DBS Levels for Anime and Manga


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Just a pretty poorly put together attempt at scaling both continuities at once. Don't worry about me throwing in experimental shit because there's little to no logic behind scaling Super anyway. This is just a bunch of random numbers that weren't assorted by the Captain.

Boo Arc (For Reference)

SSJ2 Goku: 150
~ SSJ3: 600

SSJ2 Vegeta: 120

Pure Boo: 600

Gotenks: 1,000
~ SSJ: 2,500
~ SSJ3: 7,500

Gohan: 9,000

Super Boo: 6,000
~ Gotenks absorbed: 13,500
~ Gohan absorbed: 15,000

Vegerot: 20,000
~ SSJ: 50,000

Battle of Gods/FnF

Other than Vegeta catching up to Goku in equal forms, everyone's the same from the Boo Arc.

SSJ2 Vegeta: 160
~ Hard for Bulma: 16,000

SSJG Goku: 40,000
Keep in mind Anime ToP confirms potara > SSJG when Kefla casually blitzes SSJG Goku.

Beerus (Initial): 12,000
~ "10%": 24,000
~ "100%": 40,000
Don't believe this dude.

SSJ Goku (SSJG absorbed): 40,000
Makes me wonder... If SSJG doesn't have SSJ stacked on top of it (That's SSJB) why the fuck does Goku revert to SSJ1 when time goes out? And how is he capable of becoming a SSJG on the ToP?

Goku/Vegeta (Post training with Whis): 40,000
~ SSJB: 1,200,000

Freeza (Post 4 months): 39,000
~ Golden Form: 1,300,000


Goku/Vegeta: 50,000
~ SSJ: 125,000
~ SSJG (Goku, Manga only): 1,000,000
~ SSJB: 1,500,000
~ Exhausted SSJB (Vegeta, Manga only): 50,000
~ Kaio-Ken Blue x2 (Goku, Anime only): 3,000,000
~ Kaio-Ken Blue x10 (Goku, Anime only): 15,000,000

Hit (Initial, Manga only): 48,000
~ Full Power (Manga only): 960,000
~ Full Power (Anime): 1,500,000
The power up is anime only. In the manga he's stomped by SSJB Goku, while in the anime he forces Goku to use Kaio-Ken and keeps pushing his Time Skip to keep up.

Piccolo: 75,000

Frost: 25,000
~ Assault Form: 50,000
~ True Form: 100,000

Magetta: 90,000
Vados calls Frost the strongest U6 fighter in the manga, so I'm assuming his strength comes from his abilities and weight/force rather than his power.

Cabba: 40,000
~ SSJ: 100,000
Vegeta probably was weakened from his fight with Frost. He definitely was in the Anime, after all.

Goku Black Arc

Trunks: 54,000
~ SSJ: 135,000
~ SSJ2 (Anime): 187,500
~ Manga: 360,000

Goku: 50,000
~ SSJ: 125,000
~ SSJ2: 187,500
~ SSJ3: 375,000
~ SSJG (Manga only): 1,000,000

Goku Black (Suppressed, Anime only): 187,500
~ Full Power (Trunks's estimative): 450,000

Present Zamasu (Anime): 180,000
~ Manga: Base Kibito's equal

SSJ2 Vegeta (Manga only): 750,000
SSJ Goku Black (Manga): 675,000

SSJB Vegeta: 1,500,000
Goku Black (True Power, Anime): 1,350,000
~ SSJ (Zenkai, Manga): 1,350,000
~ SSJR: 4,500,000
In the anime, he brushes off a beating by SSJB Vegeta and goes Rosé to stomp him. In the manga, he gets his SSJ ass kicked, gets a Zenkai, fights evenly with him and then goes SSJR to wreck his shirt.

Immortal Zamasu (Manga): 180,000
~ Anime: 900,000
Weaker than Trunks in the manga as per Goku's claim, but does some good work against Goku in the anime.

SSJB Goku: 1,500,000

SSJB Vegeta (Post Rosat): 7,500,000
~ SSJG (Manga only): 1,000,000
Gets stronger in the Rosat in both mediums. Manga has him learn to conserve energy as a SSJG and release more power in bursts while the anime just gives him a half assed power up.

Merged Zamasu (Anime): 15,000,000
~ Manga: 7,500,000

Blue Kaio-Ken x10 Goku (Anime only): 15,000,000
PSSJB Goku (Manga only): 7,500,000
The team still does some stuff against Zamasu in the anime, and Goku single handedly goes toe to toe with him by improving on Vegeta's trick.

Blue Vegetto (Anime): 22,500,000
~ Manga:


Caulifla: 50,000
~ SSJ: 125,000
~ SSJ2: 187,500

Kale: 500,000
~ SSJ: 5,000,000

Kefla: 6,000,000

Gohan: 6,000,000
~ Anime: 7,500,000

Goku/Vegeta: 250,000
~ SSJ: 625,000
~ SSJ3 (Goku): 1,875,000
~ SSJG: 5,000,000
~ SSJB: 7,500,000
~ SSJBE (Vegeta): 150,000,000
~ Kaio-Ken x20 (Goku): 150,000,000

Hit: 7,500,000

#17 (Anime): 7,500,000
~ Manga: 2,250,000

Golden Freeza: 7,500,000

Dyspo: 2,250,000
~ Anime: 4,500,000

Toppo (Initial Anime only/FP Manga): 7,500,000
~ God of Destruction (Anime only): 150,000,000

Jiren: 600,000,000

UI Goku (1st attempt): 300,000,000
~ 2nd Attempt: 600,000,000

I gotta admit, I just wanted to throw some random numbers by the ToP part. Would do Broly but we already have enough of a universe buster with OG M8 :pakl


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Super Saiyan said:
Where's Jaco and :rumoosh

Jaco's too irrelevant to be listed and :rumoosh is unmeasurable. He's the apprentice of Lord :bitch, after all.

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