Do you think at times that's too jarring?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
I never thought about that until now.

But you know how the comedy has the characters act in a different way than they normally would. If Nami in a comedic moment thinks that someone from the crew died she could be like "My bad for making you do that." but if it's srs business she probably obviously would be worried and sad. That's the real character instead of just something done for comedy. Which is actually something that I think happened.

It might come-off as kind-of weird sometimes. Sometimes they might even happen back-to-back and you can see how contradicting both are.

I don't see a problem though. :mikey :mikey :mikey

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Tonal whiplash is indeed a problem that OP has suffered from greatly since at least Thriller Bark, with Oda's insistence on adding comedy often disrupting the tone of some battles or the aftermath of serious events. It isn't done to the degree of some other Shonen that have bigger problems in that department (eg. Gintama), but it still damages the immersion at times.

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