Don't you think End of DragonBall Trunks...

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
...was quit interesting? He seemed to have not been as spoiled anymore and seemed to have out-grown the fighting craze both Goten and him used to have. He seemed much more like Future Trunks. And also seemed to be a regular teenager at that point, or at-least seemed that way. Even-though it might sound weird he even seemed more polite at that point, like his alternate self, compared to how he was as a child.

Would have been interesting to see him one more Saga, even-though I think DragonBall GT actually seemed on-point there since that seemed to be a natural progression from the end of DragonBall Z from what little I remember seeing of DragonBall GT.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Same thing with Gohan, they don't like fighting at all but they just had to fight for the sake of saving the Earth. Even Gohan came to this conclusion when Goku recruited him for ToP, he decided to train so he can save his family and Earth and doesn't want to repeat the same mistake he did on FnF where he almost died and can't save Piccolo. Goten and Trunks are yet to be in that kind of situation where they can find something that can drive them to training. Hell, even future Trunks doesn't like fighting at all but he needs it to save his life not to mention the Earth.

In conclusion, non-full blooded Saiyans doesn't like fighting.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless 3:16 said:
Same thing with Gohan, they don't like fighting at all but they just had to fight for the sake of saving the Earth. Even Gohan came to this conclusion when Goku recruited him for ToP, he decided to train so he can save his family and Earth and doesn't want to repeat the same mistake he did on FnF where he almost died and can't save Piccolo. Goten and Trunks are yet to be in that kind of situation where they can find something that can drive them to training. Hell, even future Trunks doesn't like fighting at all but he needs it to save his life not to mention the Earth.

In conclusion, non-full blooded Saiyans doesn't like fighting.
What? :wtf :wtf :wtf

Do you know what you're talking about? In their child-selfs they clearly like fighting. They even "play fight" for GAWD sakes. They seem much more willing to fight and get stronger.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless 3:16 said:
Same thing with Gohan, they don't like fighting at all but they just had to fight for the sake of saving the Earth. Even Gohan came to this conclusion when Goku recruited him for ToP, he decided to train so he can save his family and Earth and doesn't want to repeat the same mistake he did on FnF where he almost died and can't save Piccolo. Goten and Trunks are yet to be in that kind of situation where they can find something that can drive them to training. Hell, even future Trunks doesn't like fighting at all but he needs it to save his life not to mention the Earth.

In conclusion, non-full blooded Saiyans doesn't like fighting.
What? :wtf :wtf :wtf

Do you know what you're talking about? In their child-selfs they clearly like fighting. They even "play fight" for GAWD sakes. They seem much more willing to fight and get stronger.

It's more like a child behavior to me. And yes they did outgrown fighting after DBZ.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless 3:16 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless 3:16 said:
Same thing with Gohan, they don't like fighting at all but they just had to fight for the sake of saving the Earth. Even Gohan came to this conclusion when Goku recruited him for ToP, he decided to train so he can save his family and Earth and doesn't want to repeat the same mistake he did on FnF where he almost died and can't save Piccolo. Goten and Trunks are yet to be in that kind of situation where they can find something that can drive them to training. Hell, even future Trunks doesn't like fighting at all but he needs it to save his life not to mention the Earth.

In conclusion, non-full blooded Saiyans doesn't like fighting.
What? :wtf :wtf :wtf

Do you know what you're talking about? In their child-selfs they clearly like fighting. They even "play fight" for GAWD sakes. They seem much more willing to fight and get stronger.

It's more like a child behavior to me. And yes they did outgrown fighting after DBZ.
So they did like fighting when they were younger? You agree?

They also snuck themselves into the adult division of the tournament.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Yeah, its better that way so they can't ruin another arc just like they did when they were given the ball.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless 3:16 said:
Yeah, its better that way so they can't ruin another arc just like they did when they were given the ball.
You what?

The series ended with the epilogue, so they weren't given a Saga anyway. On-top of that that all comes-down to writing.

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