Do you think there's anyone really strong outside the Grand Line and Red Line?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
In North, South, East or West Blue, or elsewhere? Shanks spent time in East Blue. Gaban at Reverse Mountain, so maybe some other old elite pirates chose to stay away from the action (kinda weird for Gaban to live in a whale with nobody for company. Well, even with company it would still be weird). Garp was often in East Blue when Luffy was a kid. Dragon was in Loguetown.

Enel is on the moon, I don't know if it's possible for him to have levelled up a lot. If anything he should be weaker, if the gravity is weaker than on One Piece's Earth, as we can safely assume. There are other sky islands too. If my theory about it being a post-apocalyptic future is true (fk you, it's my theory even tho it's confirmed as true), there could be some character in a satellite orbitting Earth, in some other spaceship or on another planet.

Really strong level 1=anyone who can beat a CP9 member.
Really strong level 2=Anyone who can beat a pacifista. They can handle themselves in the New World.
Really strong level 3=Stronger than the weaker yonkou commanders.
Really strong level 4=Would give a test to Kaido, Shanks, Whitebeard.

I know East Blue was the weakest, so there are probs some in the other seas as strong as the likes of Arabasta Bon Clay or Wiper.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
You mean Crocus at Reverse Mountain?

Anyway I'd say probably not. Wano was probably the only case where there is an entire nation that is completely unknown to the World Government given its position and near impossibility to assault. I'd have to think the rest of the world is pretty well mapped out and known by now.

Of course it's possible that there are powerful youths that are still unknown but they wouldn't be strong enough to beat a CP9 agent yet.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Crocus, that's the one.

An entire island is unlikely yeh, at least on the surface. I dunno if the sky islands are all mapped. Shanks was in East Blue for around a year (all after having had famous battles with Mihawk and later after having a bounty of over 1B) and no marines came after him, so either they didn't know he was there or they were happy to ignore him. Rayleigh is Sabaody, but it seems the marines usually ignore him. Idk how many members of Roger and Rocks' crews are unaccounted for (I know Gaban is one, but I expect him to be in the GL), or any other retired pirates from Roger's era, but maybe some are just laying low in another sea. Like if Zeff hadn't lost a leg, I guess he'd be capable of defeating a pacifista, since he'd probably been to the New World (he calls the first half Paradise) and managed to leave without his crew being defeated.

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