJ3 Goku.

Same here. I’d say he’s on pre perfection SSJB since Goku said they’re on the same level, but not quite PSSJB since he still fought Dyspo to a stalemate, which means Toppo could’ve flattened him.


May 30, 2015
Android # 17 (ToP) is at a level close to the PSSJB (ToP).

I think Goku Black did not fight with everything against Goku SSJ2 but apparently Goku SSJ2 did not fight seriously against Future Trunks.

In the recent chapter 65 of DBS UI Goku after seriously injuring Moro, Goku commented that Moro was the toughest opponent he has ever faced. It may be true that Moro is not as strong as Broly, Beerus and Jiren, but if his toughness is higher than Broly and even so, UI Goku with some blows left Moro very hurt. This is the Moro (OG73I).


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Dyspo is trash in the manga. 17 stalemating him isn't anything special (if he did, I can't recall). SSJ3 Goku was on even footing with 17 and I don't see any reason to put 17 higher than that.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Idk, Goku's statement regarding 17 seems kind of vague because Goku's peak at the time would be Ul and even if you want to disregard that and Kaioken as temporary power ups there is also Vegeta's Evolution form. I mean even if 17 was above SSJ3 tier that would still make him stronger than everyone on the team minus Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Freeza.

The likelihood of Goku holding back on Trunks in the manga isn't very high otherwise Goku wouldn't have went God to one shot him. He did it so quick no one but Vegeta, Beerus and Whis saw him transform so he definitely wasn't trying to show Trunks the transformation.


May 30, 2015
[mention]Animelover5487[/mention] Will you keep your numbers?


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
No. Goku thought Zamasu was fatally wounded when he powered down to SS1 and Ragetta had power far surpassing SS3 Goku in BoG and the fact that Trunks was able to power ul his SS2 to SS3 Goku's level shows that with enough training SS2's power can be greatly amped so SS2 Vegeta > Pre Zenkai SS Black >> Base Black > SS3 Goku isn't too stupid.

Likewise, Black can't surpass God until Rose due to Zamasu's statement, that does give me a bit of trouble keeping SS Goku comparable to somewhat less than 10% Blue though.


May 30, 2015
What I do not agree with is that it shows how Goku Black SSJ (Zenkai) surpasses Vegeta SSJB, even after the latter ate a senzu. If Vegeta SSJB in that fight had fought so far compared to his maximum power, wouldn't they have mentioned it?

If Vegeta had lost his maximum power as SSJB so quickly, why not fight better as SSJG and how did they do it against Golden Freeza?

It also strikes me that they give us to understand that before they traveled to the Future, Future Trunks was a hair stronger than Goku and Vegeta in equal ways. At the end of the Arc, Goku and Base Vegeta look much more incredible than Future Trunks Base.

I also suspect that on that day of training, Future Trunks became stronger as he went from being a complete wimp compared to Goku Black Base, however, Goku Black got upset to transform into SSJR when he faced Future Trunks. It's like Future Trunks SSJ2.5 is in the Goku Black Base league.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
SIAD said:
If Vegeta had lost his maximum power as SSJB so quickly, why not fight better as SSJG and how did they do it against Golden Freeza?

Vegeta may have been drained in all forms, like how he didn't use his powerful SS2 form against Hit despite a standard SS presumably being in the same league as the power he used on Hit.

How they defeated Golden Freeza? The drain of Freeza's Gokden form may be even faster than Blue.


May 30, 2015
Animelover5487 said:
SIAD said:
If Vegeta had lost his maximum power as SSJB so quickly, why not fight better as SSJG and how did they do it against Golden Freeza?

Vegeta may have been drained in all forms, like how he didn't use his powerful SS2 form against Hit despite a standard SS presumably being in the same league as the power he used on Hit.

How they defeated Golden Freeza? The drain of Freeza's Gokden form may be even faster than Blue.

I was thinking then that Vegeta and Goku only increased their power when they trained in the Rosat and the Mafuba respectively.

It still does not convince me that Goku Black just when obtaining SSJR surpassed the SSJG, rather I understood that the SSJR surpassed the SSJG as a form, more than the power that the SSJG Saiyans had at that time. I agree that Vegeta SSJB quickly lowered his Ki, but not to the level of being immediately below his SSJG state.

Goku Black SSJR commented that he would be at a level that neither Goku nor Vegeta could reach. Even assuming Vegeta SSJB was far from showing his maximum, he did know Goku SSJB's power against Hit.

I have no problem with having Vegeta progress a lot on the Rosat. For Goku to increase his power to the same level as Vegeta, just by training the Mafuba seems a bit of a stretch to me, but it is still likely considering all the gigantic power increases out there even in DBS Manga.

I also realized that Goku SSJG (tired after the Mafuba attempt) was trampling on Future Zamasu in a similar way to when he was SSJB against this enemy and that was before Goku trained the Mafuba.

I also believe that Future Trunks increased his power by being trained by Vegeta before going to the Future. Goku Black Base went from being vastly inferior to Future Trunks SSJ2.5 to bothering to transform against the latter. In addition, this suspicion that I have, would allow us to place Future Zamasu at a slightly higher level and not be complete fodder for Goku and Vegeta.


May 30, 2015
Another 2 points are that after Vegeta ate a senzu, what caught the attention of Future Trunks, was that Vegeta did not become stronger than before and did not make any comment saying that he is not as strong as he had shown against Goku Black at the beginning. And as some of you think that Vegeta may have lost courage seeing that Future Zamasu could heal Goku Black at all times and that is why Vegeta SSJB did not fight so well against Goku Black SSJ (Post Zenkai), however, due to what I'm counting, Vegeta SSJB (Post Senzu) is not inferior to Vegeta SSJB who was humiliating Goku Black SSJ (Pre Zenkai).

My other point is that, although it is not of much importance, Tenshinhan in the ToP is surprised that his Shin Kikoho did not do the slightest damage to Frost and if we go by my logic that Vegeta and Goku did get stronger in their training Rosat and Mafuba respectively, that would mean that Frost also progressed between both Tournaments and maybe Tenshinhan's Shin Kikoho (ToP) could do some damage to Frost (U6), but could not do anything to Frost (ToP). Although it also may only be that Tenshinan thought that Frost was only stronger than the combined power between Tenshinhan and Roshi, then he thought that his Shin Kikoho could defeat him.

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