Do Logias need to shower? Do Logias age while transformed? So they need to breathe?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Does turning into ice, magma, smoke, light, dark cleanse them?

If Aokiji diligently stayed as a block of ice for 1000 years, would he age?

If Kizaru become light and flew to Andrômeda and back would he age?

If Kizaru flew space as light, would he need to breathe? Or would he be fine until he reverts to his non-light form (and then he'd be about to suffocate, but first he'd explode into light and then light speed back to Earth, so he'd be ok). If Aokiji was a block of ice and sent to Jupiter, would he need to breathe?

If Akainu became part of the Earth's mantle for 100,000 years, would he age? Fuck thwy guy.

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