Did Gohan get a rage boost that upped him beyond his initial level when he killed Super Perfect Cell?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
ahill1 said:
Captain Cadaver said:
p123 said:
We never got to see Super Saiyan 2 Kid Gohan, we only saw Enraged Super Saiyan 2 Kid Gohan. Gohan brought forth all of his power, that goes even beyond Super Saiyan 2 power. Not tremendously so imo, but the entire fight with him vs Cell is Gohan having a rage boost.
That wouldn't really make much sense though. By nature, Gohan's rage boosts make him lose all semblance of rationality, whereas his SS2 self throughout most of the Cell fight (sans perhaps the end of the beam struggle) was clearly putting forth enough control to toy with Cell and pause to have dialogue with those around him.
He doesn't always lose his sense. Back at the Saiyajins saga, we know that he still wasn't strong enough to be of relevance to Nappa and was read as 1,500 by the scouter on Namek, which ought to mean the version of himself that fought Vegeta by the end of the arc had to be enraged, as implied by his demeanor when Vegeta started kicking Goku. Yet he didn't lose all rationality and could still function normally in the battle. I don't the rage boost has to have occured only by the end of the KMHMH.

Piccolo said Gohan's power would surpass his if he put his mind into it, and that he would teach Gohan how to "master" his rage, so i'd think the 2,800 reading was his full power. The 1,500 in Namek is probably because he wouldn't go all out just to one shot some fodder.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
ahill1 said:
Captain Cadaver said:
That wouldn't really make much sense though. By nature, Gohan's rage boosts make him lose all semblance of rationality, whereas his SS2 self throughout most of the Cell fight (sans perhaps the end of the beam struggle) was clearly putting forth enough control to toy with Cell and pause to have dialogue with those around him.
He doesn't always lose his sense. Back at the Saiyajins saga, we know that he still wasn't strong enough to be of relevance to Nappa and was read as 1,500 by the scouter on Namek, which ought to mean the version of himself that fought Vegeta by the end of the arc had to be enraged, as implied by his demeanor when Vegeta started kicking Goku. Yet he didn't lose all rationality and could still function normally in the battle. I don't the rage boost has to have occured only by the end of the KMHMH.

Piccolo said Gohan's power would surpass his if he put his mind into it, and that he would teach Gohan how to "master" his rage, so i'd think the 2,800 reading was his full power. The 1,500 in Namek is probably because he wouldn't go all out just to one shot some fodder.
He said he'd teach Gohan how to master his rage 1 year ago, when Gohan's enraged power was given as the amount he displayed against Raditz, which would match the amount he had during the Saiyajins battle. The "your power surpasses mine" was a power on top of that, that seemed to be accessed only through rage.


Oct 10, 2015
That was the point of Enraged Gohan. For the first time ever he can control. This is "focused rage" Gohan.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
ahill1 said:
He said he'd teach Gohan how to master his rage 1 year ago, when Gohan's enraged power was given as the amount he displayed against Raditz, which would match the amount he had during the Saiyajins battle. The "your power surpasses mine" was a power on top of that, that seemed to be accessed only through rage.

Piccolo also mentioned making Gohan the "mightiest of warriors", implying he'd make Gohan draw even more power than what he showed against Raditz.
Chapter: 206 (DBZ 12) said:
Piccolo: “Your power bursts loose only when your emotions are at their peak…And then only for an instant. You can’t win like that. But I will beat into you the proper way to fight. I will make you the mightiest of warriors! Understand?”

He also said Gohan should "Focus", not "Get angry". That would imply it's just a natural part of Gohan's power, not some extra power he'd draw out by going mad.

Hey [mention]Tapion[/mention] so in the OP you suggested Enraged Gohan > Cell > Gohan. Are you currently going with that?


High Class Warrior
Mar 6, 2016
I am playing around with that idea, considering Cell's feat of easily shattering Gohan's arm.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Yeah, that was a monstruous feat. Gohan lost more than half of his power by being hit in the arm. Dunno how some people can think Cell isn't even 50% of Gohan's power or that Dabra is as strong as SPC.

I've tried reading the chapter were Cell comes back, but it's pretty vague. He just says that he's powered up and that he's not going down as easily this time and Gohan reckons he underestimated Cell. Nothing really concrete about who's stronger than who. I generally assume they're equals.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Just checked Daizenshuus and no mention of who's stronger at all. They all just say he came back stronger but still failed to kill Gohan (Who as we know had to tap into even more power to kill Cell because of his injuries).


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
ahill1 said:
He said he'd teach Gohan how to master his rage 1 year ago, when Gohan's enraged power was given as the amount he displayed against Raditz, which would match the amount he had during the Saiyajins battle. The "your power surpasses mine" was a power on top of that, that seemed to be accessed only through rage.

Piccolo also mentioned making Gohan the "mightiest of warriors", implying he'd make Gohan draw even more power than what he showed against Raditz.
Chapter: 206 (DBZ 12) said:
Piccolo: “Your power bursts loose only when your emotions are at their peak…And then only for an instant. You can’t win like that. But I will beat into you the proper way to fight. I will make you the mightiest of warriors! Understand?”

He also said Gohan should "Focus", not "Get angry". That would imply it's just a natural part of Gohan's power, not some extra power he'd draw out by going mad.

Hey @Tapion so in the OP you suggested Enraged Gohan > Cell > Gohan. Are you currently going with that?
Sure, that's a good point as he knew that two Saiyajins stronger than Raditz were heading to Earth and were stronger than the power Gohan displayed against Raditz. But it's worth noting that Gohan couldn't normally access that power, and his eyes even turned red when he kicked Nappa into the rocks, which is generally a visual representation of Gohan going into a frenzy. I think Gohan could access his normal power much like his SSJ in the CGs, but needed an extra push from some warrior (Goku or #16) to access what he couldn't under normal circunstances. Focus doesn't exclude the possibility of this being Gohan's angry power imo. He had to focuse to go beyond his natural limits power.

But I admit you got a point. With Piccolo stating he planned Gohan to be the mightiest warrior, it'd be a bit iffy if Gohan had to snap into a frenzy to access that, but ironically he was angry in all instances he accessed that (Kicking Nappa, Piccolo dying, Vegeta kicking Goku) so my point has also merit.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
His eyes also changed when he dashed at 4th form Freeza or Dodoria, yet nothing implies he got a rage boost there. It's even implied he wasn't enraged when he didn't have a rage boost when he attacked 3rd form Freeza, yet his eyes where white there.



The way I see it Gohan can access a amount of power above any other Z Fighter just by focusing, but any hard feelings (Mostly rage) makes him even further surpass that.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I've made a research on the instances Gohan got mad, and it seems his mad state is represented visually by his eyes changing either from red or white. Against Raditz, his pupils were white, the same happening when he unleashed his angry-FP when Piccolo threw him into the rocks:

When is is calm and under control, his pupils generally do appear as black:

His pupils also seems white when he is frightened, but that doesn't discard its use in the anger situations, only that the white eyes are used for different instances of Gohan's endeavors.

The way Gohan's pupils and eyes do change seems to be made intentionally to showcase him going into a state of anger, whether it be red or white. There's nothing contradicting him being angry against Dodoria (as we see he's pretty worked up when observing Freeza subjuing the Namekians and had to be calmed down by Kuririn until he couldn't stand it anylonger), so against Dodoria he ought to have displayed his power accessed by anger, I'd say.

Against Freeza his left pupil seems somewhat white, so it's argueable that Toriyama had the intention of displaying that visually as well.

As I said, I think Gohan had to face an emotional situation to access the ~2,800 battle power demonstrated, as he only did so in situations he was seemingly enraged.